Wow, it's so funny haha...I had a feeling that certain parts of this article would spark some controversy/discussion...all good though.
Honestly I could talk for so long on the topic of girls. Not saying I'm some kind of master pimp, cuz I'm not, but women is definitely a topic that I feel comfortable enough with my own experiences/knowledge talking about, however, it's a really really touchy topic.
Human emotions are strong, very very very strong, and when it comes to girls/women, it's a topic most people either don't want to hear about, or can't handle speaking truthfully about.
That being said, it's SO FUNNY that the topic of women is almost kind of taboo, when it's SUCH A BASIC THING. Like, if there's 3 things in life you should have a grasp on by the time you're like 30, it should be women, health and money imo, and these are all things that people hate talking about.
I got a couple requests via PM/Texts to share my thoughts/advice on girls in this thread, but I'm kind of hesitant to. Not because I care, because if it were up to me I'd just say what I feel is honest and right despite what it means in terms of my image or what people think of me. Could honestly care less.
But I do respect every viewer of this thread and I don't want to piss a lot of people off if that's what's going to happen.
But if enough people want to hear what I think, and we can agree to talk about it without kindergarten insults being flung back and forth, then I'm down. Lemme know