"Combos naturally into a SDJ if [Attack], [Jump], or [Up (for tap jump off) is pressed."
Interesting. I play with tap jump off, and lately my succes in comboing from an SDR seems to be way too high. Id say at leasst 50% of the time I try, I'll Can hit from SDR to SDJ to Aerial with no probs. I think one of the awesome things about the SDR>SDJ>Aerial is that I don't really see a "good" way to DI out of it. Except perhaaapppps at very low percentages, in which case I usually tend to ASC anyways because ASC is very effective at these low damages. Whichever way you DI out of it, Sonic seems to have an option to follow up with because of its low knocback. If your DI moves you back, then Bair, forwards is Fair or Nair, Upwards uair, and I don't think you can really DI well down against that SDJ.
I dunno, I love SDR. A mnth or two ago I could only sporadically get a fully 20+ damage from it, but now its the norm. I think I have developed some sort of SDR muscle memory. Cool. =P
To infzy:
Its a simple mistake, but one I noticed I made alot. Make sure yu're holding forward all the way through the ASC, until after it hits. I noticed that I would hold forward for a bit after I began the ASC, but usually unwittingly let go of pressing forward before I completed my attack, hitting once instead of twice(or even 3 times sometimes O.o). Holding forward until after you've hit your opponent helps.
One note to elaborate about priority, which I don't think is mentioned in your guide Tenki(been a while since I read it all =P). The SideB's priority seems to decrease in a inverse relationship as it travels its path. Meaning, the more of the the hope completed, the less the priority. It starts with invincibility for a couple frames, then goes down to extremely high priority, then to high, good, ok, bleh, sucky,etc. Thats why timing has to be more precise to go through some moves than others. For example, Fsmash you have a small window to which go thru it using the hop. However, wolfs laser has the highest non invincibile priority possible, because it stuns. You cannot go through it with any attack, unless it has SAF or invincibility frames, which is why you can only go thru it with the hop during the very beginning of it. If you test it, you will notice there is a larger window to go through the fsmash than through wolf's laser.
The following im a bit less sure of, need more testing, but I'm pretty confident in it nevertheless
Also after the Initial Hop of the SideB, when the attack becomes an SDR, priority is reset into standard SDR priority, which is basically very high at the beginning of the SDR, yet quickly decreases as you travel. The same is true for once an ASC touches the ground, which is why I oft find that immediately after hitting the ground from an ASC, the SDR has quite high priority.