you shouldn't be losing stocks to falco's chain spike, oli can consistently quarter circle DI onto the stage even when he grabs you RIGHT NEXT TO IT. just spam a quarter rotation from down towards the stage, and you will land on the stage every time. you can also tech it after you land on the stage and either:
a) tech in place and punish his dair
b) tech roll towards the stage to be on the inside of the stage and him in a bad position
c) tech roll towards the edge, not recommended but if he catches on you can QCDI he will land on the stage and fsmash towards it because most people roll in that direction if they land on the stage in that situation
imo, bf is the best counterpick. there are tons of platforms to screw up his laser camping, he has a hard time approaching because of the platforms, and it's a med/med-far range so you aren't being out camped, overall i like to take falco to here and FD if they don't ban it
also, every time i try to dthrow follow up he goes way too far unless i grab him at low %, which wouldn't that mean fthrow/uthrow are better combo options unless at low%? =/ i could be wrong
could we get some videos of olimar ****** on this match up? it would be much apreciated! it's hard to see all of this come together sometimes with just talk this is me vs. bloodcross a while back, since then i have picked up quarter circle di so chain spiking doesn't work anymore besides for damage
2 final notes: if they don't di down your nair to shield, you can nair smash. if they do, you can pivot grab or utilt if their shield is small
you can also di down most multi-hit attacks when grounded and do a dsmash or something, for instance, in my vid i di'ed his fair down and usmashed him, you can di gnw's turtle down and dsmash, marths sideb when he does the quick jabs "downb during combo" and do a dsmash, etc.