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Why PONIES?!?!

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Link to original post: [drupal=4639]Spelt da bess?[/drupal]

I ripped a page out of Shiri's book and basically started making thread titles that catch people's attention so I can actually get feedback. Sorry, to use you as a thread bait.

So, lately I've been in one of my "I can never seem to improve" moods. Mainly, because I'm still butthurt over placing last at a tournament and I'm hellbent on it not happening again.
So, I've been trying to analyze myself. Something I'm really, really, REALLY bad at.

So, I've only discovered one thing so far that inevitably sinks my battleship and that ladies and gentlemen is...my mindset. I haven't quite figured out how to counter my over-analytical, self-defeating mindset. I've come up with the idea to "Dumb It Down" which in case you didn't know is a great song by Lupe Fiasco and you should check it out. Anyway, I figured since I spend WAY too much time trying to think like 3-5 steps ahead of my opponent and that I should just play for the moment. But then I start thinking again and things get all messed up and all that nonsense. So I've been looking at Brawl/Fighter theories and just studying these things and trying to implement them into my gameplay.
Sounds kinda counterintuitive if I'm trying to not think as hard and just play. Doesn't it? So I'm starting to think I need like some kind of Smash mentor or something to that effect. Like a travel sized Pierce or Orion. That would be too convenient as convenience has never been there for me when I need it...

Also, black olive and mushroom pizza is amazing.


Feb 6, 2009
Link to original post: [drupal=4639]Spelt da bess?[/drupal]

Anyway, I suggest taking a break from the game. Maybe play a different character.

If you don't already talk to people while playing friendlies I suggest that too. Just something to make you not focus so hard.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Oooookay. I did not see this coming.
Look, it's not like I'm enforcing you or anything.
Just because we bronies watch ponies doesn't mean it's odd.

We are to watch things by freedom and rights.
Just as you are free to listen to any kind of music that your parents don't even want you to hear. Like Metal.

By the way, you will not be considered gay or anything. Just be the critic you are. :b:
May 3, 2009
Did you even READ the POST?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!11!!//!/!//!??!:glare:

I concur with Splet, I've found that taking a break from the game for a while let's you come back to it with a new lease on things, and that definitely helps.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Did you even READ the POST?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!11!!//!/!//!??!:glare:
Yes, I did read. But the thread name caught me red-handed.

But yeah, It happens. I still suck at brawling. Doesn't stop me from trying things to know how to win it though.

I'm like, at the "Can barely beat lv9s" suck level. I'll be trying better though.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I dont' even watch My Little Ponies, and the thread title drew me in. =P I suppose I should be ashamed of myself. Before I go any further though, Dumb It Down is an amazing song. There are, like, 68 layers to that song or something, and I love each one.

I think that when things aren't working, and you can't figure things out, you can do one of three things:
1) Have someone who is better than you (by a sizable margin) analyze you, and tell you things that you may be doing wrong. Often times, a different perspective on the game will help quite a bit.

2) Try stepping out of your comfort zone. Trying playing in really odd ways that you would normally never play in (friendlies, of course), and try to see if you can see things that would work better, or see if you gain new light on things. It'll probably happen by complete accident that you notice something that changes your game.

3) Like others have said, take a break. Time away from Smash can help take the stress off, and when you get back, it's like putting an old glove back on. You never really forget. I'd recommend 3-6 days. Not too much, but not a small amount, either.

And lol, I had the same problem when I was playing Brawl, TokyoGamer7. Not saying that I was good, but lvl 9 CPUs are hard as ****.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
I feel lied to by the title but wasn't anything I didn't expect.

Anyway I really like shroudeds idea of play in a way thats very unusual to you. I used to do it a lot in friendlies, mixing up your style, just looking for ways to impliment a certain move, or even try something that sounds terrible but actually has a chance of working. One thing I tried, was literally abusing my down b every chance I could. People roll, I down b it. People airdodged, I down b'd it. People used something somewhat laggy that I spotdodge, I down b.
Then literally the next game completely change everything. Play to time out, or see how many ways you can abuse spotdodges or roll dodges without getting too predictable with them.

And I really agree that you need to dumb it down. A lot of smash is just doing what works and stop doing what ever is getting you hit. Try to pick up roll habits etc, by just noting which direction they get up with (away from you, towards the center of the stage, or do they get up attack a lot? Maybe they like to wait and try to wait for you to do something then take advantage of their invincibility). It's not something you have to think about, just take little mental notes and when the situation arises again, bam you have a read.

Also I do agree taking a break can help. Especially if you feel plateau'd. Nothing to long, but a week or two without smash after a while with a lot of smash can be great for eliminating habbits. Back when I played wifi I think my biggest point of improvement was immediately after I took a two week break to go on vacation.

And watch ponies. ;)

Bug me on skype and I'll do my best to help you though. I feel like I personally need to work on playing at my best every game, regardless of opponent. Sometimes I prefer to play better players in tournaments because it's a lot easier for me to try as hard as I can vs people I know are "better" than me.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
Excel, take a train down to Carbondale for $17.00, and I'll teach you everything I know about playing. I'll feed you, house you, and stuff. I know I'm not a great player or anything, but I'm only as ok as I am cuz of my mindset. My execution and game knowledge is terrible.
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