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wolf problem...


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2008
sorry if this has been answered before but i've found myself in a situation where i am pretty much stuck, as i don't know how its possible to work around this (stage is FD)


1. wolf ALWAYS is at a distance from me and is ALWAYS spamming neutral B laser
2. when i go in to approach by shield rolling in, he dsmashes and sends me back at a distance
3. whenever i try to approach from the air with either dair,fair,bair, he powershields, grabs, and sends me back
4. cannot latch pikmin because of the slashing on the laser spam

thats basically it, he does not approach me AT ALL, and just spams his laser, if i run out of range he creeps forward just so his laser can reach me and runs me to the edge of fd

i have no idea how to go about with this battle and i keep losing because i cant find a way to get through his powergrab and shieldrolling in always leaves him room to dmash and sweep me

any suggestions?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Wolf is probably the hardest match-up for an Olimar, because almost all of his attacks shake of Pikmin and cancel Pikmin. I tried everything already: a very offensive style, but he punishes you all the time. A very defensive style (= very spammy), which did work better than the offensive. Haven't played many Wolves yet, because it turns me mad everytime, but I guess I have no other choice.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
sorry if this has been answered before but i've found myself in a situation where i am pretty much stuck, as i don't know how its possible to work around this (stage is FD)


1. wolf ALWAYS is at a distance from me and is ALWAYS spamming neutral B laser
2. when i go in to approach by shield rolling in, he dsmashes and sends me back at a distance
3. whenever i try to approach from the air with either dair,fair,bair, he powershields, grabs, and sends me back
4. cannot latch pikmin because of the slashing on the laser spam

thats basically it, he does not approach me AT ALL, and just spams his laser, if i run out of range he creeps forward just so his laser can reach me and runs me to the edge of fd

i have no idea how to go about with this battle and i keep losing because i cant find a way to get through his powergrab and shieldrolling in always leaves him room to dmash and sweep me

any suggestions?

There is no doubt that Wolf is a difficult match-up for Olimar, and severly limits the captain to few options.

Ok, so this Wolf guy tends to keep his distance and shoots lasers. Try ducking. Olimar's a small character, and make use of his small size (I'm very confident Wolf's lasers will fly over Olimar).

Make sure you pick your Pikmin first: If you get hit by his lasers, it won't hurt you a lot.

Assuming you duck, there are 2 choices for Wolf at this point: He can either keep shooting his lasers (which harmlessly fly over Olimar) OR he can slowly creep forward.

Assume he shoots his lasers. Why not try D-Tilting towards him? You will advance slowly towards your enemy and when you are close enough to him (not too close though), you can fire your Pikmin and engage at point-blank range.

(At his stage, I doubt the Wolf user would try to shoot again)

If he tries to escape, and uses Side-B, immediately head to the opposite side of the stage and grab him.

You can try a bit of psychology too. You could attempt to provoke him or something...e.g. (Come here, fatty! or...The only way Wolf wins is by lasers)

Assume he creeps foward. Good news for us; the Wolf is impatient and he will pay the price because of it. Just use the above tactics, and you'll be fine.


Against a Wolf Laser Spammer, always use vertical knockback moves to rack up damage.

If you use a vertical knockback move, Wolf won't be able to spam his lasers anymore as you will be below him. He can try to escape with Side-B, but this can be anticipated.

Only use horizontal knockback moves if he is on the edge or close to the edge.

P.S. My apologies for my excessive zeal. I typed so fast that I didn't punctuate it correctly. When I have time I'll patch it up.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2008
well, the problem is, wolf's laser is too fat to be dodged by ducking, im like 99% sure and I will try ducking next time i play my friend but im pretty sure it doesnt work and i still get hit by the laser

also its true that the laser does not hit much, but the problem is that even though it doesnt hit that much, if he keeps spamming it then i keep taking damage, and this wolf really does not have anything going on for him so he is always patient with the spam and there is no time limit on the match so i'm stuck :(

not sure how else to go about this, will try vertical moves but then that brings approaching into the equation which i am stuck on already.


Apr 10, 2008
I'm pretty sure you can dtilt under them can't you? Anyways, just try to learn to jump, throw, dodge laser, dodge laser, jump, throw, dodge laser, dodge laser,etc. It does work if you can pull it off. If you can eventually get any of the pikmen to do damage and/or get a purple to knock him back, you can continue. If you him him with a purple, just pull more pikmen, as most of them are dead already probably. After you throw the purple though, remember to pull it back with whistle b/c he'll be sure to kill it if he's smart enough to. It's hard, just practice your SH throwing and you can get him to come to you.

If none of this ever begins to work for you, try to jump over him. Maybe he'll stop the spammage and go after you! just a thought though. (I don't expect this strategy to work)


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
I'm pretty sure you can dtilt under them can't you? Anyways, just try to learn to jump, throw, dodge laser, dodge laser, jump, throw, dodge laser, dodge laser,etc. It does work if you can pull it off. If you can eventually get any of the pikmen to do damage and/or get a purple to knock him back, you can continue. If you him him with a purple, just pull more pikmen, as most of them are dead already probably. After you throw the purple though, remember to pull it back with whistle b/c he'll be sure to kill it if he's smart enough to. It's hard, just practice your SH throwing and you can get him to come to you.

If none of this ever begins to work for you, try to jump over him. Maybe he'll stop the spammage and go after you! just a thought though. (I don't expect this strategy to work)
Yeah, listen to what the Wise Man says. :laugh:

BTW, dash-dancing is a good idea to confuse your opponent. However, it won't be an effective technique as your aim is to engage Wolf at point-blank range.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
you say OMFG stop spamming! Then you edgehog the **** out of him.

I HATE spammy wolves, they are THE gayest spaming character in the game, only pit even comes close.


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2007
I also have a problem against a Wolf. But he's not spamming... I just can't hit him, lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
I don't think you can dtilt under the lasers, i just saw a wolf's laser hit a ducking squirtle today.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
OK i have played ALOT against wolfs that just sit and spam lazer, and dont approach no matter what. I have played GOOD ones. Heres a few of the things that i do...

Olimar cant easily outspam wolf... wolf can just lazer and you have to aviod his lazer and throw pikmin, and they get knocked off rather easy. A skilled olimar can outspam wolf though, wolf will eventually have to approach you (if you are indeed skilled and dont get hit) (i suppose this is just theory, i havent yet been able to perfectly doge all wolfs lazers) You throw pikmin at wolf, they get knocked off, but they Still hit him once or twice. He still gets hurt. Throw pikmin and doge lazers (very hard) and eventually he will approach. Now you might ask... well how do you doge the lazers. Well for starters you can throw pikmin at him with a full jump or double jump, then as you land near the ground airdoge and hold it down and you will shield as soon as you hit the ground. i suppose you can spot doge as soon as you hit the ground as well. you can throw pikmin to interrupt his lazers ( if a pikmin hits a lazer it will stop it (except maby yellow) I know with falco you can Fair his lazers and not get hurt. Theres powershielding.
I think if you throw a yellow near wolf, it will block lazers as its walking back (havent tested this but i think this is true) Also you can throw pikmin on certain parts of characters body, usually if you throw one on someones hand it will stop it (like throwing a red pikmin on mario's hand to stop his fireball)
I think a yellow pikmin on wolfs hand will stop his gun for at least one shot, which leaves him open.
A yellow will also fsmash through his lazer.

One thing that ive noticed is, if you continue to spam eachother, olimars pikmin will die of course, but usually the purples last alot longer... so you will eventually start ammassing them, and they rock against wolf, they hit him in the face, if you have several you can use them rather effectivly. they go short range and medium range rather well. Hit him in the face with those purple pikmin! he will get knocked back.

I think olimar has the advantage in advanced camping game. Wolfs lazer is much slower in the air, the best thing for him to do is sit and spam lazer, and thats rather predictable. I think good olimar players will eventually be able to out camp wolf with some practice.

Assuming you cant outcamp him, if you arent skilled enough. theres several ways to approach. some things i will do is....

If you airdoge right before you hit the ground, then input whatever action you want to do (like jab) then it will do it immediatly the first frame you can when you hit the ground. (if you do it right)

jump till you get above him and fastfall a Nair. It can out prioritise his upsmash.

Jump till you get in front of him, fall and airdoge right before you hit the ground, then jab

In your case, if he shields when you come in the air, jump just past him and grab him.... he will have to turn around to grab you.

jump till you get just past him, land and roll behind him and do whatever. This will confuse him :) As soon as he see's you behind him he will turn around, but you will be one step ahead of him.

jump to him airdoge near the ground in grabbing range (for you) and grab him. You have to time this right for it to work, and if you get too close his gun will hurt you.

jump to him, airdoge right before you hit the ground and spot doge the grab then grab him or whatever.

Run into him, do a sliding spotdoge (hell if i know how your going to run past the lazers :0)

If you Fair him, just do it with the tip of the pikmin so you can back up far enough that he cant shield grab you.

jump into him, airdoge before you hit the ground... Uptilt (can out prioritize his Fsmash on the way up)

The key is to know what he's going to do before he does it, if you can predict what he's going to do (if he's predictable, which he most likely is) And you can use whichever of these techiniques will counter
what he does.

If wolf spams fmash the best solution is probably to spam grab, you can usually grab him before he can get into range to fmash. You can also shield and grab.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Here's an easy suggestion that no one has yet mentioned here. Pick stages with multiple levels: battlefield, norfair, delfino plaza, even Smashville. I'm not a campy Olimar and this helps reduce the effectiveness of projectiles.

Dr. Hyde

Smash Ace
Mar 3, 2007
Sarasota, FL
wow this topic hurts my head. It sounds to me like you just don't know how to play Olimar, that's fine and all but I'm hoping that you didn't post this after losing with Olimar while choosing random and then just repeating that match like three times... did you?

Sigh regardless people have said things and I skimmed over it all and I'm just gonna be different and not listen. Not being rude but Wolves aren't a problem, especially campy ones.

Look. He lasers, just throw/pluck pikmin til you get a purple. Throw the purple when he's in his laser animation while Jumping and land in front of him, if it hit him you are far enough away from a get-up attack which is what a huge nub wolf player would do, i.e. the guy you faced, and grab him or tech chase him and grab him.

If that fails then you make me a sad panda.

Plan B and the less liked plan but it works. Get a yellow shield move forward shield move forward until you are in range and forward smash with the yellow. It goes through the laser and will hit. Grab him after. BTW just try standing still and continuously down throwing the guy until above 20% works on Falco and wolf is about the same height but I don't know how his recovery time is.

repeat these two steps until the wolf player gets pissed that you are less noob than him and charges and then just aim the c-stick in the direction he is.

I honestly don't me that last sentence but the original post just made me so angry I just turned green. Please if you want to win with Olimar learn to play with him first and then come ASK questions on how to deal with certain things. Don't choose him on random and think you'll win.
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