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What made you wan't to main Falco?

Blistering Speed

Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2008
Dot Dot Dash Dot
Mine was an incident rather then an aspect of the character. I was searching around the spacies looking for a secondary, when I played Falco for about half an hour in practice mode. I then proceeded on the first stock against my brothers Luigi to:
- At the start I shined his fireball hitting him and tripping him.
- Then I ran in and chaingrabbed from the trip up to around 50% by which point I was at the edge, where I went from the chaingrab to the spike.
- His recovery then just missing the edge meant he began to drop to his doom.
- I then dropped off and spiked him again, firebirding up to the edge.
My damage 0%.
My brother was like @_@


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2008
On N64 my brother played Fox, I played Captain Falcon and we played casual 2 vs 2 against my brother's friends. I always preferred how his character played rather then Captain Falcon but I didn't want to play the same character (I was young and having your own character was a big deal). So when Falco was put out in Melee I was given the option of having the same character (I know they are not the same, but in a moveset stand point they are similar) with a dif appearance and have loved the character ever since.


Smash Cadet
Dec 8, 2005
San Diego, CA
I was a samus mainer in melee, and a ZSS mainer in brawl (for the first week). However, since I've always been a flashy player , ZSS and Samus just didn't cut it for me in brawl. Falco began to appeal to me as he has: Chain grabs, spikes, and SHDL, all of which are pretty impressive looking moves.


Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2008
Bremerton, WA
I mained Falco in Melee, and at first I didn't really like the changes. I tried some other characters but eventually I went back to Falco and it all worked out. Then chainthrow, shine-trip, and shdl just solidified my choice.


Smash Cadet
Feb 21, 2008
Moncton, New Brunswick
He's cool ! Seriously, just his design attracted me ^^"
No longer do we have to face a giant ugly beak. XD... that was actually one of the reasons I was interested in Falco. Didn't use him much, still not using him much... but he IS a great character. I personally favorited him in Melee more so in Brawl because of his death spike of super death and death... o_o it hurt lol.

Who knows, maybe someday I'll try making Falco a part of the current crew.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 28, 2008
Leesburg, VA
he was my secondary, then moved up to my primary cuz i liked him so much

Same here, I mained Samus in the original, and I was/am very good with Samus in Melee, but after I got beat by my best friend at a tourney (he was Fox), I realized no matter how good I get with her, I'm just too slow. I tried Fox, which failed miserably since I cant time his jumps very well, so I ended up using Falco as the secondary, and now in Brawl, since Samus got pissed on, Falco is my main man. His spikes, the reflector, his tilts, smashes, foward/down grab, and his neutral and >B. The only thing I don't like about him is his ^B. For someone who played as Samus for like 9 years, his speed was perfect for me. I could actually play aggressive like I always wanted to. Hooray for clones


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Orlando, Sarasota, Tampa (FL)
Falco was one of my favorite characters in Melee and he had pretty much the most amazing and perfect spike ever. The reason I use him in Brawl is similar, he still has that easy to perform spike (though it is a little tougher now, well a lot tougher, but easier than most character's spikes), I also liked what they did to his reflector a lot, its so much fun to spam at opponents with slow reaction times since they just hold up their shield and sit there, but its still a good move in general as well. I didnt like some of his changes, but they havent been too hard to get over.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
Why I Main FALCO

For the record, Falco was my main, but for the past month I've been focusing on the Ice Climbers. I still play Falco quite frequently, it' just that I main both Ice climbers and Falco.

Here's why I main Falco:

He has powerful attacks, namely his f-smash (which has interesting range and can edge guard well).

Lasers are great, and lasers that stun are even better. Not only that, but his lasers don't dissipate with distance, as far as I know. Where as Fox's and Wolf's range is so limited in comparison. SHDL is very effective, as such, it makes Falco's gun very useful.

He has a great arial game, especially his b-air which is killer. His Nair isn't bad either. His Down air is great, and so easy to use in the form of spiking (In accordance to my testing, so long as you are touching the enemy, much like Jiggly's rest, you'll execute the spike). Spikes are always good, and this can even be comboed into in some cases. His Uair isn't as powerful as it's Melee iteration, but it's still a viable move, and can get the job done..

His throws are decent, but his real throwing potential comes in the form of his Dthrow, which can be chained to about %50 percent on most characters, though that number of course differs from character to character.

His Shine is amazing, simply put. Sure it's not the same shine in melee, as such it doesn't work the same way, in my opinion it's so much more fun to use, and it's far more effective. It is the ultimate move to use to halt any and all enemy advancement, which is awesome. You can Dthrow to shine, spacing the enemy even further from you so that they can't quickly retaliate. Ultimately, it's probably the BEST spacing move in the game. It also performs it's true purpose well, which is reflecting projectiles.

Recoveries: Up+B is still good, but is good really the right word? Up+B has quite a bit of start up lag, and is highly punishable. It should only be used when it's the last option available for recovery. Side B is the ultimate recovery for Falco, and probably one of the better recoveries in the game. Why? Because it covers so much horizontal distance in just a split second, more than enough to recover, and it sweetspots the ledge. Due to its speed, it's hard for the enemy to stop you're Side B recovery, which is definately one of Falco's greatest assets. It can also semi-spike enemies if they are struck with this in mid air. In addition, It is excellent when used for spacing on the ground...

So for these reasons, and many others, Falco is a very competent character. He's quick enough to get the job done, not too light, he's about medium when it comes to weight, and he's just outright bad ***.


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
Slightly north of Toronto, Canada
First day brawl came out, I didn't like Falco very much. He wasn't like in Melee. Regardless, I was fooling around with Lucas, Lucario, and Falco during online matches with some of my friends. I was actually planning on using Lucas, because I really liked my dair with him. But as the night went on, I was told my friends that I was bad with Lucas, decent with Lucario, but good with Falco. So I decided to focus on Falco. I then rapidly adjusted to his physics and got much better at smash brothers in general. This day I am quite good with Falco. However, I am also good with most characters. While I often don't die in a match with my friends with Falco, which is not a mega accomplishment in the competitive scene, I two-three stock with Donkey Kong, Fox, Snake, Pikachu, Toon Link, etc. *sometimes* I win with Ganondorf ( :p )

Basically, I started using Falco because I was told I was good with him. Then from there I realized how much I like him.

ellelaby's younger brother

Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2008
Always used him Melee, and then really wanted to use him in Brawl. But after so many weeks of maining him... I feel that I have to play with other characters now though. The great awesomeness of Falco feels like its wearing off and I'm at the character selection screen and I'm looking at all these characters and wanting to play them for some reason. They are all to good, but only some.


Smash Rookie
Apr 21, 2008
Interstella 5555
It all started with Star Fox 64. I fell in love with Falco. Then I played Melee like 7 weeks after it's release with the original roster and then I bought it like 3 days later unlocked Falco the same day. Started tripping out and used him ever since. Well him and Marth (in melee). Now I use C. Falcon. Falco. Link.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2007
Well, he's my secondary, but I don't think that's too much of a problem, is it?

I chose him as a secondary(I main Snake) because Bowser, although fun, was slow(and since I main Snake, I kind of want a speedy character to help spread things out, y'know?). So I tried Samus(Because... well.. Samus is an awsome character) and Falco. However, I was absolutly horrendus with Samus, where as Falco was actually very fun to play. I mean, I'm not that good with him yet, but he's still very fun to use.


Smash Cadet
Nov 26, 2007
Wanted to main him on melee cause of his out rageous combo potential, and on brawl he still has outrageous combo potential.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2007
New York
i mained him in melee because i thought he looked cool and after using him in melee there was no way i was switching him idc how much he changed hes still the best char to me


East Midlands!
Feb 26, 2008
His spike is what did it for me. It's by far the best way to kill^^ although his spike has been nerfed since melee, its still darn decent.

Soon after playing him, i found that his play-style is exactly what I've been looking for, and from there, starting looking into effective strategies and techniques


Smash Rookie
Apr 22, 2008
I liked Falco from Star Fox 64, so I gave him a try in Melee. Still using him now in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
I mained him because when I started out playing Smash Bros. I first like Yoshi, but then when I got my Wii and SSBB, I felt like they kinda nerfed him and I wasn't used with a side b since I skipped Meele and went for my PS2 (-.-). So after 2 week of searching, I felt Flaco was balanced. His smashes are great, great areal game and just enough speed just like Yoshi, so I could get the feel of him. And his reflector is great too, not like Fox's shine in N64 version.. (I keep using it too much -.-) .

All in all, I chose him cause he was a great player and a his taunts sound AUS-ike... AWESOME!

P.S Help me out and give me general Bralw tips, since I only played with my cousins in Smash Bros. 64 and now I'm getting ***** online and by my friends (and yes I have read guide here and there) -.-
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