Unpopular opinions? Okay. Here are some of mine, off the top of my head.
- I really couldn't get into Xenoblade Chronicles. Granted, maybe it just had a slow start, but it could also be that I much prefer turn-based RPGs to action RPGs.
- Animal Crossing is incredibly boring. It's charming, yeah, and it has neat quirky characters, but as a
game I can't stand it. Life Sims in general aren't my forte, but having my villagers leave and weeds ransack my town because heaven forbid I didn't play the game in a while is awful. That and I can't really get behind a game that's literally about doing simple chores...I play games to get away from that.
The only part in New Leaf that appealed to me was collecting things for the museum. I loved that. If the games were just that I'd love it a lot more.
- I don't mind the New Super Mario Bros. games. It's obvious to me that Nintendo wants one available per system since obviously not every consumer has every system ever. That, and they're solid platformers.
- Team Rocket is second only to Team Flare as the worst Pokémon villainous team, though this is likely a product of their time. That doesn't mean I can't criticize it though.
- Going off of that, as far as region appearance and geography, Kanto and Johto are easily the worst. Straight, linear paths and virtually no topographic variety. Bleh. In this regard, Sinnoh is my favorite.
- Unova is easily my favorite region over all and Black and Black 2 are my favorite Pokémon games (though Moon is coming scarily close to joining them).
- I'm happy AM2R got taken down. Making a free version of a game Nintendo
sells on their eShop is dumb, regardless of the final product's quality.
- I could never get into F-Zero and vastly prefer Mario Kart when it comes to racing games.
- I'm glad the "face petting" was removed/toned down in the international versions of Fire Emblem Fates. "Artistic integrity" be damned, that ****'s creepy as hell. Fire Emblem isn't Pokémon Amie/Refresh.
- Obligatory "Chrom would have been awesome in Smash wtf Sakurai"
- As someone who really enjoys the character and wants to see him in Smash, people really overstate how "popular" King K. Rool is.
- I find nothing appealing about Yokai Watch, either from a character design or gameplay perspective. People give Pokémon a hard time for guys like Trubbish or Klefki, but tons of the Yokai are recolors and one literally has an ass for a face.
- I legitimately and non-ironically enjoy Minesweeper.