- Long time without posting .. but I think this is the best place to vent some (minor) discontent I'm feeling right now..
I'm a collector, and primarily a Nintendo fan.. meaning that I get every system of them (and of other companies as well) when I have the chance and the money for it. But, also as an average customer, I enjoy the expectation and excitement for a new console and new games.. And I really feel the same thing about the general concept of the Nintendo Switch! I think it's an amazing idea, very appealing for the mass public, and I still risk to say that it's revolutionary for the handheld market as well.. which will guarantee a really big impact and success in short or long term. But... I'm concerned about the rumours and some confirmations we have until now regarding about ports... Wii U ports, to be more specific..
Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Smash4, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Mario Maker.. and we just got the confirmation that LEGO City Undercover is coming as well.. without mention that Breath of the Wild, although being released at the same time of the Wii U version, is a port as well.. (and I tell you, I'll buy it for the Wii U.. this title is no system seller for me, since I already have the system which I will play the game..); The premise of ''more people playing the games'' (most defended) is nice on paper.. and I really wish some of those who didn't play these gems, had the opportunity (.. buying a Wii U when they had the chance..), but as a Wii U owner.. the news of all these titles coming to the Switch does nothing to me... Half of them I already have, or I plan to buy them down the road... why I would buy another system just for play these games?
Sure.. I expect games like Smash and Mario Kart to have more content (not much, but some more..), but that's not exciting enough.. they aren't new games. I hope to see Smash 5 and Mario Kart 9 at the end or middle of Switch's lifecicle, because having the same game of the previous system, would be really disappointing for me.. a break of long tradition in the franchises, and fading away the big deal which is having a new entry on them on each new system... Because if not, I'll not be playing the Mario Kart of the Switch... just the Mario Kart of the Wii U.. on the Switch..
And as a customer, I fear being harmed.. I bought all these games, I spent money on them, and I bought a console to play them! and.. principally here on Brazil.. that's a lot of money, much more than most of the countries. How can I feel if my purchases are not valuable anymore?.. I mean, for me, won't change much, since I'll stay with all the titles I bought, and if it was released as an exclusive, it remains an exclusive (like Sonic Lost World being released on PC, ZombiU for the other consoles.. Hyrule Warriors, Mario Maker and Yoshi's Woolly World for the 3DS, etc, etc..), but the re-releases is just like Nintendo mocking everything that I already invested... and I'm certain that are some people feeling that as well (sadly, not enough.. since I only found place to post this in the Unpopular Gaming Opinions)..
By the financial and business standpoint, I see that Nintendo has much more to gain allowing and developing these ports for the new system. If more than mere 13 Million people who bought the Wii U have the interest of having these titles, is more than good for them! They already have a ton of potential demand, and I see them succeding to sell.. But 13 Million, besides being a small scope in an userbase for a console (How much the PS4 has? 40 Million? more? I'm uninformed..), isn't few people.. they seriously will upset them? upset me? I'm not special or anything, and I'm not implying this.. but I'm mad that I put money on something they won't even bother to stay with their word and remain the games on Wii U to be its attractive, and keep them (and the console) worth of your bucks. The GameCube was a commercial failure, and not many games of the library was ported ..If I buy one now, I'll have great games to play only on that system. Same applies for the Dreamcast.. heck, even the Virtual Boy never got ports of its good games!
I really hope the Switch does well, and I'll probably get one after a year or so.. but won't be because of the ports. And if they want to make these games appealing once more.. they have to make a lot of enhancements and more content, at the point of not even being the same games (which.. I don't know what would be worth of development time).
--Oh.. and don't you forget that Pokémon Stars is also coming.. too bad you already have your Pokémon Sun, Cyber... too bad.. (well, this one, to be fair.. they started to develop too late on 3DS life.. but still, is another bummer).