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why cant i progress with ike!


Smash Cadet
Apr 15, 2008
New jersey
hey guys, im a hardcore in your face dedicated smasher, i just.. well.. i love ike and i cant get the satisfaction out of using any other character that i do from him. heres the thing tho, im VERY good with ike (not to be conceeded) but i am the best out of any other ike player ive faced.. but i just cant seem to get any better with him, and i KNOW there is room for improvement, it seems the time that im wasting trying to 100% master ike is being wasted and that i could be getting so much better with a different character.. like im amazing with marth without even trying.. but theres something about ike that keeps drawing me in to use him..

any words of advice?

ive looked at the guides on the site for ike, everything ive read/watched is stuff that is so basic to me, and things that really arent that impressive.

im not as good as im probably making myself sound, but no doubt i am a good player..

i just dont know why i cant progress with ike and get any better, i know if i was putting time into any other character compared to how much i am with ike, id be much better... as i said..

any advice.. please?


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
If you can, find someone who can record your matches. people watching videos can usually tell you what you're lacking, and if you watch yourself play, you can probably do the same.

From your post alone, it's not like we can tell what your tendencies/favorite moves are, or what you should/shouldn't be doing. From some thread I read in the Marth board, many Marth players may just be taking advantage of a character whose spacing and power they can hide behind, in other words, it might just be easier to use Marth.

Well, if you're bored, go master Eruption's SAF and counter's timing. Most Ike players I've watched rarely take advantage of Eruption. Fight more Pikachus, Metaknights, and Olimars, find new setups for move strings. =|


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2004
Winthrop, Massachusetts
hey guys, im a hardcore in your face dedicated smasher, i just.. well.. i love ike and i cant get the satisfaction out of using any other character that i do from him. heres the thing tho, im VERY good with ike (not to be conceeded) but i am the best out of any other ike player ive faced.. but i just cant seem to get any better with him, and i KNOW there is room for improvement, it seems the time that im wasting trying to 100% master ike is being wasted and that i could be getting so much better with a different character.. like im amazing with marth without even trying.. but theres something about ike that keeps drawing me in to use him..

any words of advice?

ive looked at the guides on the site for ike, everything ive read/watched is stuff that is so basic to me, and things that really arent that impressive.

im not as good as im probably making myself sound, but no doubt i am a good player..

i just dont know why i cant progress with ike and get any better, i know if i was putting time into any other character compared to how much i am with ike, id be much better... as i said..

any advice.. please?
A large portion of your problem may be that you aren't playing enough good people. If you're the best Ike player you've played against, you need to find other players that are better then you, or can beat you with other characters and play them to raise your level.

...don't worry though man, if you're a hardcore smasher and you keep at it, you can do nothing but improve. My advice would be to find a few tournaments in your area,go to them, see how you do and network with other players there who you can play with and improve your game against. Ike is one of those characters that hits a plateau after the initial awesomeness phase as people start to predict your movements and such and it can take a while before you can really start to improve your game again. tourneys should help that, as you're likely to find people there who can beat you...and those are the ones you want to play agaisnt.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
A large portion of your problem may be that you aren't playing enough good people. If you're the best Ike player you've played against, you need to find other players that are better then you, or can beat you with other characters and play them to raise your level.
Quoted for Truthery


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
The two most important things you can do are 1) find better people to play against, and 2) RECORD YOUR MATCHES!!! That is almost as important as the first thing. The reason is that with replays, you can watch what you did wrong and work on it. Study how and why you were punished, and see what you can do it get around it. Maybe you got punished because you kept thinking that a shff'd NAir -> jab would get around his shield; maybe you got punished because you used QD too much. Any way you look at it, replays are the best way to see your mistakes.

But specifically for Ike, I guess the best way would be to learn how to get those kills off as early as possible. Spacing FTilts and getting off those UAirs could be a way.

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
You live in NJ?

I'd be happy to stomp you into the ground.

j/k j/k. But seriously, if you want to play hit me up.


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2007
360 Degrees
Your just not thinking enough. You just forget about a lot of options I have. And spacing is key with Ike. I learned that after my buddy zero to deaths me with ICs.


Smash Cadet
Mar 1, 2008
Play others. I used to only play two different people on WiFi, and I didn't really get better. Recently, I've been playing a lot of people and I've been improving a little.


Smash Rookie
May 4, 2008
A large portion of your problem may be that you aren't playing enough good people. If you're the best Ike player you've played against, you need to find other players that are better then you, or can beat you with other characters and play them to raise your level..
This is most likely the problem, you only improve by losing :laugh:
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