Again I'm pretty terrible with names.. I really need to keep a note pad by me so I can give better shout outs
Had some great matches over the weekend however! Even got some new people on the friends list, so that is cool. Had some great matches with a

player, who was very much the sportsman, and seemed to be having about as much fun as I was! He got a ridiculous edge guard

Kick on me that I was freaking out laughing at cause it was so epic. There was another notable Uptilt kill he got me with because I let go of my shield and it sucked me in at the last second and sent me to oblivion. I was seriously lmao. I went to add you to friendlist and went to miiverse somehow on accident and it disconnected me from game unfortunately, or I woulda kept playing. Luckly I was able to find you in the 'recently played' section when I backed out to Wii menu right after. GGs sir, hope to have some more in the future!
There was one of the better

I've ever played on FG yesterday. Played black suit

, spaced well and had some good mix ups. We had some close matches, I won the first, then SD failed our 2nd match and you left. I twas sad, because I don't get to play many good

. Hope to run into you again.
I feel a little bad leaving one match pretty quick. It was a

(grr) that I *barely* managed to squeak out the victory from. He was pretty flow chart with the grabs, but I could tell he knew what was up overall. I should have stayed for another match, but my salt meter for

can fill up fast sometimes. You were a good player and even gave me a "Good Game" after that match, so I salute you sir.
I usually don't throw up tags so if anyone runs into someone with Mii char name "Traek" that's me. I also play Pink

95% of the time.