In the same way wearing a ring to enhance his sword damage works. Skin cannot withstand high temperatures. At least at or above 48°C is when skin will be damaged. 60°C can cause second- and third-degree burns. If the defense applied to Link's skin, then Link would be able to withstand 90°C, assuming we should treat it that way. So if Link had up to 500% damage reduction, then he'd only be able to withstand up to 300°C before experiencing second- to third-degree burns, which is well below the temperature produced by the plasma beams in the Metroid Prime trilogy and the power bomb.
Why use Celsius over Fahrenheit or Kelvin in your calculations?
He's so low because of his lack of projectiles. I feel like any character with a strong projectile game would be able to defeat Shulk. Take Bowser Jr for example, exactly how does Shulk beat him when he just hovers in the air and peppers him with bombs and fire balls, with the occasional snarl to freeze (not ice wise) him if gets close?
- What game can he get 10k rings?
- Any projectile bypasses it. Is that what you mean?
I agree with your later point that the Monado should be able to hurt Sonic. But my point is, can Shulk hit Sonic or Super Sonic 4 times in a 14.5 second span considering how fast he can run (fly for SS)?
I think not protecting against crushing is game mechanic, and Starman would not OHKO Palutena. It only OHKO's common enemies because they die upon being damaged once.
Shulk bested Jade Face twice, who happens to be the closest thing to a crackshot that the world of Xenoblade has. I do admit he was able to use cover the 1st time but he did deflect one of his projectiles the second time ( at 17:22-17:28). He also managed to block a bullet meant for Reyn so he is hardly helpless against projectile spammers ( ). Shulk has Monado Purge which has a range of 20M(according to the wiki, though I don’t know what M equals), and he only has to use Battle Soul twice to refill his talent gauge to use it again. Assuming the daytime cooldown skill is in effect, he can use it once every 79 seconds. He can also evade rapid fire attacks and jump pretty high ( and The further away Bowser Jr. is the less likely his attacks are going to connect, and the Mario Bros don’t exactly have very good projectile games either. Can we get some videos of his capabilities(cutscene and gameplay)?
Oh I just remembered this scene ( )! Shulk could just have the Monado morph into a more useful form like an anti-air gun or Missile Launcher (Example of the Monado morphing: and )! The only thing holding him back is he only has experience with swords.
By the way does Bowser Jr. have his magical paintbrush?
- I just rounded up because it looks neater.
- Yes. Can AOE attacks be used to target the ground around him as a loophole(splash damage)?
If we can get Bind or Purge (even Slow can be crippling if we use gameplay Sonic) to proc hitting Sonic would be laughably easy!
We still have to determine the offensive potency of ramming into someone while invincible. Wouldn’t invincibility hit many times when running into someone?
Mario's speedNot only do we consistently see Mario able to dodge cannonballs, but we consistently see in these games his ability to outrun them. I would suspect Mario to at least be able to run the speed of sound. If we used the other speed, Mario's reaction time would be 3.47 milliseconds.
Your analysis falls apart when Bullet Bills and Cannonballs don‘t have a drop with gravity(at least in the 2d games). If cannonballs aren’t effected by gravity then they don‘t have to have high muzzle velocity to hit distant targets. If the game was accounting for Mario running at Supersonic speeds wouldn’t gravity have a far more pronounced effect on him?
Either Link has some really durable pockets or he uses hammerspace (most likely the latter, because I don't think he could fit the giant Skull Hammer in his pocket).
I say we accept the fact that Link stores his inventory in hammerspace (he’s a Time Lord) because he never slows down when he gets new equipment like the iron boots. It is possible to steal from there like when Skull Kid does in Majora’s Mask and I believe another instance happened oracle of Ages.
Notice the Ring count that goes into six digits, in the upper right.
We already know about the 6 digit rings in Chao garden, I want to see his most impressive ring count against the most potent bosses.
Sonic's high acceleration would make this a non-issue.
Sonic won’t be doing any accelerating while under Bind or Purge’s effect.
This might work against other opponents, but perhaps not against Sonic. It assumes that Shulk would actually be able to hit Sonic in the first place, which I seriously doubt because A) Super Sonic and B) his reaction time.
If Sonic can’t move he can’t dodge, simple as that.
Sonic isn't really disoriented after one of his attacks is blocked, so the first point is void. Aside from Super Sonic, the Spike gem wouldn't be a big deal, since Sonic always lands on his feet (even when knocked back by an attack). The final point, again, assumes that Shulk would be able to hit Sonic in the first place.
The Arachno Queen rebounds off Monado Shield( ). Are you saying Sonic won’t suffer a similar issue like that when he barrels full force into Shield? Shulk can hit him after Sonic takes spike damage but before his feet touch the ground ( Can Sonic consistently evade Ether, Special or Magical attacks?
So, are you for or against no teleporting out of the arena?
I’m against teleporting cheap victories and besides Mewtwo will beat most of the cast without it anyway.
Remember, Super Sonic drains one Ring per second. If I was in that situation, I'd probably bring the minimum amount of my money that I needed (fifty Rings) if I was going to lose a dollar every second.
Hey you either lose money or you lose your life.
I don't see anything about sealing movement, but I might be missing something. Either way, I've already addressed this above.
First video: Alvis says “stop it in its tracks” at 27:57-27:58, and he completely stops the Telethia from 28:12 to 28:26 which is about how long Monado Purge lasts in gameplay(14.5 seconds). Second video: Shulk uses a Purge variant to pin the Telethia from 16:10-16:32 so his allies can land some physical type blows on it. Without Purge sealing the Telethia’s Soul Read ( ) aura they wouldn’t even be able to hit it at all.
When is it said that the Monado is more powerful than the Chaos Emeralds (described as having "ultimate power") and the Master Emerald (which has infinite power)? The Master Emerald being able to negate the Chaos Emeralds comes from the gods designing it for that purpose anyways. I've addressed the Knuckles situation in the past, but I'll reiterate. Super Sonic ends when Sonic runs out of Rings, correct? Well, Sonic starts out Angel Island Act 1 (right after the scene in question) with zero Rings. This is likely the reason that Sonic exited his Super Form, rather than Knuckles punching it out of him.
The Monado has the Power to control the very fabric of the world ( and ). Creating living beings blows the Chaos and Master Emeralds out of the water ( )
Yeah right, Sonic conveniently ran out of rings at the exact moment Knuckles ambushed him. Technically that would have killed him and how come nobody brings up the fact Knuckles grabbed the Emeralds off the ground without Sonic doing a thing?
If Sonic gets hit by a Badnik in gameplay, that's the player's fault. It's very possible to play through an entire Sonic game without getting hit by a single enemy attack. In addition, many cutscenes, etc. show his reaction time, reflexes, speed, agility, etc.; take Sonic Unleashed's opening cutscene, for instance:
Except that one time Knuckles ambushed him.
That’s metroid not sonic and I don’t want to get involved in that battle.
Edit: The website screwed up, now it's showing your video.
- Robotnik has a cool fleet.
- So Sonic can cut through Robotnik's robots like Dunban through Mechon.
- Why do explosions in Sonic's world have such low AOEs (Sonic would have been wiped out if they were better)?
- Sonic seems noticeably faster than he was in the 16 bit days.
- As fast as Sonic is he still got grabbed by Robotnik and it took a few seconds for him to go Super Sonic.
- Sonic being easily tricked by Robotnik is not a good thing.
- Sonic can't outrun the effects of Vacuum.
- Gaia doesn't look so tough as it didn't even even destroy the planet!
Can the Monado be blocked by shields and such? Just because it can slay gods doesn't mean it's extremely powerful. Take, for instance, the Master Sword. It can kill Ganon, who has power comparable to that of a god thanks to the Triforce of Power. However, it cannot slice through plate armor, shields, etc.
damage to shield wielders from the front ( Example of a Shield wielding Mechon: ). The Master sword isn’t particularly good against plate mail ( which is quite realistic, you should use a war hammer for better results ) and isn’t Ganondorf weak to it because it was forged to banish evil ( of which plate mail is not )?
Mario can shoot fireballs extremely quickly and in multiple directions, which would give Shulk a hard time here.
How Hard? Link please.
Can Shulk concentrate to use a Vision (which I haven't found a source for, by the way; could you provide one please?) while he's under attack? Also, the Starman would negate the damage from Spike, and Kuribo's Shoe might also work.
Evidence of concentration visions: from 1:15 to 1:50. The last time he had a vision was after he beat Metal Face for the last time at Sword Valley and that is likely due to the Apocrypha being in effect. True against the Starman and kuribo’s shoe would likely negate spike damage as (there are a few pieces of foot armor with that function in Xenoblade (chronos set I believe)).
Once Mario sees Shulk go from in front of him to his side/back, he'll get out and counter attack.
Shulk has the upper hand because he will be behind him already.
Starman negates damage, so he doesn't lose the power-up.
You sure are using that one Starman a lot.
While Shulk's reaction time may be rather quick, Mega Mario's large size and improved speed would prevent him from physically moving out of the way.
Shulk’s visions plus reaction speed feats should ensure Mega Mario isn’t a problem.
Fireballs usually OHKO enemies, so no burn damage occurs. In Pokemon, fire attacks usually occur in a burn status effect, so Mewtwo gets burned here.
Boom-Boom require 5 hits according to the Mario wiki so burns don’t seem to factor in from Mario’s Fireball. Not all fire attacks leave burn damage (you can put your hand in contact with flame and still avoid catching fire) and why can’t people like Mewtwo and Link stop, drop and roll?
Oh yay, Shulk gets to use one attack. Assuming that he wasn't killed by said fatal attack, that is.
You do realize he sees the attack long before Mario actually uses it right?
How exactly does the Spike gem function? That's really the key to reaching a conclusion here.
The Spike gem functions much like a normal enemy counter spike ( and has similarities to the Counter( except it does fixed damage rather than inflicting damage equal to the damage suffered by the user ) skill from the Fire Emblem series.
Not so much tackling, as using all of his other power-ups while invincible, and thus preventing Shulk from using a counter attack.
Shulk moves pretty fast with that Quick Step gem so he should easily be able to evade Mario’s attacks until Mario runs out of his invincibility items.
's an example of Mario's speed with a Starman.
Mario has to be faster than that to catch Shulk if he has a head start.
Can one of the brainiacs here ( @
Dryn? ) get us an estimate on Mario and Shulk’s running speeds?
Seeing as how Shulk isn't a crushing wall, a black hole, or a bottomless pit, I don't see how this is relevant to this discussion.
That is proof that Mario is merely nigh-invulnerable.
I said that before I got to the invincibility granted by the Starman.
The Mega Mushroom would allow Mario to squash Shulk like a bug.
Mario is too slow. Video of Mega Mario in action please?
Let's see. I've played the Genesis games (1-3, CD, and Knuckles), I've played Sonic Adventure and SA2, I've played Colors, Generations, and Lost World to completion, Colors DS, Generations 3DS, Rush/Rush Adventure, and a few spinoffs here and there. As for Mario, I've played samples of the NES games (thanks to NES Remix), I've played 64 DS, all of the NSMB games, both Galaxy games, 3D Land, 3D World, and quite a few spinoffs.
You are clearly my better when it comes to Mario and Sonic so it should be easy for you to find their best feats on Youtube for me and the others.
I never said that a Starman could OHKO Palutena.
So how much KO potential does the Starman have by itself?
Objects in-game travel at their apparent speed unless otherwise specified.
, @
Kirby Dragons
, @
, @
Reckless Godwin 2.0
Should Marth and Ike get access to skills from awakening since they didn't appear but ghost verions of them did? (The spirits of heros given flesh form)
Technically their not ghosts as evidenced by the fact that there is a Tiki Einherjar and that Tiki is still alive in awakening. As these are merely copies of the originals I would have to vote no on Awakening skills for Ike and Marth.
When Mewtwo is hit with a fire attack, it gets the burning effect.
Fireballs are a fire attack. Therefore, when Mewtwo is hit with fireballs, it gets the burning effect.
Mario’s fireballs don’t inflict burns, as attested to by SMB3 Boom-Boom.
Shulk did not singlehandedly reset the universe. He told Alvis to reset it (as evidenced by the fact that Shulk had to ask him for his decision for it to take effect, among other things that I've discussed in the past). If Alvis is the power source, then without him, Shulk cannot use his God powers. The difference between this and, say, Link's Master Sword (and I'd assume Ragnell, but I'm not experienced with FE) is that with Shulk, Alvis is like a battery. Take the battery out of a flashlight, it stops working. Meanwhile, the Master Sword's blessing from the gods is like a coat of paint. If you paint a car, and you destroy the can of paint, the paint stays on. This is evidenced by the fact that the power still stays in the Master Sword, even when Link travels to other dimensions and such.
You do realize that Alvis asked Shulk about the future of the world ( at 28:30-28:56 ). So if a character’s power comes from emeralds it’s ok but from another person it isn’t? Alvis can only recommend a course of action but can‘t execute any actions until he gets the go ahead from a Monado wielder.
You really should stop trying to nerf people severely!
BTW, do you think Pokemon attacks would pierce a Landmaster or Arwing? I lean towards yes, but even then I'm not sure the 'mons could physically catch up with them. The Arwings specifically should be able to fly too fast to be hit by the 'mons, although I think Charizard could play defensive and possibly win.
Pokemon attacks should be able to wear down their shields given sufficient time, and surely some Pokemon are capable of punching through it’s armor. Do we know the top speeds of the Arwing and Landmaster? Can the Landmaster cannon depress enough to hit the shorter combatants? Can the Landmaster crush combatants with a barrel roll ( how about “invincible characters” )
If we're choosing who's the strongest character in Smash, than where should we have the cutoff? Do we cut it off at "characters that appear in matches", which would mean we'd probably have to have Ridley in the tournament, as well, or do we stick to just the playable fighters? If we do have Ridley included, then that complicates things further.
We haven’t even got a good rule set going yet so non-playable characters will have to wait. I’d love to throw Metal Face in but that would result in a vicious debate about how strong his Face Mechon armor is ( there wouldn‘t be any Sonic games if Dr. Robotnik could make robots out of that material ).
Another thing about Pokemon; do we use the Pokedex as reference or not? Because, if we use the Pokedex as reference, than Charizard should dominate the entire tournament, since it's fire is able to melt glaciers weighing up to 10,000 tonnes quickly (which would, according to scientific calculations, make it
hotter than the Sun...). I think it's pretty obvious that Charizard would dominate any fight it was in simply by using Flamethrower.
No Pokedex, we already have enough problems here.
Shulk has not used his god powers without Alvis nearby. Since Alvis is powering these god powers, we cannot assume that he could do so from a distance (as in, not in the arena) unless he has been shown doing so in the game.
Shulk reactivated the Monado on the Fallen Arm while Alvis was organizing the allied force back at Alcamoth at the back of the Bionis’s head. You literally couldn‘t have them any further apart vertically and they are at nearly completely opposite sides of the world at that point! Meyneth uses her Monado quite a few times and she doesn’t even recognize Alvis. Where are you getting the idea that Alvis needs to be nearby for the
So Mario shoots ten fireballs at Mewtwo.
That’s not how probability works, besides Mewtwo would only have a 65% chance of suffering the blaze status effect over 10 fireballs (90^10).
Actually, the Chao Garden is integrated into the main game in multiple ways. Aside from Rings carrying over to the Chao Garden, there are also Chaos Drives and Animals found in enemies and such. These are used in the Chao Garden, and you can give them to your Chao to teach them new abilities or increase their stats. Even the way you access the Chao Garden is integrated into the main game. In each level, there is a "Chao Key", which is found hidden in a box somewhere in the stage. If the character collects it and then finishes the stage, they will be brought to the Chao Garden after reaching the Goal Ring. Heck, there's even highway signs that say "Chao Garden" on them in games like Sonic Unleashed! Finally, the Chao Garden is on the same world map as every other stage in the game, and even has its own island shaped like a Chao head.
Too bad the Chao Garden rewards seem to flow only one way.

How is Duck Hunt a fire type?
Since he and the Monado are both made of ether, he could also probably alter himself so he could control everything.

onis: I‘m really feeling it (in a Titanicly deep voice) ! The first thing that Zanza and Meyneth did was become the Bionis and Mechonis respectively.
Okay, then. Mario could just keep using Syrups to restore the energy needed to use Ultra Flame.
How many syrups does he get?
If he altered the Monado (and I'm not saying he could) he would change Alvis and therefore no longer have his ether manipulating abilities.
The Monados can take on any shape the bearer wishes and change multiple times over the course of the game ( Monado 1 morphs into Monado 2 being the 1st example) and leave Alvis no worse for wear.
To the people arguing about Lava in Zelda games Link would die if he didn’t teleport to the entrance of the room because those lava pits can’t be climbed out of! Not to be confused with the lava that you can walk on and get out of.
When comparing character feats remember that not all enemies are created equal! For example the Koopa Troop would lose to the armies of Fire Emblem who would lose to the Mechon who would in turn lose to the Space Pirates.
Where did all the Ridleys come from?
I wish to post a master rule above all others: No rule shall totally wreck any combatants capabilities! What do you think "