On the contrary, Marty. Really, I want to know what made FF8 likeable to other people. I tried, no, I SLAVED to like it! I even forced myself through it to the final temple before I could stand no more. The game didn't make me feel connected to any of the characters, the music was sub-par (besides that sweet acoustic guitar song that is), and playing it really just felt like a chore to me. Final fantasy 6 was great. 7 was inspiring. I knew 8 couldn't live up to 7, but geeze! It was like getting punched in the face, twice, and the shameful thing was that it was a little girl that did it.
The Junctioning system was completely original, and the only series to have something similar is Golden Sun with the Djinn. The summons were just awesome, and you could skip through them by CHOICE, plus, it's the only battle gauge related game I like. I never played 6, mind you.
As for 7, I played it after 8, and outside of Aeris and Sephiroth, there's nothing I can even like about it. It was good to introduce the Battle Gauge system(I think it first appeared FF wise in 7...), but outside of that, there was nothing spectaculary new. Massive cutscenes is fine if it were a movie or a fighting game, but it's NOT. RPGs are meant to be played, not watched. Although I give ToS an exception there, but that's just me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying FF7 is a bad game, but I just can't find anything redeeming about it personally. The only things that were wrong with FF8 was its linear storyline(IMO) and Squall's terrible personality. That's really it. You like FF7 better, and I prefer 8 more. I know people who think the same way as me and prefer 8, where MOST prefer 7.
Anyway, the point is, FF8 was a great game in its own right. The only Final Fantasy games that were really bad was 11. X-2 wasn't bad, just a bad idea itself.