Talked about this with Muno.
Mewtwo's fast enough to dodge arrows, so I'll give you that.
Mewtwo can't actually use Counter, but he can use Mimic (and dodge Link's physical attacks).
Actually he can use Counter.
Mewtwo could flick the mitts away as well, they aren't attached to Link's hands.
Even if we went with the longshot he can flick off of Link's gloves, Link's fist would be closed 99% of time as he is always holding something in his hand. He'd be unable to remove them.
Mewtwo flicks the cape while Link is putting it on.
You presume Mewtwo will see Link putting on the cape and instantly react. Link's cape is put on in an instant, and in the slim event Mewtwo could react in time he'd be unable to remove it from the grip of Link's Titan Mitts.
Disproved this and all other "flicked away" earlier.
Hylian Shield only protects Link in one area, so Aura Sphere would go around it.
Aura sphere goes in a straight path, how would it go around?
Dodging has infinite uses.
Mewtwo isn't dodging everything. Plus it's hard to dodge AoE attacks.
Most of Link's projectiles are solid, meaning Counter would work on them (though Mewtwo can't use it anyways).
As I said earlier, he still takes full damage from being hit with Counter, and Link's invincibility would negate the returned damage.
Magic Armor gets taken, Magic Cape gets flung.
If you're referring to Trick, it only works on items, not equipment.
Link can't use Magic Cape because it is gone. Mewtwo dodges the swipes. Intangibility doesn't mean psychic sense doesn't work. Mewtwo also has Future Sight to see where Link attacks, then Mewtwo makes sure he isn't there.
Magic Cape is not gone, Mewtwo's not dodging everything, and yes it would because there is nothing for it to sense. Future Sight wouldn't work because Link was intangible with Magic Cape.
I think it depends. I don't think gloves should be able to stack, because that means he's wearing two gloves at once, but in general if their is not problem like that, stacking is fine. Although I don't see how you're for this and against having the effects of all Boomerangs on one Boomerang.
Anyway, now that a majority has voted on all the rules and game mechanics, I'm reposting them since it's been a few pages:
- Teleport in Kid Icarus, Pokemon and Zelda can be used freely, although Kid Icarus and Pokemon have limited uses and Link's involves him setting a warp point the first time he uses it and then the second time he uses it he can either warp there or make where he is using Farore's win a new warp point
- Bowser's Star Rod grants any wish, but he can't wish opponents from existence because it goes against his mentality.
- Chaos Control (the time freeze version) should last 10 seconds per use, going off how long it lasted in Sonic Heroes. It could last up till 70 since he has all 7. I feel like they're should probably be a cool down as well
- Samus should have missiles and Super Missiles, and her beam combos should draw their ammo from Missiles until she runs outs, and from there can use one Super Missile in place of 5 missiles.
- Pokemon only can hold one item.
- Zelda and Shiek do NOT get their moves from Hyrule Warriors
- Characters who have attacks/moves/abilities that appear in multiple games but varying characteristics should have all of their best effects accumulated. EX: Depending on the game Magic Boomerang can either do one or some of the following: A) hit 5 targets at once B) be controlled as long as link likes; C) have 3 out at once. Should get all of listed effects, but not those of the Gale Boomerang.
- Characters have health systems and are given the one that is used most often in their primary games. Excludes characters who have HP bars for health systems.
- Attacks from enemies go at the speed shown unless the're is reason to believe otherwise (when using an enemies attack speed as reference point)
- A turn should equal one minute of real time, for purposes of moves that grants buffs or debuffs
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, @
Dryn , @
, @
, @
BaganSmashBros , @
Reckless Godwin 2.0
, can we pause these ongoing debates so we can vote on a tier list? We can just resume these discussions in the new thread. Even if you don't want to make a tier list, you still might have a suggestion/question/complaint. If you're going to make a tier list, please be sure to put numbers besides the characters. Also, if you only want to make tier list of only the top 20 or so that's fine, since tbh that's what the majority of this thread has gone towards.
I'll repost my tier list
S tier

-I think with Star Rod, he should be able to take down Sonic since the Star Rod grants all wishes and only takes a few seconds to activate. He's quite durable, so I think he could get the wish off before even Sonic has time to turn Super and kill him. He asks for invincibility (intangibility against Sonic), then from there has a variety of options.

Can turn into Super Sonic, which makes him able to move at light speed if need be. Also is nearly invincible, vulnerable only to mental attacks, and the strongest of attacks (in theory). But with 999,999 rings (thanks to Chao Garden according to Munomario) he'll last too long for the few people who
could beat regular Sonic.
A tier

Unlimited ammo on many of her weapons, can can turn into a invincible, supersonic moving when she needs to go on defense (takes 1 second of running to activate.)

Composite Link, with access to equipment and items from all of his games. Chateau Romani gives 3 days of unlimited magic, which means he can use Magic Cape (makes him intangible and invulnerable) defensively while spamming his ice/fire rods and medallions. Also has 250k rupees to power his magic suit in the rare event his 3 days of magic depletes or if he wants to be more offensive (he can't use other magic items while using magic cape)

Lacks as much offense, as composite Link, and chataeu romani, but still has magic armor plus 250k rupees, which should let him outstall even Kirby.

multiple guards that grant near or total invincibility, the warp star moves at high speeds, hypernova swallows almost anything (albeit is a one time use skill), and has a variety of projectiles.

Access to all the powers (albeit with limited uses) from Uprising, the various light powers her staff provides, flight and the Palutena's Bow.



Can summon Lumas that turn into stars or black holes. Also has a near-impenetrable shield. Has access to one of every power-up from Super Mario 3D world.

Can't be killed by non-holy attacks, although he can be sealed/trapped in other dimension. As far as I know Kirby lacks holy attacks, but Palutena (being a god) and Rosalina (trap him in a black hole) have the edge over Ganondorf but not Kirby, thus Ganon being placed below someone he can beat. Ganondorf can turn invisible and intangible temporarily, fire magical balls, and wield 2 swords at once. As Ganon he can do the above except also wield a trident which shoots out lightning. Only thing Ganon can't do that Ganondorf can is float.


-Give Mewtwo the edge over Ness because although Ness can fully recover all HP for a tiny fraction of his total PP, and has a shield which halves damage while reflecting some, I believe Mewtwo can out last him by peppering him with his variety of specials. Mewtwo can put up a light screen (raises defense by 100%) and than copy either Ness's shield or healing move and out last him.
Tier B:


Can switch classes during battle to fit best situation. Best offense in general though is as a sorceror, where Aversa's Night guarantees she recovers health = 50% of damaged deal with each attack; the skill sol guarantees she gets 100% every other attack. Vantage (when she's under 50% health) acts like visions. Armsthrift makes her not need to worry about durability. Can change into a flier for evasion while attacking from up high with attacks. Changing into a general makes him a stone wall.




- w/vehicles. Barrel Roll can block even lasers. Below 64. Mario Bros because between their various invincibility granting items plus using Barry to reflect lasers, I think they could probably win. Unsure though.
Tier C

Double team makes illusions that can boost his evasion by 300%, and going off the anime, these illusions can appear to attack. Then Charizard attacks with an AOE attack to catch MK from flying around too much. Flight gives it edge over other Pokemon.



-various projectiles, protect and dodging techniques put them over the FE characters.

Rose since my last list. Her parasol blocks almost any attack, she has access to Pixls that make untouchable and can reflect any attack, plus a bomb and hammer pixl, not to mention her power-ups fro 3D world, has healing skills (Therapy only costs 2 of her 99 FP), and Psych Bomb (15 fp) which is an AoE attack that can't be resisted. Has a variety of items to restore FP should see run out. She can use Carry to move and guard with her parasol.

skills: Counter, Limit Breaker, Aether, Armsthrift, Cancel
-Despite all the discussion about Nihil, I'm dropping it for Limit Breaker, for 2 reasons: 1) We can't agree if Nihil works on only skills, skills and advanced attacks, and if it should only apply to automatic advanced attacks/skills or manual ones to. 2) Cancel negates counterattacks (requires Ike to attack first) when activated, and with Limit Breaker would activate every other attack.
-Rose since my last list because of Cancel+Limit Breaker, remembering Ragnell can attack at range, and Counter.

immune to all non-projectiles attacks except from manaketes (dragons)

I feel as MK's size and quick flying speed makes him hard to keep track of and gives him the ability to just fly around these 2 FE characters It'd be like trying to bat a giant fly with an 8 inch sword.

Rose since my last list because I read about his disguises. Quick list of the relevant ones plus other transformations:
- Sparky Wario - Wario can create electricity and light up dark places. Can shoot electric after certain events. This is activated by clicking the screen and Wario cannot move while sending out electricity.
- Space Wario- Wario is equipped with a space suit and a laser gun, by touching the screen Wario fires in that direction.
- Wicked Wario- Can Fly.
- Jet Wario- can also fly, difference is it goes quicker horizontally but can't rise any higher than Wario can jump.
- Dragon Wario- Can shoot fire
- King Dragon Wario- Can fly and shoot fire that goes till end of the screen.
-Despite all this, is below the FE characters because none of his projectiles go fast except for his gun, and all of his power-ups disappear after a hit if I'm not mistaken.

That his clown car can fly and turn into a race car, plus has an indefinite amount of bombs, and he can breathe fire gives him edge over apes and most below him. Also has a snarl that paralyzes people who get to close.


Yes his car is fast and but as far as I'm aware all it can do is ram into people, and he can't go too fast since the arena is only 10miles by 10 miles and he wouldn't want to crash into a wall...


Tier D
34 & 35

Can use light arrows and the goddess items because she is good with magic. Sheik has all those plus is agile and has that vanishing bomb.

Can shoot pellets. Also has one time use items that last for 15 seconds that let him: turn into metal, run around the enemy and create a ring that closes in and attacks, ground pound that also releases shock waves, shoot electricity

supreme agility, paralyzing gun, strong

Can eat people and turn them into eggs, and can throw eggs but has a very limited supply.

Tier F:

Can make his body into anything seen in G&W, including a giant octopus

2 people with super jumping abilities wielding big hammers.

Mario without the power-ups, badges or equipment, but can throw pills.






Outside of cameo appearances, only game is Mario Kart DS where his only move is spinning his arms like his side B.
I can't figure out who, but I'm missing a character or two...