Continuing the bracket, eh? This should be good.
Anyways, we were on




. I have a way for Kirby to win.
- The Helper function takes the Copy Ability that Kirby is using, and turns it into a helper that gives the Copy Ability.
- Kirby uses the Galaxia or Master Copy Ability, then uses the Helper function to create Meta Knight.
- Meta Knight uses Knight Call to create a couple of knights, and they all fight off the Lumas.
- When the Starman wears off, Meta Knight teleports or flies to Rosalina and slashes her dead.
Also, we haven't done a proper battle for


, so let me do that now.

Attacker: Link

's Attack: Arrows
Link can fire different kinds of arrows at Mewtwo, including the Ice Arrow that freezes.

's Counter: Confusion/Psychic
Both these moves grant Mewtwo telekinesis, which could be used to redirect the arrows and send them back.

's Attack: Boomerangs
Link can throw different boomerangs at Mewtwo, including the Magic Boomerang, with a path that can be controlled.

's Counter: Barrier
Barrier would increase Mewtwo's resistance to the boomerangs.

's Attack: Great Spin Attack
The Great Spin Attack is a powerful attack that would damage Mewtwo.

's Counter: Counter
This is a physical attack, so Mewtwo could send the damage back.

's Attack: Bombs
Link can throw bombs at Mewtwo, like the powerful Super Bomb.

's Counter: Teleport
Mewtwo could easily teleport to dodge the explosions.

's Attack: Master Sword
This is a powerful blade with the ability to repel evil.

's Counter: Confusion/Psychic
Both these moves grant Mewtwo telekinesis, which could be used to fling away the sword. In addition, the first move would confuse Link, making him attack with things that aren't the sword.

's Attack: Din's Fire
This coats Link with fire that can be used to hurt an enemy.

's Counter: Protect
Mewtwo could use a forcefield to protect himself from the fire.

's Attack: Hammers
Link wields powerful hammers that can be used as weapons.

's Counter: Counter
The hammers are physical, so Counter would send the damage back at Link. Mewtwo could also just dodge the hammers.
Attacker: Mewtwo

's Attack: Psychic
Mewtwo can fire a wave of psychic energy.

's Counter: Magic Armor
The Magic Armor protects Link from any attack.

's Counter: Mind Control
Mewtwo can control Link into taking off the armor.

's Counter: Magic Armor
Link's armor would block the mind control.

's Counter: Nice Try Bro
You can't block what you can't touch.

's Attack: Psystrike
Mewtwo can use a powerful pulse of psychic energy.

's Counter: Magic Cape
The Magic Cape turns Link both invisible and intangible.

's Counter: Magic Meter
The cape would greatly drain Link's magic.

's Counter: Chateau Romani
The Chateau Romani gives Link unlimited magic for three days.

's Counter: Confusion/Psychic
Both these moves grant Mewtwo telekinesis, which could be used to crush the drink.

's Attack: Hyper Beam
Mewtwo can fire a long-ranged beam.

's Counter: Hylian Shield
Link would block the beam with an indestructible shield.

's Counter: Confusion/Psychic
Both these moves grant Mewtwo telekinesis, which could be used to fling the shield away.

's Counter: Hookshot/Clawshot
These chains would allow Link to get the Hylian Shield back.

's Counter: Hyper Beam
Mewtwo would fire his beam while Link is retrieving the shield.

's Attack: Aura Sphere
Mewtwo can fire a sphere of aura that's effective against normal-types (Link), and never misses.

's Counter: Hylian Shield
Link could block the sphere with an indestructible shield.

's Counter: Type Advantages/Disadvantages
The shield is metal, and Aura Sphere is effective against metal.

's Attack: Thunder
Mewtwo can strike with a bolt of lightning from above.

's Counter: N/A
Nothing would stop the lightning bolt.

's Attack: Mega Mewtwo
Mewtwo can Mega Evolve into a being of universal power.

's Counter: N/A
Mega Mewtwo's power is too extreme for Link.
Mewtwo can easily dodge or block all of Link's attacks. Confusion/Psychic would allow Mewtwo to get rid of Link's items, leaving him with nothing useful. The winner is
