I initially fell in love at first sight with young link the moment I unlocked him in melee 10 years ago. Ever since then, young link was all I played.
Fastforward to me being 14, I decided to get involved with the smash scene in my area, got in contact with some top level melee players, and got absolutely destroyed by them. I realized the glaring difference in skill levels and I got discouraged that I wasn't even close to their level.
As a result, I quit the smash scene for awhile and did my own thing.
Fastforward to 4 years later, I saw the apex 2012 stream and I remembered how fun smash was. I invited a bunch of friends over (who all play casually) and ***** them all. It was so much fun, and I decided to get back into the scene.
I knew that this time around, I was GOING to get *****; it was just a matter of how long it would be until I got good. So I knew that younglink wouldn't be able to stand up to the pressure that space animals would throw on me, so I tried to main marth since he was apparently good against those characters. However, I played him too aggressively and it didn't work out. I found sheik shortly afterwards and I thought I liked what she had to offer. So now I play sheik in melee so I can have a shot at being good, but I still like younglink.. even though i dont play him anymore lol.