Good stuff. If that's the case, can you check out several rooms for me? The ones I had in mind were NRH 1250, The Fireside Lounge, or one of the conference rooms in the SAU. Our best bet will probably be NRH 1250, which I dont mind at all. The dates I want to start out with would be Thursday, Dec 2, Friday Dec 3, Saturday Dec 4, and Sunday Dec, 5. I am sure that within this board, there should be a day in there that everyone can make it. Thats the first week of the new quarter for RIT, so everyone will be back at school. As for the times, I figure people have the majority of their classes during the day, so on Thursday and Friday, we should check out for anytime after noon. Saturday and Sunday, any time is game, so let me know what happens with that. Once we get a date and time down, we can start asking people to bring in tv's and cubes. If you really want to be smooth, you can see what the deal is behind reserving tv's and vcr's, in which case, we would only need people to bring in their cubes and a copy of smash.