OK, so as most of you are aware "combo" is not really a term to be tossed around in brawl as 99% of these "combos" are escapable and it's really kind of a joke. This is going back to sw's thread on why a brawl combo section even exists:http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=250230
We should come up with a new name for "combo" videos and change the name to something like highlight video. People will stop trolling about brawl being pitifully bad and combos being a joke and we should make a new name for them.
So what do you guys think they should be called?
Submitted Suggestions
-A Brawl String of Hits Thanks to Mingames Video (GunmasterLombardi)
-Highlight Video
We should come up with a new name for "combo" videos and change the name to something like highlight video. People will stop trolling about brawl being pitifully bad and combos being a joke and we should make a new name for them.
So what do you guys think they should be called?
Submitted Suggestions
-A Brawl String of Hits Thanks to Mingames Video (GunmasterLombardi)
-Highlight Video