Multiply that by about 10 lines for a complete action, 30-50 times for every stage, 3-5 times per ledge on each stage, 40-50 times per character, 2-8 times per direction of recovery, and 9 times for varying comp lvls. Congrats, 1 action slightly changed. Do you program unreal 3, at all?
You don't know how smash is programmed. There is no way that they have to do this for every stage.
There are extremely stupid things that the ai does OVER AND OVER.
Let a level 9 capn falcon grab you. He will throw, then over+b. Every time. Many times, off the edge.
When level 9 fox is far away...does he blaster spam, or even dash towards you? No.
He fires once, walks a bit closer, and fires again, until he is close enough.
Here is how I think nintendo has the AI set up.
The AI knows where the platforms and grabbable edges on each level.
The AI knows the position and actions of the other players.
All the AI seems to be combinations of these things.
When off the stages, go to the closest edge using recovery moves.
(Luigi CPU doesn't use his up+b to recover)
When on land, move towards the enemy while using projectile moves sometimes
(No dashing, no jumping, just walking forward)
When close to the enemy, use an attack
(Pretty much the same thing almost every time, no combo's at all)
When enemy is above you, use a certain attack
(Gannondorf CPU always up+b's)
When enemy is off the edge, stand at the edge and wait
(Most cpu do a really inhuman grab when you are trying to recover)
Would it really be that hard to have a cpu turn around, jump backwards to grab the edge, then roll up when the person gets near?
The answer is NO. They just haven't tried to do this.
Remember, This isn't Tekken or Starcraft, where the makers of the time are trying so hard to balence the game for the tournament scene. This is smash, where the AI so far has been just good enough to put up a fight.
Don't even get me started about how CPU use items.
Do you program unreal 3, at all?
By the way, with your logic, the makers of Unreal Tournament have to make AI for each map. Hold up, wouldn't that mean that usermade maps would have to have the AI re-done for them? Whats that, all you have to do for most FPS games is set Waypoints so the bots know how to get around and use ladders and elevators?
Don't talk down to people unless you know what you are talking about.