This post is gonna be TL;DR (Well, longer than my usual ones), but please bear with me. It might be worth reading.
Firstly, I remember offering to help you before when replying to one of your posts in this Thread. I may not be a competitive player and I consider myself to be pretty average; however I'm more than willing to help you, or anyone else get better. At the very least I could be somewhat challenging and tell you what you do wrong. Seriously, do not be afraid to ask for some help if you want to get better.
There's plenty of people (including me) on SmashBoards that would be more than willing to help out.
Secondly, I'm really starting to think your frustration is starting to get the best of you. I know, it's not fun to lose constantly and I understand For Glory can be a frustrating mode sometimes. Heck, a lot of us can agree and understand just how frustrating it can truly be or else we wouldn't be in this Thread in the first place. You should note though that you really shouldn't measure your skill in For Glory at all. It's good for quick matches and it can be some good practice depending on what exactly you're practicing in some cases.
That doesn't mean you should put all your weight in it though. I will admit that I believe For Glory has helped me get better; however it's not really enough. You can only get so much out of the mode after all. Aside from that it takes more than just playing the game to get better. You need to have a basic understanding of it and be aware of techs, combos, DI, and more if you want to improve.
You have a lot of tools at your disposal. Most notably SmashBoards. Do not be afraid to take advantage of it.
I'm serious. For Glory may be a cesspool but that doesn't mean every single Smash player is out to get you. I said it before and I'll say it again, a lot of us here on SmashBoards will be more than willing to help you out of you just seek our help. Don't just complain. Actively do something about it. There's character boards here for each character. We also have Threads here where you can find opponents for both the Wii U and 3DS. A lot of folks here are much better and friendlier than any For Glorian you'll ever come across. That's no joke.
They'll give you tips and help if you ask.
@KeeganKTK approached me a long while back asking to Smash, and we've been Smashing each others butts (phrasing *COUGHCOUGH*) ever since. He's helped me improve plenty and even now he's still helping me improve. I've even seen improvements in his playing the more we Smashed. He's offered me dozens upon dozens of advice, and I try to help him when I can too.
It can really help to seek Training partners, and possibly friendships here as well.
Long story short, I really hate seeing you continually beat yourself up because you feel like you can't get better and continually get beaten (and often insulted) in For Glory. We've all started as terrible players, and we're all here for each other on SmashBoards.
Let us help you stand up when you're beaten down. You will improve as long as you put some effort into it.
Trust me.