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Who needs help with Combos, Damages, Advanced Tactics for Falco, etc.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
You're sure it doesn't kill until 140ish (FD)?
Edit: ah, heavy and fastfalling chars >.<, well irather use it on Peach and such *****-chars.

Seems like i overestimate it, hmm, gotta test it next time =D

And yeah it's funny how nobody knows how to DI it =P

Also after shinewavelands on a platform of YS or BF it's quite funny to kill with a DJuair ^_^
yea, it's better on floaties, but the situations where I use it are basically identical. I hit a shine/utilt, they go too high for me to bair, I uair them OR I shine/utilt them in the middle of the stage, they are too high to dair for a combo but low enough for either bair or uair, I mix in uair because it does more damage and I don't think bair will lead to a useful edgegaurd scenario. It's just about knowing the heights and how to maximize your damage and kill opportunities.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Cool thank you...how do you DI Gannon and CF dair when your standing (like after it pops you up where do you DI so you dont get ***** by shffl'd dairs)


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
don't get daired off the ground by CF or Ganon. It's really hard to DI the stomps, but if you can, you want to DI the dair away at early %s to prevent knee/ganon punch, but they can usually still follow with grab which = :( Falco. Against ganon, always DI the follow up move up since he'll just try to kill you after a stomp. Against Falcon, you have to guess nair/uair/knee. If he's kneeing you, DI up, if it's one of the others, DI away to try to stop getting comboed. At high %s, you're just dead. You get stuck in hitstun for roughly 893257893476589713 years, and they have all the time in the world to line up a knee/ganon punch to kill you. You can try to DI their fair up, but after like 80%, once you get hit by a stomp, your only chance for survival is to tech a platform and have them not guess where you're going.

Moral of the story, more pew pew pew pew pew! less getting stomped.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
hahahaha cool..yeah i meant at like really low percentages..i know your totally f'd if your at a high percenatge

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
alright...heres your list of **** puck

1. SBH....just practice in training mode..jump with whatever you are comfortable with at the peak of your jump press b then immediately fast fall...for lower lasers wait a few frames to press b then fast fall immediately...I like to follow up with a grab, nair, dair, or shine....you use it when you approach opponents from a distance or to camp against players its hard to approach (Samus >.<)

2. Fox...abuse your SHL...this match up involves alot of high pressure since Fox is so **** fast...if you can get that shine in its possible to combo him to death....again my favorite combo on Fox or dittos is waveshine dair waveshine dair utilt shine bair...try to control the middle of the stage...if you get off the edge below the stage you are pretty screwed cuz of shine spikes...

3. Sheik...what a lame matchup she can come out and fair you out of your up b... but shine combos work wonders on her...when you get her off the ledge, edge hog. then try to guess where shes going to go..if you think shes goign to go back on ledgedash back onto the stage and dair...DO NOT GET GRABBED...getting grabbed by shiek = :(...

4. Dittos....its all about them lasers...stay aggressive or else youre gonna get caught in lasers...after you get close enough its all about who gets the first shine in to get the combos...sidestepping your opponents shine or on your last shl wd back are some ok mindgames...make sure you hit all your l-cancels or what was your combo will turn into his combo...

5. Roy...LOLOLOL i dunno spam laser....i know nothing of this matchup

if you have any questions im sure someoen else will answer or you can PM me or IM me on AIM


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2008
Why do you care, stalker? Don't make me sic the po
Woah. Thanks....

Some specifics on the problamo. Ummm.... I'm fairly ok at AT's - shffle, can wd sometimes, can jc shine alright, but don't really put them to great use. My Roy/Fox friend is fairly even with me on the win/lose ratio, but cannot shuffle, does not tech - only dd's and wd's. My opponents Falco is a noob - no shuffle, no shb, no AT's of any sort (Sheik and Falco are different people than Fox and Roy). So it's somewhat pathetic they give me much trouble. Ummm.... on the SHB, my problem seems to mainly be how far away to start it. Do you do it out of a dash? How do you reach them once it's over? Etc. Oh.... I need some work on off the edge.

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
I DI forward when I SHL. So you slowly work your way up to them while still annoying the heck out of them with lasers. Do they roll a lot? Predict it and Dsmash them out of it. I personally know a dedicated roll-fiend. Noobs probably go for the power moves like Fsmash. Use shield grabs. Edgeguarding? Dtilt, Dsmash, ledge-hopped Dairs, and Fsmash if they come straight for you. Use lasers while they are off-stage to make them come from below.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
...dtilt for edgeguarding? mmm...maybe if u combo it into a dair...dsmash, ledge drop dairs and bairs...if they are coming back on to the stage i woudl walk back and fsmash...if your feeling cocky...if they are coming below the stage shine dair....use lasers unless its like falcon...because tha could actuall end up helping him...so be wary of that...when you SHL dash forward first then let go of the control stick, jump and do your laser..

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Puck, Falco's WD is slightly harder b/c of his jump delay. We're used to jump>dodge>control stick in one smooth motion. You need to pause a little after you hit jump. This comes in handy for waveshining. Your Falco will look a lot faster if you can WS fast. Use the C-Stick for shuffling, too. I didn't want to at first b/c I was so used to Z, but it made my shuffles MUCH more consistent. And you can show off between stocks with shuffle>shine repeats. ;)


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2006
Yeah it takes some time to get used to ATs, but keep in mind that they only help you to move faster/more efficent.
You still have to think and try to read your opponent.

Most people get too aggressive when they learn ATs and attack all dai long, so maybe play a bit more defensively.
Like Shield approaching or let them approach you.
Falcos grab isn't too good, but you can stil annoy them with ur shieldgrab or practice other out of shield options (wd/shffl/ shine)


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Dunno what SHB is supposed to stand for, so I can't help there until someone tells me what it means.

Fox and Sheik are both matchups where you need to temper your defensive game with huge offensive outbursts. You need to recognize situations where your approaches are safe and make them count. Sitting back on your laser all day won't win you matches vs. good top tier players, but thankfully Falco has beautiful combo options on all of them, so need to use the laser to bait your opponent into a position where you can reasonably approach and then take full advantage of the situation.

Dittos are annoying and very much about Laser control. The more I play Eggm, the more I realize how far I fall behind in dittos once he lands a Laser, as it typically forces me into my shield which is precisely where you don't want to be. Like vs. Fox and Sheik, every combo should be a big deal in dittos, so losing control of the match is really bad. It also means that when you get an opening, you d@mn well better make something of it, because you know that if your oponent get one, he will. Knowing how to mix DJ FF Lasers into your SHL game is crucial in this matchup, especially on FD.

Against Roy, ban FD, ban FD, ban FD, and after you've done that, you should really consider banning FD. The way DI works on his uthrow, you can only get somewhere in his CG by DIing behind him, which means that when he dashes and regrabs you, the only way you can DI to get somewhere is back where he came from. If you DI the way Roy is facing, you essentially go straight up, which is a free regrab/sweetspotted fsmash/shffl uair -> sweetspotted fsmash. What this all means is that even if you ban FD, if he grabs you and you don't have a platform that you can get to imediately, you're not going to get to one, and if he's competent, you're going to die, since even with good DI, Roy's sweetspotted fsmash will kill you at ~ 60%.

OK, so that's the bad news, the good news is that you have a gun and he doesn't. You also are a top tier character with some ballin' combos and he's a scrubby character who's entire game crumbles if he can't land an fsmash. Shoot lasers, use them to control space and don't get grabbed or dtilted (since dtilt pops you up to grab height). Roy doesn't control your approach nearly as much as Marth does with a SH, since he falls way faster (meaning he can't just hang there and wait on the fair) and his "tippered" fair leads to nothing as opposed to everything. That means anytime Roy is in the air, you should be looking to approach with nair and if you somehow manage to not get anything out of it, you want to gtfo of there so that you don't get grabbed. Roy's a relatively fast faller, which means you can combo his balls off, so make the most of it.

Also, if you're new to advanced techs, don't expect them to do anything but hurt your end results for awhile. Honestly, you'd probably do better vs. your friends right now just picking sheik and walking around ftilt -> fairing them. However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep up with them. Once you really feel comfortable with ATs, you'll start to realize how you should really use them in match and you'll notice a very very sharp incline in your play. So basically, don't get discouraged, you need to use ATs in matches to understand what they're actually doing, so stick with it and focus on improving your understanding of the game not on winning individual matches.

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Blaster refers to the gun, and laser refers to the actual projectile. You can say whichever one you like.

@junglefever: I'm seriously doing that between stocks routine you mentioned in my next friendly.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
lolol now i run to the edge multshine wavedash dash off the edge shine turnaround firefox ledgestall

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
lolers no...you just practice each individual one by themselves..then start chaining them together...im at college wiht no one legit to play i don tknow what else to do >.>

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Trust me, when you start getting those techs down, you'll have an urge to show off. Especially during a grudge match. WHAT NOW?!!!! Only show off between stocks, though.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
lolololol when is how off....i tend to show off for too long and get ***** as im doing something..my inbetween stocks becomes theirs


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2008
im too amazing to quit
VectorMan speaking: lol i can't sign into my account for some reason

Seems this thread is the only Falco thread still even being reviewed.... Well don't mean to bother but some of AZ (VectorMan and Axe) are trying to get anyone who can help well with some help... We've had the honor to play with AZ's Forward.. and many of AZ professionals.. but since this is the world of Falco's I'd figure it would be a good idea to get many Falco players' perspective so if you have the time.. enjoy some friendly melee Falco dittos thanks everyone.... We've had much advice given to us already and were above average players... Not necesarrily looking for advice for the matter but if you do have some.. I wouldn't mind to hear it..I guess you could say were looking for any *unique* ideas or something.. lol Idk.. but yeah.. hope you guys watch and enjoy!

It's been over 6-7 months since we've posted some Falco videos.... and some updated ones at that.. but we finally felt like uploading some stuff.. so yeah... Please.. enjoy the matches I hope you like them.. I SWEAR YOU WON'T BE DISSAPOINTED!

Falco Dittos (Friendly Food Matches *Winner buys loser food* lol)

Axe vs VectorMan Game 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ0EmdFJuAk
Axe vs VectorMan Game 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkXJ4yaNFCo
Axe vs VectorMan Game 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAdfjUT9dug
Axe vs VectorMan Game 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tpr_QqeiMs
Axe vs VectorMan Game 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crQGRzYl37g
Axe vs VectorMan Game 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ63AbYYnkM
Axe vs VectorMan Game 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAGw9uznsrQ
Axe vs VectorMan Game 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLNGajE4Y9M
Axe vs VectorMan Game 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLq90RONXSA


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
VectorMan speaking: lol i can't sign into my account for some reason

Seems this thread is the only Falco thread still even being reviewed.... Well don't mean to bother but some of AZ (VectorMan and Axe) are trying to get anyone who can help well with some help... We've had the honor to play with AZ's Forward.. and many of AZ professionals.. but since this is the world of Falco's I'd figure it would be a good idea to get many Falco players' perspective so if you have the time.. enjoy some friendly melee Falco dittos thanks everyone.... We've had much advice given to us already and were above average players... Not necesarrily looking for advice for the matter but if you do have some.. I wouldn't mind to hear it..I guess you could say were looking for any *unique* ideas or something.. lol Idk.. but yeah.. hope you guys watch and enjoy!

It's been over 6-7 months since we've posted some Falco videos.... and some updated ones at that.. but we finally felt like uploading some stuff.. so yeah... Please.. enjoy the matches I hope you like them.. I SWEAR YOU WON'T BE DISSAPOINTED!

Falco Dittos (Friendly Food Matches *Winner buys loser food* lol)

Axe vs VectorMan Game 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ0EmdFJuAk
Axe vs VectorMan Game 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkXJ4yaNFCo
Axe vs VectorMan Game 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAdfjUT9dug
Axe vs VectorMan Game 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tpr_QqeiMs
Axe vs VectorMan Game 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crQGRzYl37g
Axe vs VectorMan Game 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ63AbYYnkM
Axe vs VectorMan Game 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAGw9uznsrQ
Axe vs VectorMan Game 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLNGajE4Y9M
Axe vs VectorMan Game 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLq90RONXSA
First of all, you are not a cactus, you should change your avatar.

Second of all very nice matches, you guys have very impressive tech skill and are pretty **** fun to watch.

That being said, as an (essentially) NJ Falco to AZ Falcos, there were not really enough lasers in those matches. You guys are very combo happy and don't seem to have the patience to try to limit your opponent a lot with lasers. That being said, you guys are clearly having fun and showing off your flash, so I won't really hold that against you.

The tech skill is all there, learning to play around Forward definately shows with all the illusion tricksies and shine -> platform wavelands. The biggest criticism I really have is that you guys are always looking for another combo hit and not settling for an edgeguard or tech chase (esp. tech chase). After the guaranteed shine combos to 50%ish, look for the tech chase. When your nair sends them too far off stage, don't go for the fsmash, just be ready to ftilt or ledge hop bair edgeguard.

Another thing, when your opponent likes going for running powershields, you need to start learning to read it and mix in waveland -> grab/shine -> shield pressure.

All in all, good stuff, just put a leash on the tech skill and learn to use it as a tool rather than letting yourselves go into autopilot.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Autopilot all dai! HwooooOOoooo!

*has monstrous technical ability*
You also have godly habits that don't involve attempting to over extend combos (read: Cactus doesn't combo) -_- or letting yourself get hit (sometimes all match, you know who I mean lol).

If you are JMan or Cactuar and just have an insane amount of technical ability and good habits, feel free to autopilot...

..jerks, lol


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
I'm sorry if this has already been discussed, but what are some decent edge guarding techniques?
Generally I just d-smash on spacies and falcon, crouch cancel d-smash on marth, and then edge hog for the majority of the rest of the cast.

What else can a falco do, specifically for characters like peach, doc. mario, jiggs, sheik?

Ohh, and moving back to spacies, is d-smash the best. I was just wondering because people who can ledge tech reliably do so and then phantasm through me in the lag of the d-smash. Is a ledge hop bair better, or angled down f-tilts (lol)?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I'm sorry if this has already been discussed, but what are some decent edge guarding techniques?
Generally I just d-smash on spacies and falcon, crouch cancel d-smash on marth, and then edge hog for the majority of the rest of the cast.

What else can a falco do, specifically for characters like peach, doc. mario, jiggs, sheik?

Ohh, and moving back to spacies, is d-smash the best. I was just wondering because people who can ledge tech reliably do so and then phantasm through me in the lag of the d-smash. Is a ledge hop bair better, or angled down f-tilts (lol)?
When your opponent is off stage, you should do the thing that results in them dying. Don't commit to just 1 edgeguard strategy because it's all pretty situational.

In general, fsmash > dsmash vs. CF, and on everyone else you should be doing some combination of ledgehopped bair/whichever angled ftilt will hit them/drop -> ff -> dj -> nair (on illusioning spacies typically)/dair/dsmash/edgehog/sit on the other side of the map and shoot lasers (on peach and Jiggs typically). It's all situational, so don't ever just go into a match thinking I'm gonna just do _____ for edgeguarding. In general I find bair to be his most useful option.

Dash attacking into a shielding Luigi isn't the best of habits :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
lol, well, he's got good habits vs. top tier characters, even if Pakman can shoryuken him 3 times in 1 match.
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