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What makes a game popular?


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Hampden, Maine
I'm seeing some posts in the tier list thread about what makes a fighting game popular and a lot of arguing about the subject. So I'd like to know what you guys think makes a competitive game (such the games in the halo series, smash, street fighter) popular?

I think that it mostly has to do with the fact that maybe the game is new and has improved features or new features (online play, more characters, stages, more moves or techniques, naked women, better graphics).

And another question. What made you want to play brawl when it was released? And if you still play brawl, why? Does it have to do with it having a large community of people to play with or is it because you feel it is a better game overall for whatever reason? I personally don't play brawl and I've only played a couple of matches since it came out.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2010
Ohio yeeeee
Advertising is a massive part

A built in fanbase is another massive part (WoW anyone?)

Innovative gameplay and features isn't as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be. Look at the last few CoD games


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Cal Poly / Davis, CA
A lot of times sequels maintain the original fan base by not changing what people liked. Add new maps, maybe some new characters, sure. But don't change the core gameplay. That's where brawl was unsuccessful. The new levels and characters were great, but since they changed the core gameplay, many people stayed with melee.

In terms of new games, it's mostly advertising, innovation, and a top of the line graphics


Smash Champion
Aug 21, 2008
Aarhus, Denmark, Europe
In Smash's case, it's probably all the Nintendo related content. Let's be honest here, how many of us would have ever picked up Smash if it wasn't for "whoa, you can play as Mario and Link!"? :bee:
The game is way more than that, but if a game doesn't create interest and become popular in the first place, it won't get a competitive following.

For new games like Halo (back when it was new), it must have been advertising. It was being marketed as the flagship title for this "new, big thing", the Xbox. That, and people find it fun to play and tell all their friends about how awesome it is.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Yeah I wish popularity was directly related to how good a game is.
But we have Ico in one hand, then we have CoD in the other.

It's mostly marketing. Like at least 80% marketing.
Probably more.


Smash Ace
Jan 15, 2010
Graphics sell the games.
This. I believe in the belief that:
- Good graphics can not make a bad game good.
- Bad graphics can not make a bad game worse.
- Bad graphics can not make a good game bad.
- Good graphics CAN make a good game better.

However, most people who agree with these statements are the more non-casual players (as not all games are necessarily competitive in the sense that you're competing against other people). But most people in general ARE the casual players who do believe that "ZOMG GRAFIX R EVRYTHIN." Hence the reason for Brawl's fanbase (not necessarily the graphics but "new" things in general).


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
To put it bluntly, I wanted Brawl because I waited 7 long faithful ****ing wasted years for a sequel, to one of my favorite/most treasured games in my entire VG library. That's why. Such a shame... Such a **** shame.

...Personal reasons aside, one of the bigger reasons games become popular are when they are advertised properly. In case of Brawl, it got a whole website dedicated to it, drawing in viewers from other websites featuring the content posted on the DOEJOE. Everything links these days... Hard for word like that not to spread around.
Of course, with the way most of the gaming populous is these days, if you have an iconic character returning for a title... that'll sell nicely regardless. However, if going for something original, just cross your fingers it doesn't get torn apart by picky "professional" game reviewers, and... go from there.

Yeah... Reviews... I think those say a lot as well.

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
LOOOOL at CoD ruling this thread.
****ing cod is so bad. why is it so **** populare.

if it aint CoD or naked women, its done.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
In melee's case it was amazing cause it came out hot on the heels of smash64, a game that was more of test then a full fledged development. They wanted to see if this type of game could be successful , and oh man was it. So then they decided make the next one as best as they possibly could. Thus we got melee. The result of two years hard work and dedication. Not to mention a witch came by and cast the "Awesome" spell on it. What makes a game popular is a combo of good advertising and good gameplay. And of course in america. if its a shooter.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
It's really the advertisement.
Good games can't get popular without advertisement.
Even bad games can be popular as long as you can create enough hype for it before it comes out.

After that it all boils down to how good the actual game is. If it is good it will retain popularity. If it has enough to offer that a sequel or similar game doesn't do better than it transcends the generational gap in gaming. Normally once a game is outclassed by the newer better flashy toy on the market it is left to collect dust. Melee has enough that other games can't offer (even games with the same core... aka Brawl) and it differs enough that it will always be popular as long as a true sequel to Melee comes out (Brawl isn't a true sequel gameplay wise).

Crazy Cloud

Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2007
Marketing. Then an interesting concept. Graphics. Popularity/Word of mouth helps out tons, too.

But then you take a game like Earthbound. In my opinion, it was advertised and marketed more so in it's time, than any other game ever. Games were not marketed heavily like they are today. I remember it's jumbo-sized box that it came in. And the huge Starman display at Walmart AND Target. And it had one of the most memorable catch-phrases (in my opinion) ever.

"This Game Stinks"

That catch phrase, is the reason I didn't purchase it when I was a kid. Looking back, I can also say that I wouldn't have enjoyed it in my younger years, either. Who wants to play a game when they're young, that requires reading and imagination? That's why most kids (myself included) didn't read books. And a game like EarthBound takes a lot of imagination to enjoy. RPGs in general, were not as popular as they are today. Games like Mario, Zelda, Contra, Sonic. Those were the games I remember talking about in elementary school. No one talked about Final Fantasy, or Dragon Warrior. Those were games that my school didn't touch upon until middle school.

I agree that marketing is definitely a key point in a game's sales. But you can't market any game and expect it to sell well.

On a side note:

I love EarthBound. It's definitely in my Top 20 favorite games. But, I'm more grown up now. EarthBound is too mature of a game (if you've played it, you should know what I mean) for a little kid to enjoy.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2010
To put it bluntly, I wanted Brawl because I waited 7 long faithful ****ing wasted years for a sequel, to one of my favorite/most treasured games in my entire VG library. That's why. Such a shame... Such a **** shame.

...Personal reasons aside, one of the bigger reasons games become popular are when they are advertised properly. In case of Brawl, it got a whole website dedicated to it, drawing in viewers from other websites featuring the content posted on the DOEJOE. Everything links these days... Hard for word like that not to spread around.
Of course, with the way most of the gaming populous is these days, if you have an iconic character returning for a title... that'll sell nicely regardless. However, if going for something original, just cross your fingers it doesn't get torn apart by picky "professional" game reviewers, and... go from there.

Yeah... Reviews... I think those say a lot as well.
I agree with all of this post.

Like many have stated, advertising is a huge part. Look at Spore.

Hype. Holy ****ing hype. This game was tremendously anticipated and advertised, it was made out to be like the best game in the universe. Turns out it is (99.65%) garbage and very poorly done, yet millions of people swarmed over it, and more importantly, bought all the (largely terrible and overpriced) expansion packs. Terrible. Just goes to show the general direction most video games are going today, unfortunately.

Video game creators aren't going to appeal to niche gamers, such as competitive smashers, because there is very little money to be made there. I suppose we can't blame them for that...oh well.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Chapel Hill, NC
basically a game has to


remember these three principles, because every large online game follows them
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