Smash Journeyman
Well, Nintendo said that the model is a bit sharper than last time. Look at a side-by-side comparison of Brawl's and SSB4's Link.
Also, Ghirahim is a highly requested character, Wariofan1, and even then, Demise is the CLOSEST thing to SS's version of Ganondorf.
But back to Link, I did find differences between Brawl and Smash 4's:
-Sharper Models (As explained on the top of the message)
-Vibrancy of the colors being close to Skyward Sword's
-The length of the sword being longer*
-Link's hair length AND color**
*Note: Compare it to the size of Link. See, Sm4sh's goes up to Link's chest, while Brawl's goes up to Link's waist.
**Note 2: Link's hair IS Longer, and it looks more BROWN than dirty blonde. Skyward Sword is the same, more Brown than dirty blonde.
I understand why some people still say that it's not BOTH.
For the sword size, you're imagining it. Both of them go to Link's waist. You could measure this image and they'd be almost exactly the same(with any minute pixel difference resulting from minutely differing sword angles). And no, it's no more brown than TP. You've likely been looking at stages with dark lighting to give you this impression. As to hair length, all of them have hair reaching from the cap's edge to his eye. Any difference at least in this image is a result of two things- the SSB4 one is in the act of moving, billowing his hair out a little from the side of his head, and the SS one shows more of his hair due to a very different hair angle. Everything is sharper and more vibrant- it's the art style in this game, not something exclusive to SS Link.