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Which Smash Bros is your favorite?


Deleted member

I like all three of the games because there all special in there own way
This. In the end, I prefer the original because I have the most memories with it, but all three titles are fantastic in their own rights.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Nice one.

The ATs of the Melee were a must for competitive play. All of those techniques are pretty difficult to master, which leads people to think it is more competitive than Brawl or any Smash game. However, these ATs were exploits of the game's mechanics. Whoever came up with them in the first place had too much time on their hands.
Anyways, back to the point I was making, once you have mastered these ATs, the game pretty much plays the same as any other Smash games. Finally, Melee was based more off of the combos that you would try to pull off against one another, which adds another point to the "skill" factor of the game. The speed will therefore increase this "skill" level, or so people would like to believe.
These are usually the reasons that any Melee player will say when trying to make the point of Melee being more competitive than any other Smash game.

What people fail to realize is that each Smash game is competitive in their own regards due to how different each and every game was. You simply have to master a different set of skills for each game to be good at it.
i swear to god if i hear one more person label L-cancelling as an exploit or glitch i'ma kill someone..

I didn't even read the rest of your post because you are one of those same people who think L-cancellign AKAsmooth landing was an exploit in smash melee or 64.

seriously get y'alls facts straight...its been well over 10 years now, no one should be having to still explain that L-cancelling was intentional.:glare:


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Well the thing is, you're assuming the people who enjoy the content increase to also find the quality of the gameplay lowered. Not everyone has to think that, me for example.
I'm fine with people saying they prefer the gameplay style of Brawl, it's just that I keep seeing responses like "I like Brawl because it has more characters/items/stages." That shouldn't matter. It's just icing on the cake, and if the cake is crappy the icing won't save it.

Yeah, and those people are quite embarrassing. This is nothing to get "heated" over.
I disagree. Now, for the record, I'm not one to get heated and personal in the Brawl vs. Melee debate. But you have to understand the Melee viewpoint, especially from a competitive standpoint. Melee was just starting to become a respected game in the general competitive gaming community. The community was thriving. Then Brawl comes out, makes a huge rift in the community, takes away potential for new players to come into Melee, and is so awful (I don't want to start an argument here, this is just the general view of competitive fighting gamers) and laughable that now Smash as a whole gets no respect again. I know it's mostly the ignorant online communities that laugh at Smash, but that's not even really the big issue. The big issue was the rift it made, and the stagnation is caused Melee. Meanwhile most of us believe that Melee is a better, more fun, more competitive game (in fact, I'd argue that most Brawlers admit that Melee is more competitive). So it's a bit frustrating, you see?


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
^ I dropped competitive smash as a whole due to certain financial issues that keep me from traveling around my state and definitely to other states for a game, I mostly started out with brawl.

yet even from day one i admitted melee was, and still is, a better competitive game then brawl.

Only reason i stuck with brawl for as long as I did was two characters I really wanted to play as, Sonic and pit, where in brawl.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
i swear to god if i hear one more person label L-cancelling as an exploit or glitch i'ma kill someone..

I didn't even read the rest of your post because you are one of those same people who think L-cancellign AKAsmooth landing was an exploit in smash melee or 64.

seriously get y'alls facts straight...its been well over 10 years now, no one should be having to still explain that L-cancelling was intentional.:glare:
I wasn't referring to L-Canceling: that was obviously intentional. Things such as wavedashing; exploit. Mid-air dodging at a downwards-forward angle in rapid succession to the point that you never leave the ground and slide is an exploit of the game's mechanics.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
...you don't know what l-canceling is. Tip: you need to touch the ground to l-cancel. Also wavedashing isn't an exploit, it's just a product of the game mechanics, and the developers knew it was there.



So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
...you don't know what l-canceling is. Tip: you need to touch the ground to l-cancel. Also wavedashing isn't an exploit, it's just a product of the game mechanics, and the developers knew it was there.

I know what L-Canceling is. Also, if you have proof that shows that the devs intended for wavedashing to be in the game, and to be used as a technique, then by all means, show it to me.

Thanks for pointing out my error, had no idea what I was thinking there.

EDIT: Let's try to keep things back on topic people. Favorite Smash game, and why. Respect each other's opinions. This, "which game is more competitive" thing is an endless and exhausted debate that has been going on for years.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I disagree. Now, for the record, I'm not one to get heated and personal in the Brawl vs. Melee debate. But you have to understand the Melee viewpoint, especially from a competitive standpoint. Melee was just starting to become a respected game in the general competitive gaming community. The community was thriving. Then Brawl comes out, makes a huge rift in the community, takes away potential for new players to come into Melee, and is so awful (I don't want to start an argument here, this is just the general view of competitive fighting gamers) and laughable that now Smash as a whole gets no respect again. I know it's mostly the ignorant online communities that laugh at Smash, but that's not even really the big issue. The big issue was the rift it made, and the stagnation is caused Melee. Meanwhile most of us believe that Melee is a better, more fun, more competitive game (in fact, I'd argue that most Brawlers admit that Melee is more competitive). So it's a bit frustrating, you see?
I disagree. Getting your panties in a knot over video games is stupid. Getting all personal and angry about that... there is no way to justify it.

Also, I apologize if I am missing something here, but how did Brawl ruin Melee's competitive reputation? Considering Brawl isn't an expanded Melee, people who enjoyed Melee's competitive play could have stayed happily, and those who enjoyed Brawl would switch over. If Brawl WAS a Melee 2.0, that would have caused much more than a rift for Melee, it would have killed it. New players wouldn't want to go to Melee either because of that, who wants to go play the same game with lesser graphics, no online, and less content? I'm not denying your claim, I'm not educated on the matter so I'm just wondering.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
That's the thing. It's not about the game, it's about the community. People.

And as far as Brawl goes, to any outsiders looking to get into Smash, Brawl is Smash 3, that's the one they'll pick.


Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
That's the thing. It's not about the game, it's about the community. People.

And as far as Brawl goes, to any outsiders looking to get into Smash, Brawl is Smash 3, that's the one they'll pick.

I think people who enter the competitive scene of Smash Bros. are people who are knowledgeable of all three or would soon become knowledgeable of them and would choose the superior game to play in that way. I've never even encountered a casual player who was oblivious to the series and what they were like.

Nevertheless, if it all comes down to a new game simply ruining the earlier game's popularity, I don't think it has much to do with anything, it seems perfectly logical. Getting mad at what happened is like getting mad they came out with a new game, and that is simply childish.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
I'd also like to point out that anyone who is thinking about jumping into competitive smash for the first time, and isn't informed and just goes straight into brawl, might assume that both 64 and melee are just as campy, glitchy and as imbalanced, as well as just boring to play in the competitive sense as brawl.

they might get a bad idea of competitive smash as a whole just from seeing brawl, which compared ot melee is a glitchy camp fest, and while some can tolerate it, and possibly evne find it fun, most folks are gonna see brawl at a competitive level and think "damn...wtf is this crap?"

it took the competitive smash scene years during melee's time to build up a decent rep, and due to brawl, practically all that work was flushed down the toilet.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
People join the competitive scene for the game they play. No new players Melee any more because it is old. Almost all new players go to Brawl. Also, believe it or not, the games are pretty separate. The vast majority of Brawl players do not play Melee competitively, the only connection is this website, which has a large proportion of noncompetitive players, which none of this concerns.

The only reason it's really frustrating is because the majority of everyone recognizes Melee as a game better suited for competition. Also, what link said.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Well I'll take your word for it. That just seems so surprising to me, quite sad really. You can't be a fan of Smash Bros. unless you know about the whole series! For shame!


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
I'd also like to point out that anyone who is thinking about jumping into competitive smash for the first time, and isn't informed and just goes straight into brawl, might assume that both 64 and melee are just as campy, glitchy and as imbalanced, as well as just boring to play in the competitive sense as brawl.

they might get a bad idea of competitive smash as a whole just from seeing brawl, which compared ot melee is a glitchy camp fest, and while some can tolerate it, and possibly evne find it fun, most folks are gonna see brawl at a competitive level and think "damn...wtf is this crap?"

it took the competitive smash scene years during melee's time to build up a decent rep, and due to brawl, practically all that work was flushed down the toilet.
This is why Brawl mods are the best for Brawl, and can actually save the competitive scene. Which is usually the target audience of such mods.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 24, 2007
The twilight Zone
You can CC in ssb64

Melee's speed is right at the point where it's reasonable to react quickly and but prediction is needed for the next thing like for sheild pressure or combos/gimps. It balnced between those two pretty well I think. Also the advanced techs added another level of options that does some neat advancements to the game. Just on topic of wavedashing, L-canceling, light sheilding and powersheilding for falco. powersheilding with wd oos create a neat anti falco laser game but this has lead to falcos to cancel the laser all but for the sound where thy'll sheild to reflect it back when they grab/f-smash.

then You could easly find a counter to that count of just running up grabbing which could be counter by a pillar which You could counter by Light sheilding changing the timing of his L-cancel making it more likly he'll mess Up which is countered by pressing it more offen which is counter by hitting them out of the air during to jab reset but it will count as a tech also.

Melee's techs honestly add a very neat level of game plan becuase part of the match is figuring out IF they can do these things so You can change quick enough to just wall off at the edge of their limit. Like sheilding against a falco who can't Pillar well. or more extreme against would be to know his speed limits/options to easier to counter his movement.

Not saying either or is better/more skilled just that melee's techs without a doubt do in fact level a level of pressure and adapting/countering.

Also on quantity, I would love to see tournments where You can play like 2-3 mewtwo and see the differences in sytle. Melee has a LOT more in it than people really can put out. Take fox/falco/falccon They are likly by far the most played now a days and I can STILL see people inventing new tricks as them. Like the semi recent shine retreating nair sheild pressure S2Js falcon using the dasg attack to do wierd edge combos and how he fights sheik. Just think of those lower that are rarely played and how much more they could have done just based on that.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
I never said if Wavedashing was a gltich. It is still an exploit.
This only proves that the devs knew about the fact that if you mid air dodged into the ground, you slid. The devs had no idea that people would actually use such a feature as a major core of gameplay. After all, Smash Bros was never intended to be a serious fighter anyways, but I am glad it did.

Anyways, the point I was making is this: Wavedashing didn't start becoming a major core of gameplay until 2003. SSBM came out in 2001. If it was intentional to be a core gameplay feature, then it would have been mentioned somewhere inside the game, or the instruction manual. It would have been discovered within the first year of the game's release if it was an intentional technique. All Wavedashing is is exploiting the game's physics to allow you to slide everywhere.


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
I never said if Wavedashing was a gltich. It is still an exploit.
This only proves that the devs knew about the fact that if you mid air dodged into the ground, you slid. The devs had no idea that people would actually use such a feature as a major core of gameplay. After all, Smash Bros was never intended to be a serious fighter anyways, but I am glad it did.

Anyways, the point I was making is this: Wavedashing didn't start becoming a major core of gameplay until 2003. SSBM came out in 2001. If it was intentional to be a core gameplay feature, then it would have been mentioned somewhere inside the game, or the instruction manual. It would have been discovered within the first year of the game's release if it was an intentional technique. All Wavedashing is is exploiting the game's physics to allow you to slide everywhere.
What do you define "exploit" as? As far as I'm concerned, it's just the nature of the physics. If you mean exploit as in an unfair use of the mechanics, how is it unfair? Everyone can use it, it's not hard, you don't need it for casual play, you can still do fine with plenty of characters without it. And if you don't mean an unfair use of mechanics, then what does it matter?

No competitive game will be the same three years in as on release. The major "core" of how any competitive game plays changes. You can look at literally any competitive game (fighter, RTS, whatever) and see how overall play style changes, popular techniques shift, and the metagame changes. No game developer will ever know how the game will be played three years after release. They have no clue what techniques and play styles will take off. Maybe they didn't think wavedashing was a big deal. Maybe they just viewed it as the product of the physics, not a "technique" worth mentioning.

As far as intentionality, we already know that wavedashing was intentional. The physics were intentional, wavedashing is just a product of the physics, they knew it, they saw it. L-canceling was also definitely intentional, and yet they never official mentioned that, right? Why does something have to appear in the instruction manual for it to be "legit"?

I'm also almost positive that wavedashing was discovered much before 2003, it just didn't become a staple technique until around that time.

Actually, here it is:
January of 2002, one month after release in America. I'm sure people even knew about it before this, but this is the earliest public account of wavedashing I can find on smashboards.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
I'd also like to just throw this out here before i head to bed.

brawl "technically" has like double the amount of physics exploits AND actual "glitches" used in its competitive scene then melee ever did.

Most characters in melee didn't rely on near the amount of glitches and physics exploits as many do in brawl.

So just an FYI, don't go attacking melee's scene saying it revolves around glitches or anything, and then turn right around and praise brawl's competitive scene.

both games do technically have glitches and exploits that are allowed in competitive play, as do many fighters and really any competitive games at all, so its kinda pointless to get angry over the fact that any glitches or exploits are being used, unless they happen to be downright gamebreaking like metaknights infinite dimensional cape glitch, but those are banned for a reason...


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
I consider exploits to be using the game's mechanics to one's advantage, despite the fact that everyone else can do it or not, or if these exploits are for better or for worse.
EDIT: I will need to clarify some things, since people like to be smartasses. I meant mechanics that were never intended to be used. Wavedashing is an example.

You do make good points though.

However, I will stop this argument here. This is not the thread to be doing this sort of thing. It is best if we keep everything back on topic once again.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
^ so i just basically powershielded my opponents smash attack and countered with my grab.

I just used the games mechanics to my advantage.

did i justz do an exploitz?


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
Or... "I smashed my opponent off the stage with my powerful attack, killing him." I used the games mechanics to my advantage, am I exploiting the game?

Whatever, I'll just stop. Sorry for derailing your thread.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
Or... "I smashed my opponent off the stage with my powerful attack, killing him." I used the games mechanics to my advantage, am I exploiting the game?

Whatever, I'll just stop. Sorry for derailing your thread.
^ so i just basically powershielded my opponents smash attack and countered with my grab.

I just used the games mechanics to my advantage.

did i justz do an exploitz?
Its cool. I kinda provoked it. But those "examples" were poor.


Banned via Warnings
Apr 24, 2007
The twilight Zone
Exploiting would reffer to using to gain. Idk some bad arguements like predictions for a fighting games metagame. Yes smash was a party game but to be fair I play a game with set rules for one on one with two fighters that try to out do each other but getting their kills first. Nintendo also deceided they would appeal to hardcore gamers with the wiiu so I don't trust anythin they say.

Only glitches I know to seriously be used in tournments would be m2's side-B on battlefield to flip them under the edge and ness's yoyo glitch but that's even rarer than m2,s confusion use. Samus's swd i'm not 100% sure if its a glitch or not. Like if You down-b And hold one way You do in fact slide and it might be explained better by the likes of strongbad or some samus player. But hardly matters still.

But most of the techs just add another layer of options for both defense and offense. As I said before.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
God, if I hear any more on exploits, I'm gonna get a headache.

Drop the subject: its done, its over, no more.

We strayed too far from the topic at hand here. So, What is your favorite smash game and why? Play nice.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Sup! Alrighty, here's an interesting question, and to answer it, i throw back at you another question: What are you looking for in a smash game? If you want the nostalgia, you go for 64. If you want hard/hardcore gaming mechanics, melee, and if you want a slightly more leisuristic feel, but still want to enjoy some competitive playing, then you can go for brawl (although in a way melee's like that as well, but... hmm....)

But now i'm sick of question stuff. I like each of them for different reasons.

Smash 64: Oh goodness, where do i start. I can say i'm pretty young. that is to say, I grew up on this game. I lived and breathed it. Not to mention it had some pretty fantastic characters in it. It introduced me to games i hadn't played before (for instance, earthbound), but that came much later. When I was a child, the game was basically 'the bee's knees'. For it's time it's graphics were a wonder, and I thought so at a couple years old. Nostalgia often plays tricks on us, but I remember loving this game as a young kid, and the triumphant feel when I occasionally beat my brother, 8 years older than myself. It holds a special place in my heart, and even if playing it again feels slightly choppier than I remember, it's still a lot of fun to go back and play.

Melee: Well this is actually the game I say i've had to have played the least. Growing up so focused on 64 it was only until after Brawl was released that I realised there was a second game. Going to my first tournament I finally had the chance to play it, and it was extremely fun. i wasn't used to the meta game then, and died often, but still shared a laugh and kept on. my favourite character, as you can see, is definitely not high tier, but I found an awesome way to kill people on termina bay 5that annoys them to no end, so i wasn't too sad about all the losses i faced.

ANYWAY I found myself smiling as i was taken through different levels. It was definitely an experience I was going to remember, and got no end of enjoyment out of a game I believe would also hold a place among side a game that already does, had i played it more. Therefore, I just put it there anyway, and tend to get extremely excited when i have any chance to play the game.

Brawl: Well, i found out about brawl from a friend. Going straight from 64 to brawl was most certainly an experience: Any choppy frames were fixed, gameplay was much smoother, and oh my goodness the graphics! Nintendo, it seemed, put more work in to designing their characters for brawl than they did for any other wii game at the time, maybe even till present. Every character had exquisite detail that was unmatched by previous games and looking at SSE was like looking at something in HD. As well as that i was going from 12 original chars to well over 30, and unlocking all the new characters, even ones that had come from melee, was a huge and rewarding experience: "Who are these identical twins!? They get a pterodactyl!? WOW!!!!"

After the original excitement, we got down to gameplay. learning certain techniques has been interesting, to say the least, and getting better at it, going to my first tournament, and actually not doing too bad made me really quite happy. it was easier than previous games, I noted, but it didn't really subtract from it. Then I saw the smashboards tier list, and went, "Aww, my fav chars are so low on the tier..." but it was ok, since I resolved i'd try and push them up the tier list and so on.

I'm rambling... I still get a lot of enjoyment out of brawl, and me and my brother play it many days, as often as we can. The music from it is amazing, and, well, yeah. it was just generally really well made, IMO, even if it didn't have the same nostalgic feeling as, say, 64.

So then all three i love, just simply for different reasons. I'm hoping i'll love smash 4 as much as i've loved these three games so far! ;)


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
Well since everybody else has gone into detail as to why *insert smash game here* is there favorite smash game I guess I will too.

Smash 64: To be honest I never played smash 64 as a kid and I never played it causally either but I still have a lot of fun with it. This game is beautifully balanced but has a lack of characters so the amount of character diversity is not so different from Melee’s. The game missing D.I. is something that has always buged me but I would not say that it is a problem (I know that there is S.D.I. but that is not very helpful for getting out of combos). The game also lacks defensive options but it’s not a major problem, it’s better to lack defensive options rather than have too many defensive options, it’s very satisfying to pull off 0 to death combos in this game and there would not be nearly as many with more defensive options, they would still be there, but you would not get them as often. The combos are more satisfying than Melee’s but by the same token it’s less fun getting combed in smash 64 because there is no D.I. so all you can do is hope really. The stages in same 64 (while they may be a lot less) are the best and most unique. All of (I’m talking about tournament legal stages) stages are fun to play; none of them look the same either. Overall, I would say that smash 64 has a strong competitive seen and is fun to play competitively, it may lack defensive options but that not necessary a bad thing, it has some fun stages to play on and the combo system works very well. It’s not as fun to play causally anymore (unless you’re playing for nostalgia) but is still a lot of fun to play competitively.

Melee: I have a lot of memories with this game and I still love it today. This game had a huge jump in the amount of characters and stages from smash 64. D.I was a brilliant idea to add defensive options to the game without overdoing it. The game is also well balanced for having 26 characters (I’m counting Zelda/ Sheik as separate characters), but not as well balanced as smash 64, but that is only expected since there are more characters in this game. Combo are very satisfying in this game, not quite as satisfying as smash 64 combos but you can now doing something when you are getting combed because of D.I. so you’re not completely helpless anymore when you are getting combed. Not everything is perfect in this game though; there are a few horribly boring match ups in this game (like jiggs dittos), but there are also a lot really intense and fun matches as well (Falco dittos, Marth vs. Fox, etc.) Overall, I would say melee is really fun to play competitively and is also a lot of fun to play causal too (I’ve meet people who play causally and prefer melee over brawl).

Brawl: I used to play this game a lot before I got competitive, and used to watch agro competitive brawl players (people who had an aggressive style on play) before I saw competitive melee and that’s all I’m going say about that. I don’t see the competitive appeal to this game, it’s boring to watch/play, and the way you play on top level just feels like a set would go on forever. Hit stun is almost absent from this game which is just flat out stupid. However even though brawl has what I would say has the worst competitive play style, it still has the best causal appeal. It has the most stages/ characters and more continent than the other games. It’s fun to play with my friends who do play causally and don’t care about all of the competitive stuff. Overall, brawls competitive play style is slow paced, boring, and just not fun overall, but it does have the best causal appeal.

I like all of the games, but melee and smash 64 are still my favorites. Brawl is fun to play causally but I could not see myself ever getting into competitive brawl. I’ve rambled on long enough now so I’m going to end this post now. (This is my longest post so far lol.)

*EDIT* Sorry for all the grammer mistakes and misspellings, tell me if there are anymore that I need to fix.

*EDIT AGAIN* Oh my god I can’t believe I forgot to mention the tech skill in smash 64 and melee. It’s so fun to watch people (like Dark and Silent Wolf in melee) do a lot of crazy technical stuff and it’s also a lot of fun to do technical stuff (like dash -> shine -> turn around -> wavedash -> edgehog with fox in melee). Smash 64 is not as technical as melee because it’s not as fast as melee but it’s still pretty technical.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
Congrats Spyro on your longest post ever.

Also, what does DI mean/stand for?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2007
Helsinki, Finland
Smash is one of my favourite game franchises and a new addition to the series is always a gift from the gods. I have played Melee and Brawl competitively for a long time making my way into power rankings in both of the games in my country. Smash 64 wasn't as big as the other two for me but I enjoyed it regardless. All three games are amazing in their own way but in the end Brawl has stood to be the best for me.

I started playing Melee like a mad without knowing anything about it's competitiveness for years until I finally put the name "SSBM" in search in YouTube. My jaw still hurts for what I saw that day and since then I have been playing it seriously trying to attend every single tournament held here. No wonder the announcement of Brawl made me wet my pants. The game turned out to be cooler and cooler by every update and the wait was extremely painful.

When the game finally got released I noticed that it wasn't anything like Melee. I put Melee for a little break and I played Brawl for a pretty long time until I gave up on it suprisingly. I'd still play Brawl but Melee was still my main game where I wanted to develop. This was the turning point for me when I played Melee again after the short break. I suddendly grew tired of the same dominating characters, the same few stages we always play on and the direction the competitive scene was going towards. The game wasn't close to anything it was before, it was turning into a restricted game having only a little piece of it's former glory left. The amazing gameplay and depth wasn't enough for me, I wanted more diversity in stages and characters.

That's when I gave Brawl another chance competitive wise and suddendly I got sucked in. The gameplay wasn't as deep and techskill wasn't as important as in Melee but the variety in characters (Lucario and Wario <3) and stages was just too good to ingore. I also like that techskill isn't so important anymore in competitive play, Wave-Guiding Hero said it better than I could:
I prefer the slower, more strategic combat of Brawl to the fast paced, tactical gameplay of Melee -/.../- I'll ALWAYS prefer game that favors thought and strategy over the game that favors reflexes and techskill.
Along this and the previously mentioned variety in character and stages the game turned out to be quite compelling. As if this wasn't enough, Brawl reminded me of the joys of four player ffa's with items high with it's incredible item design and really unique character traits that allow for an incredible party game. I don't mean to advertise but me and my friend just finished a video that best describes what I mean.

I still play Melee although I just criticized it hard, it's still a damn good game despite me growing a bit tired of it. All in all, every game is worth playing and I'm happy that I found a game series as awesome as Smash Bros. I can't even count how many new friends I have got by playing the games. They aren't just friends along some other people that I barely know, they've became friends with whom I'd like to spend time almost anytime, anywhere.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
I prefer the slower, more strategic combat of Brawl to the fast paced, tactical gameplay of Melee.
I just want to point out something about what this guy said, just because a game is faster or more techical does not make it less strategic. If melee was only about how fast you were than would'nt Dark be the best in the world instead of Mango (just something to think about there)? After you get all of the basic techical stuff down (wavedashing, L-canceling, ect.), the game (melee) becomes a lot more strategic. Saying that brawl is more strategic because it's slower is a bit of a stretch. Sorry, I'm not trying to start another debate, it's just bugs me when people say that brawl is more strategic because it's slower.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
I just want to point out something about what this guy said, just because a game is faster or more techical does not make it less strategic. If melee was only about how fast you were than would'nt Dark be the best in the world instead of Mango (just something to think about there)? After you get all of the basic techical stuff down (wavedashing, L-canceling, ect.), the game (melee) becomes a lot more strategic. Saying that brawl is more strategic because it's slower is a bit of a stretch. Sorry, I'm not trying to start another debate, it's just bugs me when people say that brawl is more strategic because it's slower.
I think that since Brawl is slower, strategy becomes more obvious, and takes on a much bigger factor than in Melee. However, this doesn't mean that Melee has no strats. Any game you play has a strat to it. The only difference is HOW strats influence gameplay and thought process during play.


Smash Ace
Oct 6, 2011
I think that all three smash games are immensely deep fighting games because of the unique style of fighting that is used in the game (you know, the whole % thing and how character mobility is almost limitless compared to other fighting games [and btw that is another thing I love about the smash games :)]); speed only plays the role of how fast you are able to make good decisions, which in turn give the game another layer of skill; it does not affect how deep the game is, you just won’t have a long time to sit there and think of the best option, you will just have to learn how to think quickly. Here are some examples in terms of depth: if you always tech away from the ledge ever time, now even though that is the best option, people will start to predict that and you will get punished for it. If you always approach with a nair (neutral air) with Fox, even though Fox’s nair is really good, you will still get punished for always approaching with it because they will start to predict that after the 3rd or 4th time you approaching with it and you will start getting shield grabbed, I could give you a ton of more examples but I think you get the idea, the point is you can’t be predictable or you’re going to punished. You can’t always approach, tech, recover, edge-guard, etc. the same way because you start becoming predictable, and that is something I love about all of the smash games (I just used examples from melee because that the game I am most familiar with). I don’t think X smash game has more/less depth than Y smash game. I think all of the smash games are incredibly deep fighting games, and on high levels of play these games become very complex, which is one of the many reasons I love them :) (too bad I can't enjoy playing/ watching competitive brawl :/ ).


Smash Champion
Apr 12, 2007
Tristate area
I just don't get this "one or the other" mentality with speed/tech skill vs. mental game. They are separate entities. Speed increasing does not AT ALL mean mental game decreasing. If anything, I would argue that the increased speed and greater number of movement options makes Melee's mental game MORE important than Brawl's. Melee has more options to consider at any given time, more mixups, and the quicker pace means you need to recognize and initiate these things faster. So... it's harder, sure, but not lesser.

But really, both games function under the same mechanics and rules. The mental game is pretty identical.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
IMO, they end up equalizing each other as they need to for each game. And they are also very tied together: If you have bad/good reflexes, that can affect your mental game. That is to say, if you're on the sample level 'Bath' in brawl, or Shadow moses island, and you're on a high percentage, if you know your reflexes are good and you can D.I. and tech well, then that will influence your mental game in that you can then choose to play more aggressively than otherwise, etc. etc.

I'm sure you already know this, but yeah. ^^


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
Very hard to say for me, I loved and played Smash64 and Melee to death, I hate Brawl.

I liked smash64 jigglypuff the best playstyle wise, but melee took smash64- improved and added on it. Brawl took steps back and removed characters even.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
64 - a joke.

Melee - incredibly deep and versatile in playstyles. Definitely my favorite.

Brawl - unrespectable party game.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Not to start an argument, but, respectively, why do you think 64 is a joke? it kicked off the series and was why Sakurai put so much work in to melee, was it not? I'm just curious, i guess. To each their own. :)
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