up a-a powerful handspring flip move that look just like sonics really strong move from sonic battle that sends the other guy fly
forward a-fox's forward a from ssb64
down a-same as fox's and falco's with sohrter reach, more lag, but has power equivalent to fox's up a
upair- a drill kick similar to samus's and makes the opponent go flying on the last hit
downair- a spike like falcos except slightly weaker, and takes a few frmes to come out(light cfalcons dair)
forward air- just like fox's upair except sidways and slightly more power
backair-just like faco and fox's, except weaker with more range
nuetral air-quickly does a full flip in the air and attacks all sideswith minimal lag
nuetral b- a blasterjust like falco's and fox's, has rapidfire like fox, has the same knockback as falco, but does no damage at all his blaster will be so fast that it can shoot 2 lasers at a time in an shl. his blaster should be able to charge at 2x the speed of samus, and does half the damage and knoxkback of samus's charge beam
forward b-like falco phantasm except homes in on the opponents movements, does low damag, sends opponent straight down, and can jump and do up b afterwards but cant do the move again afterwards. great for edgegaurding.BUT when used for spiking the opponent has to be at at least 100% or else they can jump in time and do up b and make it back.the problem with this move is that if you miss,you become unable to jump or do an attack if you are in the air, and when you hit the ground it takes exactly 1 second to be able to move again. if you do the move on the ground and miss, the lag is 1.5 x longer thn the lag of bowsers forward a.
up b-like fire fox, except the fire is blue and burns the opponent just like pkfire and the opponent cant move while burned. the move has the same distance as fire fox only takes half the time of fire fox to attack and it also moves faster in the air. the move has no knockback unlike fire fox and firebird.
downb-shine. a shine that when used on the ground sends the opponent straight up for comboing like falco and when used in the air has the same affect as fox's shine so you can shinespike. it is the same speed as falco and fox's shineand can be jumped/wavedashed out of. the problem is that the shine breaks very fast and you become dazed as if your ahield broke.(1 fully charged samus charge beam will break the shine but still returns it. five of fox or falco's lasers will break it, and it takes 3 seconds for a shine to fully replenish if you get hit with a projectile and disengage the shine and do it again.if you get hit physically(not with a projectil) within the first frame of the shine, the shine will break.
forward throw-same as falco and fax's but sends the opponent slightly up so fastfallers can be chain throwed.
up throw- throws the opponent high enough so that they cant be chain throwed, but and arial move can be performed on them, distance throwed never changes no matter what the percent. the opponent can di a little bit to try to avoid being hit by an arial.there is no laser involved in this throw
back throw- same exact thing as falco and fox, and the opponent cannot be chain throwed and they can avoid being combo'd easily.intead of the lasers doing no damage the actually do damage in the throw just like falco and fox. the special thing is that if you charged up your laser it will the charged shot will fire at the opponent instead of the normal two shots.
down throw- same as falco and fox except wolf jumps very high above the opponent and shoots lasers. this means that it is not as easy as falco or fox to do combos of of the throw, but if you charged up the laser the charged shot will fire.
standing nuetral a- same as falco and fox except does repeated punches insted of kicks
Wolfs jump resembles fox's and he can jump a little higher than fox but not nearly as high as falco.
Wolf is slower than fox but faster than falco(which means there in very little speed differencce between wolf and falco or fox.
wolfs recovery is just as bad as falco but he doesent get knocked back as far as falco or fox. he can be knockbacked only as far as ganondorf can. he is a fastfaller but falls only slighly slower than falco and fox. it is just as easy to short hop with wolf as it is to falco. wolfs disadvantage is that his wavedash sucks. his airdoge and sidestep is the same as fox. it takes him the exact time it takes falco to leave the ground after press the jump button.