Also consider that quite a bit of fighting games have "clones." Street Fighter is a great example. My friends and I use the term "standard bros." for all the characters that are basically Ryu in a different costume, or with some remodelling. Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Sakura, and Sagat instantly come to mind. There are others I'm sure but I'm not going to go look through every character to find the clones. Soul Calibur also comes to mind, Cassandra and Sophitia, Nightmare and Siegfried, Mitsurugi and Yoshimitsu (a joke clone but still a clone by my standards), Kilik and Seung Mina (or however they spell it these days.) I'm sure everyone else can think of other situations of attack of the clones, but realize it's a part of fighting games, and it hardly seems like it will slow down. I have no problem with clones as long as there is some playing differences among them. Whether it be range, speed, power, or whatever else, as long as there is enough change to appeal to certain playing styles I suppose? In melee, I am god awful as Link, but I play a much better game as Y.Link. I prefer his speed over what feels to me like Link's old age making him sluggish.
And in regards to the FS being half-*****, that is pretty disappointing, but it's not going to change no matter how loud we scream. Maybe close your eyes when a clone is doing their's and picture the FS you would envision for them.
Blah blah blah, here's a short version:
It sucks that theirs attack of the clones, but it's a part of fighting games. They could have at least made FS's unique like other games do. At least it's still a great fighting game.