Yet, they can launch Marx as far.
They launch Marx about a foot sideways, and then he is propelled upwards by another force.
But not the things on the surface.
We do in the credits.
They are threats to planets using their attacks. The attacks they used on Kirby.
Such as?
Kirby inhales the Wavebuster.
Samus shoots another one while his mouth is full. Can Kirby actually inhale electricity in the first place?
Kirby creates tornadoes of varying sizes in the games.
Show one that's the size of that found in the anime, then.
A yard is three feet, and Kirby is only eight inches tall. The scale seems to suggest that it's not a yard, but I might be wrong.
Yet, Marx Soul teleports when he's defeated, so Kirby couldn't really get any good launch on him anyways.
There's a sizeable
delay between the final hit and the teleport, and he doesn't get knocked back at all.
Because he could very well be lying, misled, etc.
Why not?
If they say something, it's automatically proven.
Are you talking about the creators of the Pokemon series/movie/etc, or the creators of Mewtwo in-universe?
What does that have to do with anything?
An object having the power to destroy a planet doesn't mean that every attack from that object has the power to destroy a planet.
It does happen to the armor, actually.
The effect of the sword (cutting through something) doesn't.
They wait their turn, but why would they agree to have their opponent attack first?
Because that's how Pokemon rules work, and all trainers agree to them.
Mewtwo uses
Me First, and it ends up freezing time instead of Sonic. Then, it uses Confusion until it works. Sonic gets confused
"If the foe has not made the first move, Me First copies any damage-dealing move that the target is about to use and increases the power by 50%. It will fail if the foe uses a non-damaging move." - Bulbapedia
A) Time freezing doesn't deal damage.
B) Sonic will always make the first move.
That rule was abolished by a 5-2 vote.
Prove that it could penetrate Super Sonic, then.
Magic Room negates Sonic's Rings so he can't freeze time. Sonic would probably die instantly as well, due to ineffective Rings.
Magic Room negates
held items. Sonic doesn't hold his Rings, and he'd be using the Emeralds here anyways.
Prove that it affects Super Sonic.
Kirby just chooses not to launch enemies into space and destroy things that aren't there.
He's using the same attacks, with the same amount of force. One does not simply choose when physics do and do not apply.
Some of the MK clone's equipment could be the same. A varying amount of it.
And thus we can't assume that all of it is the same.
He flies up right before he hits the platform, thus replacing the horizontal movement with vertical movement.
Do you have a clearer demonstration?
If it was a portal, it would stop the brain from connecting to anything.
Why is that? His mouth could be a portal, and that would leave plenty of room for internal organs.
Kirby didn't really enter it. It was an astral projection, or something like that.
Except if Sonic takes so long to destroy a city, it should take him longer to destroy someone with a greater durability.
You don't seem to understand the concepts at work here. If a city was condensed into a small enough space, Sonic could likely take it out in one or maybe two hits. However, since it's so big, and Sonic can only be in one place at once, he has to traverse that entire city, which even at light speed, is slower than the alternative (although not by much). Since Kirby is such a small target, Sonic can hit all of him at once, so he can take him out very quickly. It's not the durability that would give him "trouble", it's the area the city takes up.
There is a lot of dark purple energy dust around the explosion, which isn't due to the color of space.
The main explosion is pink, and space is dark. Purple is almost like a darker pink, so pink + dark = purple.
A) Kirby turns and inhales them all.
B) Kirby becomes Water Kirby and sprays water into Bowser's mouth, preventing him from breathing fire.
A) His mouth would be full after inhaling a few, and then they would hit him.
B) Meanwhile, Kirby is vulnerable from being in his water form and having to switch Copy Abilities, so Bowser strikes.
You mean Giga Bowser's hands? Yes.
No, I mean his entire weight. What if Giga Bowser sits on Kirby, or better yet, lies on him with his spiky shell?
Also, Sleep Kirby puts Bowser to sleep. Baton Kirby blows up his eyes. Ultra Sword Kirby chops him in half.
Sleep Kirby is vulnerable to attacks. He's defenseless. Baton Kirby wouldn't be able to get through due to Bowser's hands etc getting in the way, and if he did, it takes a while to explode a Baton victim. Ultra Sword hasn't been shown to chop through something as tough as Bowser.
Thus, burning logs are closer to flamethrowers.
If there isn't a logical explanation for that, it's a game mechanic.
If you get in a car crash, you'll be put into a state of shock. If Kirby crashes his Warp Star, he's put into a state of shock.
Then we can't assume that it's the same technique, because there's no evidence that it is.
Telescopes are used to view space.
And faraway things that are not in space.
It is too.
But he's far too slow.
Also, you're assuming that Kirby is a regular enemy, and he obviously isn't.
Right, he's smaller than one.
Mario already used those.
Alternatively, Mario could just dodge the rather telegraphed attack. He's the master of stomping on things; he knows a stomping attack when he sees one.
Nevertheless, it's still a transformation.
Mario doesn't transform. He simply wears a different hat.
Can it go through concrete?
I can't remember off of the top of my head, but real life drills can.
Which Mario already used.
Any other attack, then.
Kirby doesn't have a weak grab.
Prove its strength.
Mario's abilities change, like the Mega Evolutions change abilities. Mega Evolutions are both more similar to power-ups and more common than the Reveal Glass, so we use them as the comparison.
A wheel spinning at 10,000 RPM (hypothetical number) has less force than a pair of scissors, then?
You are creating conditions for objects (spinning wheel, certain pairs of scissors), making your argument unrelated to the unconditional attacks here.
I don't see how a spinning wheel and a chopping pair of scissors are more conditional than an active laser and a moving wall.
Which is more than a crushing wall, so it kills Mario.
This is about Sonic. Also, Mario's invincibility items do destroy crushing walls when they're not part of the environment, such as Thwomps.
Then where did the pickles come from?
If there's one of you, how did you transform into multiple pickles?
Seeing as how Lumas already turn into multiple planetoids etc, this doesn't seem to be a limitation for them.
But as we can see from the multiple nonsensical things in Pokemon, simply "making sense" in our world isn't solid proof.
I was saying that cutscenes aren't made specifically for a certain topic, but gameplay is, so cutscenes are more accurate.
Cutscenes are made to progress the story.
It switches direction too.
No, it's still spinning counterclockwise.
Except Kirby's spinning the Warp Star around, so Inhale does cover all angles.
Not all at once. If Kirby is spinning the Warp Star around, Sonic simply attacks from below, through the Warp Star.
A) That isn't time freezing.
B) That's about 1/4 a second.
C) Even if Kirby couldn't pick it up, he could still touch it, thus gaining invincibility.
A) They're both Chaos Control.
B) I suppose.
C) Does the stone become invincible too? If not, Sonic could simply remove it.
A) Actually, he'd likely become Super Sonic at the start of the match.
B) They are too far away from each other for the Boost to reach Kirby. After Kirby saw Sonic using the Boost, he'd know to keep his inhale up.
A) Yes, while racing towards Kirby. The transformation takes only a fraction of a second.
B) The boost travels at extremely high speeds. The exact speeds are unknown (it's being debated currently whether or not it's FTL), but we know that Sonic can run at hypersonic speeds without the boost. Hypersonic is, at minimum, Mach 5.5, or around 4186.63 mph. And Sonic can reach these speeds instantly. Has Kirby been shown to react to that?
Olimar expresses love in Pikmin 1 because there's nothing else to express.
What is that supposed to mean?
In Pikmin 2, Olimar is expressing the battery, and he mentions love.
How does one "express" a battery?
And your eyes don't lie, thus proving my point.
And my brain can. My brain = the ship's A.I.
He doesn't. He loses stress from undergoing recovery meant for getting rid of stress.
Such as?
The bullet would be smaller than the plants are.
And thus it's easier for the bullet to penetrate the plants. A smaller point of impact makes it easier to penetrate something; that's why a sharp knife cuts more easily than a dull one.
And how do you know they became one?
If this society has spaceships, then I'd imagine they also have access to missiles. They're an advanced society.
He didn't create them though.
He approved them. Doing nothing to stop a bad thing from happening is almost as bad as doing it yourself.
Depends on the playthrough.
Do you have a video of a playthrough where there are no monsters remaining when the knife is obtained?
In his own mind, he's right due to logic.
And his mind is wrong.
But in Pikmin, things that cause pain cause damage.
And why does this mean that depression isn't present because Olimar doesn't take damage?
Irresponsibility isn't a symptom.
It does show that he might not be the best at decision making.
And destroying the beasts.
And running the risk of destroying the Pikmin.
None of those are symptoms.
King of bugs syndrome (original disorder, do not steal) shows that he's bad at making accurate conclusions, which tells us that the dimensional cutter's description is even more likely to be faulty.
Water has loose molecules. They'd slip through small spaces.
Except here, they're held together.
Thus, supporting my point.
How so?
By logic. If she is using a forcefield, she is already using the wand's power, and can't use it for anything else.
When is this limitation shown?
So, what does this prove?
That your "it doesn't work diagonally" argument both makes no sense and has no footing.
How do you know they have a larger AoE?
Mario can be pulled in from very far away in the games.
Kirby black holes have a pulling force that's an OHKO, meaning they have equal pulling force.
The OHKO isn't the pulling force. The pulling force is what's bringing the victim
to that OHKO. Mario can't escape from his, and they pull him in faster than Schwarz does Kirby, so they have a higher pulling force.
The area that isn't in front of the black hole has the same black, meaning that the black in front of the black hole isn't caused by distortion.
Right, it's caused by light not being able to escape, like in real life. Or it could just be that the black hole is actually black, but I'm not sure.
Relevant to Kirby's durability/resistance to forces/etc.
Yes, a lot of them.
They are launched away from the Observatory.
No, they propel themselves away from the Observatory.
But not taking it away, like Sonic would try to do to Falchion.
Taking something away is an interaction, as is destroying something. Both would not work if Sonic couldn't interact with objects while time is frozen, but he can.
He isn't making it explode.
Knocking something back, tearing it apart, etc also require interaction and movement.
He rose up, and the tornado was created. That wasn't instant.
It takes less than a second, and again, with a higher speed, this time would be greatly reduced.
Sonic can't control his direction when boosting, so no.
Right, the boost doesn't have great handling. I suppose hypersonic speeds will have to do, then.
Sonic needs his legs to boost. He can't use them in ball form.
He can roll and boost in games like Sonic Colors for the DS. If Sonic can't roll and boost at the same time, it's usually because he's missing one of the techniques in that particular game.
Why can't a body be
It isn't his body that causes him to howl.
It enables him to, and wolf instincts seem to be the cause.
Sonic knows that Dark Gaia's monsters aren't present until he arrives, and thus that howling won't scare them away.
The purpose of a wolf's howl isn't to scare away foes. It's more like a war cry.
He can go without breathing in other situations, though.
But not underwater.
But he doesn't have complete control over it.
Prove it.
Jet Kirby can strike at Mach 5 speeds. That's enough time to escape before the Power Bomb explodes, especially since it has some lag.
Jet Kirby has lag, too; he needs to charge up.
If the force hit the guard, it wouldn't hit anything else.
Unless the attack is strong enough to break through the guard.
A) The attack is melting the guard, it can't hit Kirby.
B) Some of the attack would still be reflected back.
C) Under Mirror Kirby's guard is another guard. Miraculous, eh?
A) It melts through the guard and gets to Kirby.
B) Prove it.
C) You mean the regular one? That one is much weaker.
None of those guys were trying to escape.
The speed speaks for itself.
Even so, all of the top tier characters have counters for Mega Mario.

: M100 Armor
How durable is it?

: Flying
How fast is it?

: Flying/Transparency

: Teleport/Bicycle
How fast?

: Falchion
How much force can it "seal"?

: Sol/Patience
Sol can't heal after the user has already been killed, can it? What does Patience do?

: Protect
Can it protect the Trainer?
The journal proves everything.
The journal is unreliable, because it comes from Olimar, who is unreliable.
How does Magolor wearing the crown prove that Kirby isn't enduring infinite force?
Magolor is mortal, correct? Mortal beings often cannot handle or control infinite power.
Force shouldn't really determine what Counter returns, nor should it determine what Miracle negates. It's not like the skills withstand the attacks or anything. They basically cause effects on the attacks.
What is the explanation for this?
If Samus is attacking Meta Ridley's weak spot, it doesn't really prove anything about the strength of her attacks. The cordite, and Ridley's fall, are more impressive, but I still don't believe they stack up to planetary durability.
Is Kirby hit by the same exact attack that destroys a planet?
First round. Nightmare explodes a bit, and then floats off. No launching here.
Second round. Nightmare is launched a small distance, teleports to the center of the screen, and explodes. No Marx-level launching here.
Third round. Wait, there isn't one.
I see the emeralds as equivalents to Mega Stones and unaffected by Magic Room, but using Magic Room on the Rings would probably kill Sonic.
Sonic doesn't automatically die when he loses his Rings. Even so, they're not "held" by him; they're absorbed into his body.