Wow...You know what? I actually thought the VERY same thing for about a week, but I sort of ignored the idea after a while.

Oh, well. I have to admit though, you have a point, sometimes it feels like Larry Koopa is the most advertised Koopaling, so yeah, maybe this was orchestrated....

Still, like you said, all of this seems to point to Larry and his brothers and sister (personally counting Jr. as his little bro. Darn my headcanon!

) as all being playable! We should also give some credit to Captain Olimar and Alph for obvious reasons.

Now we don't have to be afraid that the announcer won't "truly" acknowledge the Koopalings anymore, if Alph's recent "confirmation" is any indication, It looks like they'll all be referred to as "separate" characters by the announcer! I can't wait to see them playable! It's been so long since I've been this hype for playable characters! Now all I need is Bandana Dee
