Tell me everything you guys think would make smash 4 the best game possible
examples include better online, more hitstun, no tripping, possibly wavedashing, etc.
Infinite balanced characters, lagless online, perfect balance, a totally diverse lineup of characters, infinite items, infinite stages, and infinite game modes.[collapse="But to be more realistic, and to make a freaking long as heck list that shows how smash obsessed I am..."]
-I want this game to have great, innovative gameplay, above everything else.
-The ending of random tripping. Tripping as result of moves (such as Diddy Kong's bananas) should remain a smash bros mechanic, however (similar to how it works in Project M).
-I'd like the edge game to go back to how it was with Melee (edge hogging working, not all recoveries not being all broken aside from a few bottom tier characters, spikes actually existing) but with more DI (I love Smash 64's DI so much)
-Continuing on this point, I want more sexy kills. Spikes, KO's as a result of high hitstun at high percentages, etc that were all in Smash 64 and Melee, as well as
awesome roof tech kills and
the wall tech kills that were in Brawl.
-Make footstool hopping spike and kill at around 150% to 200%, depending on the enemies weight.
-I would also like dash dancing or some sort of substitute for it, as I felt it made the game more "mobile" and "action-packed," as well as put more offense and offensive variety in the game.
-On top of that, I would like something that is comparable to either Z-cancelling in Smash 64 or L-cancelling Melee that reduces air-to-land move after-lag, thus setting up some cool combos. It doesn't have to cancel 50% or 90% of the lag, but just a reasonable amount, like say 30%. Also, it should 100% be automatic.
-More character balance (Specifically for the MOTHER kids and heavies that don't have speed or good recovery) to the point where characters like Bowser can actually stand a chance at any level of play,
-More characters. All the Brawl characters returning plus Mewtwo (with both his original and new X & Y appearance), Ridley, K. Rool, Mega Man, and Pac-Man (the latter two if Nintendo can get the rights to them), and any number of top candidates (Paper Mario, Dixie Kong, *insert new Pokémon here*, Samurai Goroh, ROY, Crom, Takamaru, Shulk, Isaac, Miis, ) that equals a great roster about 47-53 characters big.
-Improvements for past characters' moves. I want to see Link's Gale Boomerang not be worthless, Mario's FLUDD actually have an effect, and Ness' PK Flash not be worthless aside from a few FFA's.
-More alternate costumes, other character inspired costumes (ie: Peach in a Daisy or Rosalina-colored dress, Mario in a Wario colored outfit), and a color palette for us to make personal editions of characters primary and secondary colors.
-Allow us to save these color palettes and save as many as we want (so long as we have the memory space).
-All previously playable stadium modes (boss run, break the targets,
board the platforms, multi-man *insert game name here*, Home Run contest), etc, with up to 4 players each, and generic levels for both break the targets and board the platforms, as well as character specific levels (to where once you beat all the character specific levels, you can do them with any character).
-A more fleshed out Training Mode where you can actually learn various techniques and skills as taught by the game.
-Have it to where the Training Mode "helps" players who want to become good competitive players can now do so if they so please by using it to learn stuff.
-Online play that is actually modern, and doesn't lag or go at half a frame per hour.
-The ability for fans to host fan-hosted (private?) servers (maybe=???).
-All stadium modes, story mode, and whatnot to be playable to up to 4 players.
-Online play that allows us to do any game mode we do offline online, including training mode, any sort of special multiplayer modes (ie: Giant Melee/Brawl), all stadium modes, and adventure mode with up to 4 players.
-A Stage Builder that allows us to import and/or create things like backgrounds and set pieces, as well as allow us to use all the set pieces on other stages to make stages, allow us to create stages of customizable sizes (not just 3 generic sizes; ie: low roof, short right, and walk off stages), and one that we can more easily share with friends.
-A stage builder that also allows you to edit all the stadium modes (boss run, break the targets, board the platforms, the successor to Multi-Man Melee/Brawl).
-Random online matchmaking to allow for all the modes I mentioned previously. Also, having stock mode be the default.
-Incredible next gen graphics for Smash Wii U.
-Incredible next gen processing for Smash Wii U that allows us to have more items, NPC's, background things, and action happening.
-Graphics and processing in Smash 3DS that is comparable to Melee and/or Brawl.
-No exclusive stages, items, and especially characters (sans one game coming out later and then the other game getting it).
-DLC or something to where we can re-add all the past stages (please?). This includes all version of Battlefield and Final Destination, as well as The Smash 64 Training Stage and ESPECIALLY THE METAL MARIO/METAL CAVERN STAGE!!!
-New awesome and varied stages.
-The option to turn stage hazards and transformations off, possibly individually.
-The ability to change item appearances individually (ie: turning Hammers on Very High, but Bumpers on Very Low... at the same time).
-Continuing on this point, allow us to limit the items that can be on the stage at a time (ie: 3 items maximum or 30 maximum at a stage at once).
-Multiple character entrances.
-More character specifically aimed dialogue (like what happened with the Space Animals).
-Each character has their own victory theme (including transformations like Sheik/Zelda and Samus/ZSS; maybe exclude the Pokémon Trainers from this).
-A new Melee-esk "Adventure Mode" where you have to explore and go through areas from many Nintendo franchises (including possibly ones without playable characters), as well as any 3rd party franchises with playable characters. Basically, it would work like a Super Mario Bros/DKC platformer game, but with smash fighting mechanics, a few boss and minor enemies, and whatnot.
-A new REAL Story Mode/Adventure Mode, where the characters actually talk, do stuff, and there is an easy to follow plot.
-The plot of the REAL STORY MODE is about all the characters and follows each of them (picking up at different times), and the setting is all of their worlds (and how they are all somehow connected through whatever evil thing connects them and tries to take them all over). Basically, you can be Mario in Hyrule, Donkey Kong in Dreamland, or Fox in *insert Pokémon region/location here*).
-Maybe make it replayable to where you can get stuff from revisiting places, take multiple paths in levels, and backtrack, and more importantly, TO WHERE YOU WANT TO DO ALL THAT!!!
-Keep the story mode cut scenes to where you can re-watch it, and even have a cinema mode like some games have now.
-Maybe make it to where the Stickers or whatever you acquire to "power up" your characters can be used outside of the Story Mode.
-Allow us to reuse stickers, instead of them disappearing after we used them.
-Two different Final Smashes: One that's a super attack (ie: Mario's super final, Link and Toon Link's Triforce Slash, Samus' Super Charge Beam Blast, Ike's Great Aether) and one that's a super transformation (Bowser becoming Giga Bowser, Diddy Kong's Jetpack Super Mode, Fox, Falco, and Wolf's Landmaster, Sonic becoming Super Sonic).
-Allow multiple Final Smashes to be used at once.
-Separate these two with different "Smash Ball" like items.
-Possibly include a "bar mode" where you can use either a Final Smash Super Attack or Super Transformation, like in traditional fighting games, as an option.
-Allow Super Attack Final Smashes and Super Transformation Final Smashes to hurt and even kill each other.
-A special Melee/Brawl successor Mode to where each character is always in their super transformation mode, and they do battle. Just imagine... a Landmaster vs. Giga Bowser vs. Super Sonic vs. Super Gyro ROB.

-No cloned Final Smashes (ie: just give either Fox or Falco a Landmaster, and Wolf a Wolfen that uses different kind of lasers and works differently).
-Patches to fix inevitable glitches (ie: the black hole on Hyrule Temple; wavedashing is not a glitch people, it's a result of a momentum caused by direction changing in an air dodge), super imbalances (see: Snake's f-Tilt range, planking, etc), and anything like that.
-If there are balancing patches, make them to where we can turn them on and off, like you can in BlazBlue!!!
-A game speed that is faster than Brawl but slower than Melee.
-If possible for at least Smash Wii U, consider adding up to 6 player offline and online multiplayer. Seriously, 1 vs. 2 vs. 3, 3 vs. 3, 2 vs. 2 vs. 2, 1 vs. 4, 1 vs. 5, 2 vs. 3... there's so much potential. As a competitive player, I would love to see 3 vs. 3 smash bros matches.
-Re-add bonus mode for no apparent reason other than to add a new mode.
-Make coin mode not totally suck (that's the hardest thing I've listed so far!).

-Make a "Battle of the Hill" mode where we can possibly "choose" or "modify" what is the "Hill."
-Make a "Juggernaut"-esk mode.[/SIZE]
-Make a "Capture the Flag"-esk mode (although it will only really be good on certain stages).
-Give Stamina Mode a stock and time limit option (where you can use either, both, or neither).
-Maybe an online ladder mode, possibly for various modes, along with possibly a leaderboards of some (similar?) sort as well.
-Make it to where we can easily add SONGS, VOICE OVERS, AND SOUND EFFECTS, whether main menu music, stage songs, the various mode songs, or any sort of voices or sound to stuff, and add them with up to however much memory we have.
-Possibly leave something in the programming to where we the modding community can add an unlimited number of characters. That way, we can continue to add to the roster.
-Allow mic chat on/off options for online play, and integrate friend's mode and match hoping in (ie: Joining a friends match with a fair amount of health and stocks).
-Allow replays of any time length for any game mode.
-Put a basic video editor in the game so we can edit our replays of just about anything with basic but cool special effects, camera angles, pauses, notes, etc.
-Allow us to upload replays to sites like youtube or a specialized site instantly.
-Allow us to share these with friends easily, or upload them on the Smash online thing where people can find and watch videos. Do this with stages for any mode and textures and color palettes made in game, too (much like how that "Pick Mii" channel worked).
-Allow us to share stages (for any mode), replays texture mods, or music options (made in game) online, going off what I just said.
-Allow the return of taunt cancelling.
-Give each character four taunts (make sideways control pad different taunts), and actually give Snake more than one taunt.
-A more fleshed out tournament mode with more options for several rounds that can be shared throughout the internet. Have things like double, triple, or even quadruple elimination, pools, etc, best of whatever (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, sets, etc) to where tournaments could actually use it, and allow us to possibly do this in any order. This could help TO's for when there's say a pool of 4 people so they have a recorded screen of the results for each pool, and it verifies honesty.
-I don't care about wavedashing, but wavelanding as a result of landing (much like the sliding backwards mechanic, except both ways not) or some sort of similar landing mechanic that causes similar sliding should be in the game.
-If we get DLC, make it worth our time if we have to pay for it. However, I'd pay just about any amount for any DLC!

-More diversity with stage sizes. Melee had way too many small stages, Smash 64 had too many big stages, but Brawl had it about right, although I'd still like to see more multi-leveled stages (as in like Battlefield with 3 levels) that don't suck.
-Support all the USB GameCube controller things.
-Have a gameplay system to where good offense beats good defense almost all the time, and good offense beats slightly better defense some of the time.
-No more planking.
-More hit/launch angles (like double what Brawl had, which I think was 16, so that would mean 32) for at least Smash Wii U.
-Name entries up to at least 10 letters long.
-Universal shield start up/ending and grab release frames/time. We don't want a Ness/Lucas situation again.
-A possibility for bots to be harder, and have different kind of play styles at different levels (like training mode, but with different styles; all out aggressive, long-range offense, short-range offense, defensive, grabbing-based, aerial, etc).
-Possibly (just possibly) give every character a Z-air attack.
-Return the Melee tether grab mechanics to where they can't get super easily edge hogged.
-Allow for player-made mods/patches to at least be easier to be done (again, make it to where like BlazBlue you can choose the mod). Again, this allows people to enjoy multiple versions of the game. This could also allow the competitive community(s) to make the game super duper balanced.
-Make it to where the C-stick in the air (when you use it) does not automatically make you fast fall, unless say you have that option on or you slam it.
-Lastly, a same-date worldwide release so Japan doesn't get the game months before North and South America, and all the PAL regions don't have to wait over half a year again. If Pokémon can do it now with X & Y, then Smash can do it, and I don't give a crap what Final Fantasy (which is trash now btw) does, but that's how it should be, because it's the freaking 21st century and the 2010's already, and if you don't agree, then eff you.
-Super lastly, don't release either game until you feel they are very complete Mr. Masahiro Sakurai and your constituents at Namco Bandai (and HAL?).[/collapse]I know most of these things are hard to do, but if we can at least some of most of this, we'll have a great game... especially the gameplay stuff, which trumps all. The bonus crap would be cool, but hey, we can live without it, and it could just be DLC anyways!
I'm confident Sakurai and Namco Bandai will do good by all of us with both games, and even if they don't, hey we can mod them! Project 64, Melee, or even Brawl both of those games up to where we got the two best smash bros games anyways!