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Who's Canonically the Strongest Character in Smash?

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Pit talk where? And what's the matchup or whatever is going on? o.o


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
Huh I did not know that about earthbound. Nice!
Most charcters have some help here and there. I think it's just easy to pick sonic out because "friendship is power!" Lol

The chaos emeralds power, as far as we know is just about boundless. Just throwing that out there.

Sure why not? Give him some better weapons and a mirror shield. When we talk about samus we throw in her good stuff. Links the wierd on since not all links are the same making an amalgam strange and presumptuous IMO. That's besides the point of this though.

I have a question for the pit followers here. What makes pit so formidable?

I just looked at his bio and read up on his treasures stuff... I didn't see anything amazing. Pretty good at best.

All I got is kid Icarus for the nes..... Lol
In Kid Icarus Uprising, he kills several 'gods', but the power of the gods is never explained, but enough to where one took out several human armies in one attack. Latter on, Pit takes an attack from another god, injuring him, but not killing him. The defore mentioned god also is MUCH more powerful than the one that took out the human armies.

Think of him as Nintendo's Kratos. Most of his weapons have homing properties too.
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Purple Boi
Jan 11, 2014
I don't think there is a single strongest character in Smash going by the canon from their games, but I feel it could be rounded down to a few (in no particular order):

His will power is pretty much unmatched on the Smash roster. Sonic literally will never give up in the face of adversity, and I feel this is the single most important thing to note. Psychological welfare is just as important in battle as raw strength and ability. So even if Sonic took a beating, he'd still get up and stand his ground (see Sonic and the Black Knight - he gets beaten to a bloody pulp in that).

In terms of actual abilities/accomplishments, he was able to naturally learn and use Chaos control with a FAKE Chaos Emerald (not just once in that SA2 cutscene either, as Sonic still uses Chaos Control when you fight him for the second time as Shadow in SA2). He can navigate right through tornadoes like it's nothing, and considers it an enjoyable thrill. In Sonic Adventure, he neutralised Perfect Chaos as Super Sonic, but by Generations, his abilities had grown so much, he did it again without going Super. He is a god killer, as Solaris in Sonic '06 was a god. Sonic is incredibly adaptive too, and can pretty much learn any enemies weakness in a short amount of time, and can learn to use any weapon easily. Heck, in Sonic Unleashed, Sonic quickly learns to use the forced Werehog transformation to his advantage, as every single ferocious move you use is of his own creation, which proves that he is also creative in his methods. He's amazingly co-oridinated ("Are all creatures from your world as co-ordinated as you?!" - Merlina towards Sonic, Sonic and the Black Knight). Hyper Sonic is basically god in hedgehog form.

Really, there is just way too much to list. Sonic has so many abilities, transformations, and so much experience, not to mention will power, that I feel he'd find a way to defeat any character. He's basically Goku tier.

He has the ability to digest anything and has the ability to copy the abilities of most opponents. He's also got a lot of endurance, and can take a huge beating. He also has powerful tools like the Warp Star and the Dragoon at his disposal.

Pit has killed multiple gods, and has many weapons at his disposal, and they are all deadly. He's not strong without a weapon, but there is no reason for him to not have a few nearby.

Also, everything Admiral Pit said below.

Mega Man
He's a robot, so he is not bogged down by emotions and feelings. He can fight as long as his programming and physical state allows. He has a ton of abilities, and may even be able to adapt to opponents and learn some of their techniques very easily. And all of his abilities are powerful as well as versatile. Even in his trailer for Smash, he definitely looks like a force to be reckoned.

Her abilities seem to be becoming of a goddess. She is immortal to some extent at least, because she is confirmed to have lived for multiple centuries. While I don't think she would encourage Lumas to fight for her (I consider the Lumas in Smash to not be literal unwilling puppets, but to be doing it out of love for their mama, as we know from her storybook that the Lumas cannot even stand to see Rosalina cry - either that, or they really wanted to practice their own fighting skills and she couldn't convince them otherwise!), Lumas would probably help and protect her, against her wishes. She defeated Bowser's air fleet in Galaxy like it was nothing. She has many protective abilities, and can create huge barriers way bigger than herself. The Comet Observatory is always at her beck and call. She's extremely level headed (while Wednesday's pic of the day was a beautifully sexy picture of Rosalina, Sakurai's comment did tell us that she is calm even when taking damage. He describes it as her being "nonchalant", which literally means to not display any anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm for the damage she is taking, implying that she sees it as negligible).

And most of all, she LITERALLY HAS CONTROL OVER SPACE. She can create galaxies from merely kicking thin air, even. And there is the fact that it is said that there is a whole cosmos beneath her gown and all of that. Really, I can't even begin to imagine what she is capable of.

Keep in mind I was only picking characters from Smash 4.

Having shorter explanations for Mega Man, Kirby, and Pit is not saying they wouldn't be able to stand up to Rosalina or Sonic, it's just that there is less to explain, and I feel people are pretty willing to accept them as powerful without many words being needed, as a result.
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Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
In Kid Icarus Uprising, he kills several 'gods', but the power of the gods is never explained, but enough to where one took out several human armies in one attack. Latter on, Pit takes an attack from another god, injuring him, but not killing him. The defore mentioned god also is MUCH more powerful than the one that took out the human armies.

Think of him as Nintendo's Kratos. Most of his weapons have homing properties too.
And don't forget the Powers that Pit learned how to do from Palutena. This was part of the long read that I was supposed to post earlier, so have at it.

Sky Jump: This allows Pit to do a high jump. Pretty basic, but can be used to avoid low sweeping attacks.

Rocket Jump: Same as Sky Jump, except an explosion happens right when Pit jumps, doing damage to nearby opponents.

Jump Glide: Same as Sky Jump, except Pit can glide down slowly. He can still attack while in the air as usual. If Pit is moving fast, the gliding effect also speeds up.

Angelic Missile: Pit bashes enemies head-on to push em away, like a charging missile. Unfortunately, Pit will fall on the floor afterwards and is vulnerable then.

Super Speed: As the name implies, this allows Pit to run really fast for a period of time, but he can't slow down til it ends. If he attacks, he temporarily loses momentum, but will move fast again til the power ends. Pit can damage an opponent if he runs into them, and he won't flinch while the power's active.

Warp: Randomly warps to another area. Can be used even when being attacked. Theoretically speaking, he can use it even while being combo'd.

Idol Transformation: Turns opponents with low health into idols (they're the game's "trophies"). This probably isn't gonna work in this canon situation though.

Mega Laser: A long-ranged laser beam that stays on the field for about 3 seconds, damaging and pushing opponents in the direction the laser is going. The last hit knocks opponents further away. Pit may use this to temporarily limit the opponent's moving space, especially against speedy ones.

Explosive Flame: Creates an explosion that lasts for about 4-5 seconds, likely to lock opponents in unless they have super armor on them. Pit can still attack even when in the flame (which won't harm him).

Black Hole: Pit can pull opponents in with this for about 3 seconds and hold them there as he attacks. Really fast opponents can still escape this. The pull effect gets stronger the higher the level of the power (levels 1 to 4).

Meteor Shower: A powerful attack in which Pit summons meteors from the heavens, hurting anyone that touches em. 8 meteors will appear but only go in a linear direction from where Pit used the move.

Land Mine: It is what it says it is. Pit can lay one of these down which is hard to see (only indicated by a dim flash of red light). The explosion will not hurt the user.

Reflect Barrier: Pit summons a wall of light that deflects projectiles back at opponents. Opponents who physically touch it will be pushed back and take a tiny bit of damage. It lasts for about 4-6 seconds, I can't remember.

Heavenly Light: Surrounds Pit in glowing light that does steady damage to whoever is near him. The light will not flinch the opponent though.

Spite: I'm skipping this one because it would not really work in this canon situation, but for those who want to know, think of it as a suicide explosion, in which damage is determined by the amount of health the user has. The more health he/she had before using it, the more damage nearby enemies take, but kills the user.

Autoreticle: Allows Pit to track the opponent and aim at their location no matter how fast they are as long as he's shooting. This may be good for tracking fast opponenets. Note that projectiles will not home in unless the projectiles themselves have that trait.

Weak-Point Reticle: Same as Autoreticle, except it targets the weak points of the enemy. This may come in handy if Pit wants to know the weak areas of an opponent, and for maximum damage.

Quick Charge: Allows Pit to charge up his shots faster, enabling him to shoot charged shots more frequently. It also increases the volley of shooting before reloading.

Homing Boost: Improves the homing ability of projectile shots. This won't work if the projectile itself has no homing in it. There's actually a chance that if the weapon has amazing homing already (+ Homing Boost+2 or 3), the projectiles will loop around an opponent and come back to hit em if they miss. Weapons that can do this are the following:

-Eyetrack Orbitars, and the charged shots can hit more than once
-Gemini Orbitars. Only the short-ranged Backward charged shot can hit more than once.
-Angel Bow. Backward charged shot can do this. The projectile won't disappear after hitting its target.
-Phosphora Bow. Projectile moves really fast, and hits once.
-Ore Club. Projectile only hits once.
-Babel Club. Slower than the Ore, but can hit multiple times.
-Skyscraper Club. Only hits once.
-Earthmaul Club. Only hits once.
-Atlas Club. Fast, but only hits once.
-Ogre Club. Slow, and hits once, but lasts long.
-Black Club. Same as Ogre Club.
-Halo Club. Only hits once.
-Cursed Palm. Only hits once. Speed increases as time goes on
-Viridi Palm. Hits multiple times.
-Great Reaper Palm. Hits 3 times.
-Preadator. Only the backward charged shot. It cannot be avoided unless out of range, or invincibility frames.
-Doom Cannon. Hits multiple times upon explosion. It explodes when it either hits a target or it reaches max range.
-Drill Arm. Hits multiple times.

If I have to talk about all individual weapons, then it's gonna take me a long time.

Slip Shot: Allows Pit's projectiles to go through solid objects, like walls.

Invisible Shots: Pit's shots will now be invisible temporarily. However, if the shots make sounds, they can still be heard.

Poison/Paralyze/Weaken/Spin/Petrify/Shake/Confuse/Burn/Freeze/Instant Death/Eggplant/Tempura Attack: Depending on which one is being used, Pit's attacks have a chance to inflict a status problem on an enemy as long as his attacks hit them. Here's each of the effects:

-Poison temporarily poisons the opponent, doing steady damage for a bit.
-Paralysis temporarily paralyzes the opponent, making him/her stagger and slow down a bit.
-Weaken temporarily inflicts weakening. The opponent temporarily will have their HP halved.
-Spin temporarily causes spin, making it hard for the opponent to move and aim. Homing ability of attacks are temporarily neutralized.
-Petrify temporarily turns opponents to stone. Armor gets doubled, but at the cost of them being completely immobile.
-Shake temporarily causes shaking, which makes it hard for opponents to aim and their projectiles will lose their homing ability. This won't really do anything against meleers.
-Confusions inflicts confusions, making them move and shoot randomly. Projectile homing is also lost.
-Burn causes burning, which is like poison, except it lasts shorter, but does damage faster.
-Freezing is similar to Petrify, except it freezes the opponent to make them immobile, and they won't get an armor bonus. In other words, more threatening than petrify.
-Instant Death: Need I explain this? Well actually yes. It doesn't work on bosses (say like Bowser), minibosses, pretty much the big stuff. So I'm sure it could work on some characters.
-Eggplant turns opponents into eggplants, preventing them from attacking. They can still move around though.
-Tempura is the same as Eggplant, except it turns opponents into tempura, and they lose running stamina much faster, making them move a bit slower iirc.

Random Effect: Pit is given a random status effect to his attacks. The ones listed above are the choices Random Effect chooses from.

Power Thief: Melee attacks may steal a random power of the opponent. In turn, Pit can use the stolen power once.

Energy Charge: Pit can charge up energy for a bit to do more damage as time goes by. The max effect allows Pit to do nearly twice as much damage as attacks normally do, which also affects his offensive powers. This ends if Pit gets hit (damage from status effects should not negate this, or does it?).

Libra Sponge: Pit's attacks get stronger as he takes more damage until the effect is ends. He will also not flinch from attacks, but will still take regular damage.

Darkness: Pit can temporarily blind nearby opponents, only making them see darkness for a bit.

Interference: Pit places a beacon that makes enemies near it unable to use their powers.

Virus: Pit places a purplish Virus in midair (similar to Interference in a way) that simultaneously weakens and paralyzes all enemies near it.

Super Armor: Pit will only take half damage from all attacks, and will not get knocked back by any attack for a bit.

Brief Invincibility: Provides very short immunity to all attacks. I believe its duration is 2 seconds.

Tiredlessness: Prevents Pit from tiring out from running too much.

Lightweight: Allows Pit to move faster and prevents him from tiring out, at the cost of taking more damage from attacks and will get knocked further away from stronger moves. He'll also be lighter, meaning stuff like wind attacks will be more effective in pulling or blowing him away.

Trade-off: Increases movement speed and attack power, and grants immunity to attacks (not status effects) at the cost of sacrificing almost all HP. The duration lasts longer if Pit has more HP. Pit will not flinch during the effects, but can still be affected by status effects.

Aries Armor: Any attack Pit takes will only do 1/3rd of its original damage, and grants heavy resistance to status conditions. It's essentially a better "Super Armor".

Bumblebee: Allows Pit to negate attacks by teleporting around the enemy that attacks him. This only works if Pit is not running (he can walk), and this can only negate up to 2 attacks per use.

Counter: Allows Pit to instantly retaliate when attacked and prevents knockback.

Transparency: Allows Pit to temporarily turn invisible.

Playing Dead: Hard to explain, but Pit tricks the opponent with his death animation (in game), turning invisible for the duration of the effect, and protects the user from harm until Pit either moves. In the game, he can shoot and still be under its effects as long as he doesn't move from his spot. Using a melee attack or another power will also deactivate the power.

Heart Booster: This won't really work in canon, so I won't talk about it.

Health Recovery: Heals Pit's health by a small amount. The higher the level, the more health he can get back (3 levels), but getting hit while this is going on will stop the healing.

Crisis Recovery: Takes Pit out of Crisis Mode.

Effect Recovery: Heals Pit from any status effect (except incapitation) such as paralysis.

Pisces Heal: When about to suffer a finishing blow (the attack that is supposed to kill him), Pit actually is healed by the same amount of damage that would normally be inflicted by said fatal attack. In the game, this power actually heals a set amount depending on the level of the power (4 levels).

Item Vacuum: This won't really work in Canon I think, but it pulls all nearby items to the user.

Throwing Boost: Enhances the homing ability and distance of thrown items (like grenades).

Double Item: Doubles item effectiveness. For items like grenades, you get 2 for grabbing one. For food, you get double the heal effect as if you've acquired 2 of the same food.

Celestial Firework: Celebrate Lady Palutena (or Viridi in the game depending on chapter) by launching a firework in the air. This gives Pit temporary invincibility frames and the firework does minimum damage while knocking the opponents upward if it hits them.

Fortune's Jukebox: Wouldn't work in canon, although it'd play a random song for the user in battle.

Random: Activates any one of the powers at random.

You can check em out here.

Up to 3 Powers can be used at once, with certain exceptions. Powers of the same class, with the exception of the Enhance and Buff class powers (Yellow and Orange in color respectively) cannot have more than 1 active at a time. If a 4th power is in effect while the others are still in effect, the one that was used first will go away (not sure bout offensive powers though).
Examples: Mega Laser and Reflect Barrier can't be used together, but Slip Shot and Homing Boost can be used together. Heavenly Light, Super Armor, and Super Speed can be used together.

Various combinations:

-Super Armor + Lightweight: Increases Pit's speed, and Super Armor will negate Lightweight's disadvantage, making the angel take regular damage rather than extra damage.
-Aries Armor + Super Armor + Lightweight: Same thing as above, except keep in mind that using Aries and Super Armor together WILL stack, making the angel take even less damage from attacks. At the same time, Aries gives Pit much more resistance to status effects.
-Slip Shot + Homing Boost + Invisible Shots: While giving Pit's projectiles more homing ability (if they have them), Slip Shot allows said projectiles to go through walls, and Invisible Shots makes the projectiles invisible, making it a suitable sneak attack on wall-filled battlefields.
-Black Hole + Virus or Interference: While Black Hole pulls the opponents in, Virus can weaken opponents greatly, or Interference to negate their abilities/powers.

And that's just some of the combinations he can use.

And that's just powers. If I had to talk about every weapon Pit could use, that will make this read here feel like a paragraph compared to a whole page on a piece of paper. But if I have to talk about weapons, I will if I must. But overall, don't underestimate Pit.

EDIT: Decided to put the Power info in spoilers. It's that long of a read.
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Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
This thread appears to have stagnated but...

From what I've read, there are mainly 2 types of Pkmn Trainers considered: ONLY Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard, or controlling the very fabric of existence with god, time, space, purgatory, life, and death. I suggest a compromise; Pkmn Trainer MUST have the families of Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard (Venusaur, Blastoise, and Charizard most probably) as the first 3, then any other 3 NOT including Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Mewtwo, Riolu, Lucario, Froakie, Frogadier, and Greninja for the sake of simplicity. If that is still too diverse, it can be cut back to any Pokemon appearing within the 3-4 games (item, bg, trophy, sticker, etc.)

Also, while Ganondorf can only be killed with holy items, this might be more diverse than one might think. It could relate to the holy symbols of each universe. Ex. Mario's seems to revolve around Power Stars ergo using an invincibility star at a critical moment could lift the Triforce. Sonic's revolves around Chaos, so Super Sonic is effective. Certain Legendaries could be (super) effective. Kirby has his Star Rod, which harnesses the symbol of dreams. Never played Echoes, but Samus's light power may be counted. Really, this could make a thread of its own.

Edit: Added Greninja family. Not sure how Charizard will affect the trainer...
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Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2013
Just wanna point out the the wisps from Sonic Colors/Lost World are more powerful than the Chaos Emeralds. And apparently, after Colors they just started inhabiting random planets so who knows if he could find some.

@ 0:47
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Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
Regarding Greninja's placement: as a fragile speedster, he will not do much direct fighting. His main strategy would be to get out of the open and secure a place with several good hiding spots. He would use Substitutes, Haze, and Smokescreens to evade and slowly peck away at his enemies with water shuriken. With Protean, his weaknesses would be constantly changing, but he still has mediocre defenses. Also, his caltrops, particularly Toxic Spikes, can be used to wear down opponents. He would be really weak against Samus, as she could blow up hiding spots, ignore Caltops, render his stealth useless with scanning, x-ray vision, etc. He could probably beat Charizard due to water and Smack Down+Caltrops. I'd say he is midtier at most, as his victories depend on who can catch him quickly.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
I want an extremely powerful newcomer to be revealed. Maybe Shulk would win. (if I knew anything about him.)


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Have you all possibly forgotten? Mario has a magic typewriter that does what ever he types!


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
I'm pretty sure DK wins in terms of sheer strength. The force it takes to move the moon is about 9.1706501 × 10^12 megatons of TNT. Which is a lot.
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Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
I'm pretty sure DK wins in terms of sheer strength. The force it takes to move the moon is about 9.1706501 × 10^12 megatons of TNT. Which is a lot.
While you're still probably correct, he is probably not "that" strong because some of that energy came from inertia due to gravity and, depending on which ending you consider canon, Diddy's Jetpac.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2014
Addicted to Miitomo
Villager is quite durable. Another player could be battering you with a net, hammer, or even axe, and he wouldn't even flinch!
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Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
I want an extremely powerful newcomer to be revealed. Maybe Shulk would win. (if I knew anything about him.)
End game Shulk > everyone. End Game Xenoblade spoilers ahead:

He was god of his universe. Not a god, but THE GOD. He literally destroyed and recreated the universe. Not sure what his power level after that was, if he still has access to his Monado it would be immense.

Palutena would be pretty powerful if she were added as well; I'm sure she would smack Gannondorf around at least.
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Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2008
Shulk has an interesting ability to change the future through forsight. He gets visions of what will happen right before it happens. This he can change the future knowing what would happen before hand. Plus the monado is pretty powerful.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
Mario has defeated Bowser literally every time he tried to pull any ****. How in the **** is Bowser stronger
I thought about this, and came to the conclusion that in most games Mario never actually toched Bowser, he usualy falls to his own demise. Plus, any time he does touch Bowser personally it takes many more hits for Mario to defeat Bowser than Bowser to defeat Mario. So if Mario and Bowser were to be judged on strength then Bowser is technically stronger.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2014
Also, Rosalina's really not THAT powerful. Definitely below Bowser, for one. Probably below Megaman, too.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2013
San Diego
No one mentioned that foo Wii Fit Trainer? She can summon beams of yoga poses by doing... yoga poses!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2014
Snake survives passing over an electrified floor in Metal Gear, being set on fire after destroying Metal Gear D in Metal Gear 2, extensive electrical torture by Revolver Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid, successfully evading cannon fire from an M1 Abrams tank in Metal Gear Solid, and shots from a sniper rifle (Metal Gear Solid), a revolver (Metal Gear Solid), and a ballistic knife (Metal Gear Solid 2).

Not to mention enduring everything in MGS4, including the long, microwaved corridor and the fight with Liquid Ocelot.

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Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2014
Looking for those who like Mighty No 9
Read the title again. Who's canonically the strongest character in Smash.
To elaborate, it uses the powers found within each character's own canon. Ex: while ROB in Smash can shoot lazers from his eyes and can fly with some jet booster, he cannot do this in his own canon (which would be...the plastic peripheral). Also, while Game&Watch is a 2 dimensional eldritch abomination with infinite mass of shadow bugs lacking any and all morality in smash, here he would be considered a normal guy with a variety of tools at his disposal, as the graphics in his games would not have any bearing. Also, I believe heights of each person is accounted for (Kirby is 8 in, Olimar is barely an inch, etc)

The more you know...


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2013
San Diego
Um, there's not much to know about them. They're just there to show you the correct movements during the Yoga and Strength Training activities, and tell you how you did and give you advice at the end, rinse and repeat. :/
Naw. Lemme phrase that differently.

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