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Who's Tyler? 6! 9/21/13 in Lindale, TX


Banned via Warnings
May 19, 2013
I saw a sonic do it with just the neutral air but no jab lock,my bad.Credit to whoever found it.


Banned via Warnings
May 19, 2013
Good job Limbo,you placed higher than I expected and I had no doubt Denti,JNig,and Brawlman would do well,especially gunner (dat pika).Congrats Ram and to all our new players.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
Jnig went HAM tho

edit: seriously tho, bro. Olimar is like mad hard but like if you camp a lot you win. Just time out denti and you woulda made like $90 more dollars~


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2011


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I was watching some of those matches. Whos MK lost to a Mario? I need to know this.

Deleted member

The only thing I regret at the tournament is going Luigi against Denti, lol, that was ****ing stupid of me haha

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
Finally, some free time for full shoutouts!

Denti: Good job bodying me in both singles in dubs! I remember the days when you used to MM me all the time at HOBO's, and I had a streak on you, and then you beat me finally and I haven't won a set against you since. I admire your work ethic and dedication to improving, it really shows in your results. Next time, I'll take more than just one game!

Infinity: OMG our matches were SO much fun, especially our winner's bracket set! It's always a hoot when you're present, even if your trash talk is directed towards me! (I didn't mind any of it, btw, it's all in good fun) I admit I was salty losing to you in winners, that's why I came back strong in LFs. And kudos for almost beating Denti, really good stuff! And you STILL didn't pay me that $5!!!!! WHOBO 5?

Dakpo: Honestly, I was hoping we'd meet up in bracket as well. I'd had only seen a little of your ZSS, and friendlies aside, hadn't played you before, so I really wanted to see just how good you are, and I'm TOTALLY a fan! Some of the sexiest sideB-reverses I have ever seen, whether they hit or not! Our set was really great as well, I hope we can play again!

AeroLink: GG's man, your Olimar is definitely getting there, considering you've never really go Oli in tourney before. I could feel the salt aura around you when yall lost LT dubs, but you definitely did so much work! Even Bman and BSP agree you would beat their Mario's.

Bman: Man, you're taking games off me on a tourney basis! I got to shape up to stay ahead of you, you guys are downloading me! And good stuff in dubs, I only looked good because I was the stock tank, but you held your own. And though you have a solid Marth, as a solo main-er, I appreciate the fact you stuck it out with Sonic, good job.

Gunner: For once, we didn't play in tourney! And good job beating Brawlman! Fix that controller man, I don't want to hear those JOHNS!

Luck: Jim: It was a pleasure working with you in the booth, and seriously, your Diddy is VERY good considering how new you are to the scene. Next time I see you, we need to play a bit.

Labernash: Ah, to display my knowledge of your techniques to you in person was an honor, and you even dedicated some techniques to my name... I don't know what to say. I'm glad I got to show you my Wario and you learned how to use his more obscure moves more efficiently. Our friendlies were the BEST, they were way too much fun!

iceream: Thanks for hosting man, but those seeding skills tho... 6 out of top 8 were in the bottom half of bracket! Did you really think I wasn't THIS good? I almost feel disrespected, for myself (6th seed, under Labernash) and for my state (playing each other early in winners AND losers). I suggest if you have an OoS group in your tourney to ask one of them if the bracket is ok before you let it go so they don't knock each other out so early, and to put some sort of effort to see their results (SmashCon would've been good to use for LA). Now I got that salt out of the way, sucks we didn't get to play, and sucks you had to play your brother 2nd round, til next time! Keep these Who's Tyler's going!

BSP: Thanks for riding up with me, the drive was SO much better thanks to your awesome music library! And good stuff to you and Bman for destroying the TX sweep by winning LT dubs! Your Mario has come a long way, and a lot of people are taking notice. Keep working to your improve your characters, once you get a firm grasp on who you want to stick with, I can't wait to see your improvements!

Limbo: It was nice to finally meet you! Next time I'll make sure to get a few matches in with you!

Ramsaur: Dat Keitaro disciple! You've got some mic skills, I'll give you that. Keep showing up to tournies, and I have no doubt you'll start to see improvements! And thanks for keeping your word the day after, we didn't doubt you'd show up, but there are some people out there that would've flaked us out. Hope to see you more often!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2010
13th: Minifox :olimar::pikachu2: - ah, below icecream :/ lol but great to see ya again, i wish we could have teamed and taken all the monies.
I can't beat the MK I'm going to loss it;;
It was great seeing you as well! I didn't know you were coming to this lol maybe next time!
I'll get you next time mini >:[ closest I've come yet, but not good enough.
It was Scary, I want to try Pika/Lucas next time and see how that goes


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
iceream: Thanks for hosting man, but those seeding skills tho... 6 out of top 8 were in the bottom half of bracket! Did you really think I wasn't THIS good? I almost feel disrespected, for myself (6th seed, under Labernash) and for my state (playing each other early in winners AND losers). I suggest if you have an OoS group in your tourney to ask one of them if the bracket is ok before you let it go so they don't knock each other out so early, and to put some sort of effort to see their results (SmashCon would've been good to use for LA). Now I got that salt out of the way, sucks we didn't get to play,
The only problem with this(which came from you and limbo) is this:
and sucks you had to play your brother 2nd round, til next time! Keep these Who's Tyler's going!

LA ain't the only ones sufferin~

This was the best way the bracket could work because Challonge is stupid. Sorry! I was legit moving seed around so that people didn't have to play friends round one(because you can't physically move someone over in the bracket because, again, challonge is stupid.)
So at one point you were like a 4 seed, but you had to play like Gunner round one. Which I wanted to avoid, so I kept moving seed to move who played who round one to do the best I could for that, so really the most accurate seed was Denti being 1. the rest was simply the only way to keep people from playing round one.

So your seed had little to nothing to do with your skill, tbh.
No one had to play a friend round one except for like minifox and psychoace.

I will NEVER use challonge again, huge mistake. server was slow, seeding was near impossible, and bracket is awkward to use. Stupid.
TiOPro for lyfe~

GOL | 482 | JSalt

The Folse Deity
Feb 28, 2009
Metairie, LA
It's cool man, no hard feelings. Sucks you had to learn about Challonge the hard way, and I don't blame you for trying it out. Being a good TO ain't easy, that's for sure, and it's good you've learned from it.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
yeah dude. I've used challonge before for smaller things, but when the bracket actually mattered, I liked the idea of people being able to follow it live.
but literally everything else SUCKED
NO idea how keitaro did it at SKTAR2 lol

TxB | Ramsaur

Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2012
Ruston, Louisiana
I was watching some of those matches. Whos MK lost to a Mario? I need to know this.
That sad sap was this guy here.

Ramsaur: Dat Keitaro disciple! You've got some mic skills, I'll give you that. Keep showing up to tournies, and I have no doubt you'll start to see improvements! And thanks for keeping your word the day after, we didn't doubt you'd show up, but there are some people out there that would've flaked us out. Hope to see you more often!
Dude, I'm going back and watching it and it's sooo painful to watch a match with commentary that's like 6 seconds delayed


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2010
Shout outs to JNig for being mad hype. Never seen Wario played so well in person. Really set things in perspective for me! Maybe next time we can sit down and you can teach me some more, maybe critique matches, whatever! I need to learn how to use the Labernash Techniques better. :p

Shout outs to Infinity for being my hero

Shout outs to Dakpo for being the good twin and half beat Luigi in Texas

Shout outs to Bman for going FAAASSSTTT!!! Please teach me Sonicccc

Shout outs to Dizzy for being too good

Shout outs to Rel for teaming. We did good, I think, just had to play some tougher teams. Maybe we work on it?? :)

And now I'm bored. Love you.

Deleted member

shoutouts to my hands for playing the game, i couldn't have done it without them


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I watched them BSP. You have a mighty good Mario. STILL GARBAGE WHEN COMPARED TO MY SAMUS THOUGH.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2013
Mineola, TX
I hope the archive isn't dead. I can't do any match uploading until Monday.

Unless Mike saved them locally to my computer, as well.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2013
Gladewater, TX
I hope the archive isn't dead. I can't do any match uploading until Monday.

Unless Mike saved them locally to my computer, as well.

Nope, they weren't saved to the PC ... speaking of which Jared, next Fight Club I'm bringing my PC diagnostic kit ... your laptop should not be taking as long as it did to boot up.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2013
Gladewater, TX
You guys really have to start remembering to save that ****... ughh
Can't help things when the TO's laptop that was being used for recording and streaming matches takes 15-30 minutes (and I wish I was kidding) to boot up.
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