Seems thoughts have changed haven't they?
Anyway what I think about a revised ruleset:
1) The battlefield is a 10x10x10 mile area made of concrete surrounded by a 15x15x15 casing of completely indestructible material (so no running away)
2) If a character is forced into a situation in that they cannot retaliate, the match should be treated as a stalemate until decided on by the people
3) A vote is in order when a controversy with equally valid points is not resolved.
4) Any sort of limited resource (be it PP, ammo, etc) should stay limited, and cooldowns should be represented to as great an extent as possible.
5) Certain gameplay mechanics such as invincibility frames, collision detection, and certain boundary oddities should be ignored
6) If something is an ability of the character, it has place in discussion no matter how obscene or illogical
7a) Any abilities that the character has access to that usually can't be used, changed, or stored (class changing, weapon changing, abilities, power-ups) can.
7b) However, these what-if scenarios should adhere to other attributes of the character (Rosalina can only have one of each power, Kirby can't copy enemies because he's using copy essences, etc)
7c) With equipment like Shulk's Ether Gems or Pokémon held items, a standard should be established.
8) The standard hierarchy of discussion should be:
In game-lore >/= Gameplay > Alternate canon > Real world logic >>>>>>>> Assumptions
9) A claim backed by no physical evidence has no place in court in this discussion
10a) In the situation that two conflicting pieces of evidence have equal hierarchal status, whatever is the more common example gets precedence
10b) In the case that two conflicting pieces of evidence have equal hierarchal status and amount of appearances, then whatever makes the character stronger gets precendence
If I missed anything important please correct me.
That sounds good to me.
Yet, the user can steal use either of them after using Pound, which is an attack using the fist. If you can do something enhanced with elemental power, you can do it without it being enhanced.
The in-game description of Pound said:
The target is physically pounded with a long tail, a foreleg, or the like.
Not specifically the fist.
...And doing it without the elemental power is called Mach Punch.
I don't think it works like that.
Why not?
And when Arceus' attack power is weakened a lot, the PP of his moves doesn't change. And there's also Cut that Arceus knows. It does a lot of damage because of Arceus' high attack stat, yet it still has a lot of PP.
When his attack power is weakened, his energy is also weakened. Cut actually has a rather average 50 in the power stat; it's not an extremely strong move or anything.
I'm just assuming it would stun people it wouldn't OHKO.
Ah. That seems pretty likely.
Well see, like I said, I disagree that "because of game" should be considered a last resort. And I gave you an in-universe reason- Bowser's arrogant and kind of dumb, plus he probably got overwhelmed in battle.
Why not? If there's a reason that makes sense in-universe, then that should be taken over something that doesn't. I disagree with your in-universe reason, but wouldn't that apply in battles against the Smash cast as well?
No, I'm saying it isn't fully upgraded.
A car's durability isn't upgraded with a faster engine, yet the car has another power source, which makes it go faster. Just because every single attribute of something isn't upgraded doesn't mean that it's not being upgraded.
- Don't know what you mean by some, what does Hyper Sonic not do better than Super Sonic that can actually be improved?
- ok...
- Where did you get this from? It was hard to find evidence, but from looking on Youtube, Hyper Sonic is almost twice as strong as Sonic (Hyper killed a boss in 4 hits that took 7 from Sonic) while Super Sonic only kills a boss in one less hit than regular Sonic.
- This still makes no sense, just because he didn't use it in battle doesn't mean it's a new attack when it was shown that he already had said attack.
- Yes, but we don't have any proof for the Star Rod that it can do anything new.
- Well, let's see. Its Ring efficiency is still one per second, he's still vulnerable to crushing and bottomless pits, and a few things here or there.
- M'kay. Note that this is pretty much the situation with Bowser and the Star Beam.
- Nah, it still seems to be eight hits.
- Do you have an explanation for why he didn't, then?
- It can attack with more power, it can block the Star Beam, etc. etc.
That just because it received enhancements doesn't mean it was enough to change what it can do.
Except we see that change happen in the boss battle.
They can't grant wishes without it if that's what you're asking.
Okay, then that seems to be why they're worried about the Star Rod (or wherever this tangent came from).
Glad we're on the same page.
- 10 miles up might be too low. Characters who can fly should be able take advantage of their flying skills
- I don't agree with "can act on their own". I think if a character could summon someone that could attack on their own but doesn't last the whole fight it should be allowed (think summons in Final Fantasy or Assist Trophies in Smash), but I'm not sure if that actually applies to anyone on this roster.
- Sounds fine.
- Ditto.
- We'd need to clarify what game mechanics are in certain situations but otherwise yes.
- What about force teleporting people out of the arena? That should be allowed.
- Yes. But Pit should get his powers and I'd argue 5 minutes of flight. If Kirby get access to Copy abilities without essences and the hypernova, Pit deserves powers.
- Hmm, true.
- I'm sort of on the fence with this one.
- Cool.
- Glad we're on the same page.
- Of course.
- I don't think it should. The goal is to kill the opponent, not just force them to forfeit.
- The difference is that Copy Abilities and Hypernova aren't ally assistance, whereas Powers are controlled by Palutena.
And I kind of understand where @
Kirby Dragons
is coming from on the PP thing, since a Pokemon with 0 Flying PP can still fly outside of battle. And a Pokemon could technically run out of Ember PP, an attack that involves a weak fire, but still be able to fire off 10 Fire Blasts, an attack that involves an intense fire, which logically makes no sense.
That being said, I think we should just stick with PP, BP, cooldowns, etc. Outside of Pokemon it usually makes sense that characters can't use attacks infinitely without recovering.
Yeah. While it might seem strange in some cases, in the interest of sticking to the source material, we should keep it in.
Anyway, I propose the following be removed as game mechanics:
- Teleport in Pokemon. In the anime, teleport lets a user go wherever they want, not just to Pokecenters. It wouldn't benefit the player to teleport where ever in battles for games, so I believe it's a game mechanic.
- Ditto for Farores Wind. In-game it can only warp in dungeons, whether in the same one or two different ones. So I propose this battle field either counts as a dungeon or we ignore the limit as a game mechanic.
- If you mean removing the limits, I agree.
- I agree that it should be usable, but it should still have to set the warp point prior to the teleportation like it works in-game.
Also, some rule proposals:
- I think a turn should equal one minute of real time, for purposes of moves that grants buffs or debuffs.
- Chaos Control (the time freeze version) should last 10 seconds per use, going off how long it lasted in Sonic Heroes. I feel like they're should probably be a cool down but I'm not sure.
- Samus should have missiles and Super Missiles, and her beam combos should draw their ammo from Missiles until she runs out.
- Pokemon only can hold one item. Saying Mewtwo can hold 2 is silly just because it has 2 hands. As I said before, many items aren't actually "held", and many 'mons lack hands.
- Zelda and Shiek should get their moves from Hyrule Warriors just since theyre so barren movewise.
- Characters who have attacks/moves/abilities that appear in multiple games but varying characteristics should have all of their best effects accumulated. EX: Depending on the game Magic Boomerang can either do one or some of the following: A) hit 5 targets at once B) be controlled as long as link likes C) kill any enemy (including the final boss) in one hit D) have 3 out at once. I say it should get all of it's effects, but not those of the Gale Boomerang.
- Characters get the health System that gives them the best chance of winning.
- Sounds good.
- There it's used with one Emerald, and it lasts ten seconds. With seven Emeralds, it would presumably last seventy seconds.
- I'm not familiar with Metroid, but I'm assuming that's how it works there.

- Sounds fine to me.
- Hyrule Warriors =/= canon.
- I'm not so sure. We're using composite characters, but I think items themselves should only combine if the source material allows it.
- Priority of sources first, commonness second, advantages third.
I already explained why. See my gyroscopic device and protective suit analogy.
I didn't see an explanation. I just saw an example and it was left at that.
It'd be no different than lightning strikes on different planets. I'm only going by the effects of the super missile as demonstrated in Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion, which takes place on a space ship. I'm not sure how else to calculate it.
Earthquakes shake the planet, and with a smaller planet, it could take less force to shake it. You could try calculating the missile explosions based on how they react to things they hit, what they can destroy, etc.
I don't see it that way, since heart containers are just a representation of Link's life energy. In the Japanese, this is known as "force", which is defined as "the breath of life itself". (Hyrule Historia, p. 75)
Yes, and that life force allows him to take eight bombs to the face eighty times in a row.
More importantly, it's only referring to river Zoras, so any other flame can harm Link.
Ah, interesting.
Of course it's not real life, but if that's how it's going to be, then I'm not going to apply physics to anything, including to those on the roster. After all, these universes aren't our own, meaning words we understand in our world is meaningless in theirs.
I'm fine with applying physics in some areas, but if they contradict the games (which have their own laws of physics), then the games should take precedence.
I never said the games aren't relevant. What's irrelevant is the visual evidence, especially when it's occurring during game play.
If visual evidence in gameplay is irrelevant, then many points made in this discussion as a whole are made null and void.
You do realize that sound travels 343 m/s, right?
My bad.
So knowing that Beepboxer's sound waves are sound, that by definition means they travel 343 m/s.
Oh, you want to get into definitions now? Alright then.
Google Search said:
Sound: vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear.
I've already offered a few other examples from other games where things are traveling at sonic or supersonic speed, but you're ignoring these. It's not like Sonic travels the speed of sound in game play and cut-scenes. Hell, light speed dash is a snail's pace to the real deal.
"Strong point: running speed (can exceed mach 1)" -
An official bio for Sonic
"The world's fastest, hypersonic hedgehog" - Sonic Adventure's instruction manual
"The Light Speed Dash lets you race towards Rings at light speed." -
Tikal, Sonic Adventure
"'Light Dash' to move at light-speed along trails of Rings." -
The game, Sonic Adventure 2
Et cetera, et cetera.
Shouldn't we just should count Mario as a normal human in terms of how much he can take?
Without a Super Mushroom you mean? That seems reasonable.