I personally cannot say, that in which "category" I belong in.
I play both, "casual" and "competetive" (As classed on this thread) levels of the game.
As the Finnish Smash Community isn't so huge, the actual "competetive level" is rather low, even tho' in Finland, at least over 3000 people own Brawl and 1000 own Melee (Yeah, small ammount, but Finland doesn't have a huge gaming base), whereas only a handful, about 30 people, know about the whole "Smash Scene" or competetive plays, that are occuring around the world.
I like to play all 3, SSB64, SSBM and SSBB in every way. 1P-Modes, 2vs2, 1vs1, items on or off, any stage and with or without any special rule. It all depends on how a person playing the game likes to have fun with the game. Isn't that pretty much it?
When it comes to the finnish smash scene: Of course, I like to have competition. It's just natural, that being the one to win all the time, get's boring after some while, so you seek out much more experienced players.
But then, when you play with them, then, to a person like me, everything starts to suck and feel lame after a while.
Why? Good question.
The "Smashers of Finland" are mostly serious meleetards. Other Smash games are no good. SSB64 is only for boredom and Brawl is for babies or noobs. If you don't know how to play Melee on a tournament level, you suck. You're a total looser. End of story, gtfo kid.
They say that they "Aren't serious about the game, it's just fun" or "We like to play competetive. It's more fun from our POV". Well, even if that's it, do they notice what they do to the "new" people who would like to join the "finnish smash community" and play on competetive level?
No. They don't.
In the last 5 years of Finnish Smash Scene, this is the following I've heard:
"Only 5 new people have joined the competetive area of the finnish smash scene. Only 5!! That's 1 person for 1 year."
And one of those 5, is me. And I have to admit, even I had huge doubts about "joining the scene". The "professional players" seemed so harsh, mean and above all things: Rude.
After meeting them, could I only judge them.
So don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that they are *******s, pricks or such. They are all very nice people, but the image they give of themselves via' being "rly **** srs gamers", is just bad.
Of course, there are the people, like me, who don't really care about their rankings, of how the game is played and so on.
During a friendlies, we play the game like we want to, no matter what others say. When we play with the tournament rules, we play it that way.
But when it's a competition: We play to win.
It's just natural. When it's a competition, of course you strive to be number one.
But can you play the game on a competetive level and yet, at the same time, not care about what others think about you if you loose?
From my point of view, it seems like, that this, playing the game for fun on competetive level and not caring what others think if you loose, has simply faded away as the time has passed by.
And now, back to the actual topic:
When it comes to me, I consider myself a competitive casual. I like to play the game in every way it offers itself to be played on with. When it's a competition, I play to win. But in the end, I don't care if I win or loose. It's just a game. Of course, even I go serious about the game, when we are talking about money. Nobody wants to loose their money.
I know every technique in SSBM. I'm considered as one of the best mindgame players in Finland, even if casual. I'm being told, that I learn really fast and am able to win if I just really focus. Yet, even after all that, I do not consider myself as a "FRIGGIN HARDCORE DUDE" gamer. I am me, I just play as I like to. If I will someday become as good as the ones playing on hardcore level, the finnish experts, Peki, Neutroni, Ijuka, MTK etc. then of course, I will be happy. But still, nothing will change. It won't make a difference if I'm helluva good or not. All that I will simply be, is a really good player among the others.
PS. Forgot to say... Yes, I do get upset when I loose. I might even get really mad. But no, this doesn't happen always. It's only againts one certain person, that I just happen to hate really much and I consider a jerk, for many and personal reasons.