In that case can we put up the PS3 for being the best console? It has some pretty good games + downloads + PS1. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII (those two games alone are a pretty impressive resume for the PS1), Spyro, Tony Hawk, Syphon Filter, Crash, Twisted Metal, Crash Team Racing, Ridge Racer, Dark Stalkers, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Symphony of the Night, Tekken 3. For downloads: Okami HD, Street Fighter II HD, Beyond Good and Evil HD, Sonic Adventure 2 HD, NiGHTS into Dreams HD, Jet Set Radio HD, Code Veronica HD, God of War HD, Ico HD, Shadow of the Colossus HD, Sly Cooper HD, Sands of Time HD, RE4 HD and Snake Eater HD.