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Why is wolf good?

White Pikmin

Smash Journeyman
May 9, 2008
Behind You
i don't mean to be mean, but i don't comprehend why people like him:

*Slow fire rate raygun

*final smash short

*Fox clone

can one of you wolf mains tell me why he is so good, good enough to be the last unlockable charater?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2007
Kelowna, BC Canada
The fact that you just called Wolf a Fox clone will cause me to give you a very nooblike response.
D00d like zomg howz can u cal wulf a foxx clon?!!11?&! Liek come on gai, hav uze like evin plad as hm? yuo shuodl leik ttolaly lern too pleigh be4 u leik, callz mai mane a fox clon. nd leik bezides, fox iz a fx, wulf is lieks, a wulf, soo nto pssble fer hmi to beez a clon. yuo r a epci fial

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
Most of what you listed are merely minor cons with wolf, that is very much so overlooked because they really dont effect him that much. Dispite having a slow blaster, it still gets the job done, and it's literally one of the best ranged weapons in the game. And he is definetly nowhere near being a fox clone. In fact, their aren't really clones in brawl anyway, since EVERYONE has their own chracteristics.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
he is stronger than fox and falco, more animalistic and has a better attidude, check his taunts

and how much of a bad MF do you have to be, to put a bayonet, ON A PISTOL.

all of his smash attacks are among the best. forward has incredible range, down is way strong and kills easily, and up hits twice and makes for a good setup.
just ask if you need more reasons

Captain Sa10

Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2007
he is stronger than fox and falco, more animalistic and has a better attidude, check his taunts

and how much of a bad MF do you have to be, to put a bayonet, ON A PISTOL.

all of his smash attacks are among the best. forward has incredible range, down is way strong and kills easily, and up hits twice and makes for a good setup.
just ask if you need more reasons
That's exactly what makes wolf different from the other spacies. ANd trust me, there are TONS more reasons.


Smash Rookie
Mar 13, 2008
Well the dojo described him as much more of a risk vs. reward character, which I think is pretty accurate. His side and up B are both extremely more potent than Fox and Falco's when timed right and he just plain hits harder than both of them. His gun is as useful as there's it just has a different application; it isn't quite spammable like theirs' but it serves as a much better space-maker with the bayonet on the end and it has quite a long stun attached to it.

Overall he trades a bit of speed for power and range, as well as cool factor. He doesn't seem great at first and watching a bad wolf will only further that opinion, but when wolf is on it is just beautiful to watch. Few things are as satisfying as properly connecting his side B against an edge guarder.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
Because all it takes to play wolf is this

aaa combo->dash attack->ftilt->fsmash or dsmash

repeat in different variations and you can win as wolf, hell, I've seen people at tournaments win just with his fsmash and dsmash. Maybe when he feels like it he can uair or dair, MAYBE the fair. Or I forgot to throw in shooting a laser intbetween those above steps. This right here is the ultimate wolf guide there you go.

Deleted member

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Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
He asks a question and you people can't even give him a proper freaking answer.

He's a lot like Fox and Fox has always been good. Just look through this section of the site, there is a lot of good things about him. Just off the top of my head is that his shine acts like a dodge, his blaster is huge, strong, no point in reflecting it, has a melee attack on it and his >b (whatever it is called) has a sweet spot on the end. He's also a lot heavier than the other Spacies, but I really don't think he is a lot stronger. I'm pretty sure his >smash is the weakest out of all of them.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
He has good approaches, a good spam game, an awesome down-smash, an amazing counter move, more weight than Fox, a very fast fastfall, and a very abusable bair. If you don't know your spacing against wolf, he will destroy you. His gun causes stun and can be used to string hits together because of the blade.


Smash Cadet
Mar 29, 2008
United States
wowwww those are only some CONS and he is not a fox clone!!!!!! Go look at the pros and then maybe you will rethink saying that


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2008
long beach, ca
i don't mean to be mean, but i don't comprehend why people like him:

*Slow fire rate raygun

*final smash short

*Fox clone

can one of you wolf mains tell me why he is so good, good enough to be the last unlockable charater?

umm guess youve never been shanked with the 'slowfire raygun', and since when do we play with items on, and even if wolf WAS a fox clone, why would that be a bad thing? fox kicks ***. and by the impression i get from your post, my fox, wolf, or any other character for that matter would kick YOUR X's ***.


Smash Apprentice
May 10, 2008
ok, you named 3 cons, one of which isn't even correct.

the gun is great for spacing because of the bayonet, the final smash is by far the easiest to kill people with out of the space animals, and he's easiest to get the smash ball with btw, if you play with items. and he's not even close to being a fox clone.

play with fox, then play with wolf, if you can't tell the difference, you have an IQ of 60 or lower. seriously, none of the standard attacks are even close, and the special attacks are even more different.

To name some benefits of his, his reflector has invincibility, his side b can spike edgehogs, all his smashes are two hits, and his front smash comes out very fast with great range, he's got a good air game and a good ground game, his projectile is one of the best, he has epic taunts, he's got good weight, but because of his stance he's not very tall, and there's many more, which i'm not going to go into now.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2008
NorCal, California.
Wolf is a cool guy. Eh spams Bair and doesn't afraid of anything.

But really:

Slow Laser: Slower than the rest of the spacies, but it is still just as effective, has more damage + bayonet extremely effective.

Final Smash: It isn't used in competitive play, so I'm not concerned.

Clone of Fox: Completely differenet moveset, not a clone.


Smash Rookie
May 3, 2008
The fact that you just called Wolf a Fox clone will cause me to give you a very nooblike response.
D00d like zomg howz can u cal wulf a foxx clon?!!11?&! Liek come on gai, hav uze like evin plad as hm? yuo shuodl leik ttolaly lern too pleigh be4 u leik, callz mai mane a fox clon. nd leik bezides, fox iz a fx, wulf is lieks, a wulf, soo nto pssble fer hmi to beez a clon. yuo r a epci fial
Well, I lol'd


Smash Champion
Oct 17, 2007
Decatur, Tennessee.
i don't mean to be mean, but i don't comprehend why people like him:

*Slow fire rate raygun

*final smash short

*Fox clone

can one of you wolf mains tell me why he is so good, good enough to be the last unlockable charater?

This slow fire rare matters not. Considering that pretty much the only thing that protects someone from it is a Shield or Reflector... Plus, at closer range, it's still hard to see coming. Not to mention, usual top-level-ish Wolf players don't spam his Blaster a lot.


Competitive people don't play with Final Smashes. Even then, Wolf can easily get two KOs in half the timeframe of Fox and Falco's Final Smash due to his Landmaster's power.


Wolf is not a Fox clone. No one is a clone. The closest thing to clone you'll get is Toon Link and Link.

Wolf is more similar to Falco. Even then, they have innumerable differences.

Please. Use logic or (un)common sense before posting. And I hope the rest of the people who posted here angrily or unfriendly haven't given you a bad impression of Wolves.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 21, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
i don't mean to be mean, but i don't comprehend why people like him:

*Slow fire rate raygun

*final smash short

*Fox clone

can one of you wolf mains tell me why he is so good, good enough to be the last unlockable charater?
Wolf's ray gun does more damage, has more substantial stun, and double-hits in melee range.

Wolf's final smash is stronger for its shorter length, and character should not be judged by his final smash, most especially for competitive play.

The only similarity between Wolf and Fox is their B-moves. Every other ability is completely different.

and MOST IMPORTANTLY, unlockable characters are certainly not any better than the other ones, and also, Wolf is not always the last unlockable character. He can be unlocked before Toon Link or Jigglypuff.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
northern CA
Wow. Why do stupid people feel the need to post their stupid questions?
I suggest you don't post anything until you actually play the game.


Smash Ace
Aug 23, 2007
SUNY Geneseo
The fact that you just called Wolf a Fox clone will cause me to give you a very nooblike response.
D00d like zomg howz can u cal wulf a foxx clon?!!11?&! Liek come on gai, hav uze like evin plad as hm? yuo shuodl leik ttolaly lern too pleigh be4 u leik, callz mai mane a fox clon. nd leik bezides, fox iz a fx, wulf is lieks, a wulf, soo nto pssble fer hmi to beez a clon. yuo r a epci fial


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
Slow rate gun fire LOL. It isnt THAT slow compare it to waddle dees, mario and luigis fireballs, lucas/ness pk fire, pikachus electric thing, zeldas fire thing, links projectiles and a bunch more. Wolfs fires faster than most of those(tied kind of with waddle dees) and does decent damage and you hear people complaining about it like crazy so it must be good.

I dont see how his final smash is short it gives you enough time to kill everyone and maybe drive them up off the screen on their 2nd lives.

Give me a reason why hes a clone and I can give you 5 about why he isnt.

This thread is crap and should be burned for it!


Smash Cadet
May 28, 2008
a speacial place where you fart where you burp, an
his gun may be slow but its much more stronger than fox and falcos gun.
and i dont understand the term "fox clone". mayb fox is the wolf clone.
anyways wolf has a very good attack that no1 else has.his down A attack send opponents flying down and KOing them, and his final smash is slow so n00bs will HAVE to get some skills.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Well there's no reason for me to say "omgz liek u r rong, Wulf is awsum u suxorz" since it has been said countless times in this thread.

Although I have a few things to say for my own:

Wolf is extremly balanced, both Air and ground games are solid, he has an exelent projectile if used correctly, a counter of his own, he's pretty fast for his weight and strength, comboing ability like few characters in brawl, badass personality, has no problem with racking damage and finishing the opponent (good damage racking moves and finishers).

Among many other things.

Only thing I can suggest is playing as him for a bit, you might not like him like we do; but you'll surely understand why we like him and why he's a good character.
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