This is why that thread is stupid and people shouldn't care about it

also, I don't remember you saying anything about huge house parties but that sounds awesome :3
How was everyone's (or at least, everyone in the US lol) independence day?
Also, there was apparently a
furry gathering near my hometown. I know the guy that started it, had no idea he was a furry but I'm not too surprised lol. Nice guy. Anyways, wtf, it says there was "inappropriate behavior" but the article doesn't mention what that behavior was. Sounds like furry-haters to me, idk.
Stupid hot, no fireworks- we already had those , didn't see the family, and a computer restoration program I ordered couldn't be delivered because the holiday. The 4th still beats valentine's day though.
See below...
Go team Ishley~!
Saw the spiderman movie. The original was better in my opinion.
I didn't like the Spiderman movies and stopped after the 2nd. Parker did not have his mouthy, somewhat cheesy Spider wit that is what made Spiderman so great. He gets caught in an over-dramatized double life conflict that didn't work with a red spandex com-gen character swinging around a real world environment. To quote a Weird Al song, 'Ode to a Superhero': (referring to Norman Ozborn) "And he's riding around on that glider thing. And he's throwing that weird punkin bomb. He's wearing that dumb power ranger's mask but he's scarier without it on." It just wasn't Spiderman. The only characters I liked were Jamason and Doc Ock.
I read the article and it honestly came across as something sexual, although I'm not certain since I don't follow that stuff xD. Didn't really see the furhate in the article. The comments on the other hand... lol.
^(what is that icon?)
I just assumed furries to that extent were another kinky fetish and went no further.
EDIT: I've had multiple friends get screwed over by the media, so... yeah. I'm a bit quick to jump on the "haters gonna hate" side of things
I never liked the 'hater's gonna hate' thing. (Only referring to the phrase its self) It is so black and white and defeatist.
Having said that ironically, I
despise the corrupt, parasitic, hate mongering, self serving, grossly inaccurate to be influential media. They boost ratings by catering to the sickest aspects of human nature that aren't 'news'worthy, lie to distract and turn stupid conservatives and stupid liberals against each other and obstruct from the wide array of common
fixable issues. Then they find some corrupt congressman (never hard to find) to scapegoat it on and until recently, got away with playing the 'shadowed puppeteers'. Like certain corporate giants in other fields (non-renewable energy- Halliburton in particular, banks, insurance companies, etc) I might add. Lobbying $billions
anonymously to the government in a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'
is expanding the goverment to corporate influence and making it bigger!
Duh! Cue 'Ignoreland' or 'Bad Day' (you guessed it, by R.E.M.) music here.
Oh god, don't get me started on the corrupt media, especially concerning healthcare or Iraq.
ONLY way people will have their best interest addressed is through the voice of the people (not inaction, hoping the 'fairy godgovernment' will magically and instantly fix things), that's why occupy and the 99% are so important and not going to be slandered or faded out. The media has grossly misrepresented those, I know 1st hand

Healthcare's constitutional,

BTW, If you're 18+ be sure to vote. Signup early for mail-in ballots; they're MUCH easier.
SWFs and AiB have been down a lot recently.
I miss MY computer; 'XP' was the only good Windows operation system. A server was corrupted when the power went out and the CPU keeps shutting down to prevent harm when BIOS caching memory needs to be accessed. Now I can't start windows so I ordered a special disk that hopefully can start and fix/delete the corrupt part because everything else is in great shape.