Sadly, I fell in to the trap of reading this thread my self.... Essentially he just started the thread to upset people, and try to make some people actually believe she is the easiet to win with at higher levels... As the other very experienced players said, her moves can be very difficult to use at times.
And since when was Samus a tough character? Work on your mind games etc.. a couple recovery tactics and missiles.. and bam you have a samus. Ofcourse she takes time to refine as ALL characters do...
And I love how you are trying to use "Facts" Reddragon where you lack them the most. People say " Look at how often a shiek wins a tourney", you just say,
right people, show me facts!". Um, well champ we are, you just don't feel like acknowledging them, though its not like a troll ever does...
And ya we are telling you that you are a noob, based off your anti-logic. I don't feel we need to add any more justifications to our argument as to whether or not shiek is easy to win tourneys with because we have given more than an ample amount for you to look up and possibly acknowledge...
We should probly all just ignore this thread from here on out, becuase he himself barely responds. And when he does its just, "o I am a noob huh!" and well ya we know you are and you apparenlty know that too. And I would be **** shocked if you actually responded to my post in more than one area, which we all know you are just doing to say " o you think I am a noob" and then you'll probly say some profound line that doesnt even relate to the topic. well, here is your chance champ.... Enlighten me, or better yet enlighten your self alittle...Chief...