I already have febuary 10th and the following week planned, i have the game preordered, so i will go a little bit early. Buy my game, go to my friends house and we will play a few quick rounds online, and not online, then we will find a list of unlockables, and my friend will just tell me how to unlock the characters but not tell me who i am working to unlock. Then we will beat the entire SE on hard, then play a ton of online, then when i go home i will start SE on intense, and during the course of the week i will play some online and finish SE on intense. Then on friday night i plan on not going to sleep as i will play with every character in the game online (1v1 matches if it is an option for most of the matches) then i will beat a ton of events and stuff. I will probabally try a couple specator just to try to get more coins (depending what you use them for) then i will play throught and try every aspect of the game. The saturday mid day i am going to my friends with a few other people and we will have 2 wiis set up with 2 copies and we are going to play nonstop brawl until sunday evening, then i will go home and play some more. Thats where my plans end, then i will play smash when ever i can!