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WA Power Rankings: August 2014 Update

Jun 27, 2005
the west
Nate took Cort to game 3 and should have taken him out in singles >_>
If he should have one, he would've.
Bracket matches aren't the entire tournament.

edit - not trying tp put nate down or anything, but its lie when nate got mad when adam was like "nate should be moved down". same thing, but in my case.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
Well I mean he did win the past two GCs and placed the highest of all the WA players at SCC. It would be silly not to move him up at least one spot if not two IMO


Smash Lord
May 22, 2006
Lynnwood, WA
Well I guess tournament placings dont directly relate to skill...

Nate you're being too nice/modest, thats why everyone underrates you.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
You weren't there, you don't know how a lot of things went really, and you don't know much about serious ranking criteria. I'm pretty much only going to discuss this with Nate, seeing as how we do this all the time and we already know a lot about the situation, and everyone else doesn't really.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
You weren't there, you don't know how a lot of things went really, and you don't know much about serious ranking criteria. I'm pretty much only going to discuss this with Nate, seeing as how we do this all the time and we already know a lot about the situation, and everyone else doesn't really.
this @ me?


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
oops, thought jem posted not sagemoon, so not obvously :p
but yeah. jace posted same time as me.
Oh whoops I didn't see the time each post came LOL

:/ sorry, I'm not saying Nate or Ka are better than you, or that your better than them; You three are sort've like in a league of your own here in WA; I mean you 3 are really close in skill and what not so I thought that Nate having three consecutive placings higher than any Wa player would be intricate enough to break him free from his 3rd rank. But your right I wasn't there (:() and I don't understand everything bout the situation. So yeh, you two discuss the problem - but snap! I thought there were like 7 panelists to discuss these problems not two lols

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
The one thing we had in common @ SCC is playing SS, and I did "better." Its a harder matchup for Marth than fox, even if Marth does have the advantage... He does have Lunin experience but still, its not like he doesn't have Marth experience and he only barely lost to Ken.

Also against Cort I took him to last stock high % both matches that I lost and he got 4th beating Chu Dat as well.

My only real failure in the last 2 months have been 2nd round pools and I played terrible and still managed to pull off 1st seed of bob$ DC Hayato and Kira. No johns though.

And like they say, were all so close, so if I've been doing the best, I feel that makes me the best.

Against Ammon I have won our last 4 sets too. And I'm not trying to state obvious, but to get 1st @ 2 GCs I had to beat people who beat you or people that beat people who beat you.

I just feel evidence is on my side and that I earned the #1 spot.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
Edit and quick reply aren't working for me...

Anyways, sorry I didn't post on other forum its because I'm @ work and SWF wasn't working at all when I was @ home.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Ehhhh. I still think Ammon is better than both of us, clearly. Sure, you beat him at GCs, but WA tourneys in my eyes don't count for much at all anymore. What left does Ammon have to prove? Luigi is limied and if he can't keep getting much better vs things likeyour marth, and you can, its dumb to even use that as a reason to move up, when its obvious that ammon wouldve done better than you (and me) at a few ponts at SCC.
once you know how to play luigi, he isnt good anymore, and thats why he isnt so high on the tier list. imitations, when people actually takw the time to beat him. if i really, really wanted to beat amon again, i could if i just used the reasons why fox is top of the tier list. playing gay. i dont feel the need to go out of my way and have slow matches like that just to prove how i can beat WA...again and again, like us 3 have.

if u want above me, and others agree, fine. above ammon, no. i really dont think that should happen.
we lose to gay match ups, even if theyre bad ppl. ammon wouldnt. even when hes luigi.

thought i had something else to say, but w/e
i still think im better. :p not to be a **** about it, just saying.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
I honestly don't see a strong argument there and you can't say you know what Ammon would have done. The fact is he wasn't there and for that reason we can't use it strongly for any argument. You say WA tourneys don't matter when its all we really have to go off of. That makes no sense. Honestly Otto, all I have to say is no johns, I don't understand what you have against me but I think it needs to stop.

On top of all that, the second you placed higher than me @ one touny I thought you were better and moved you up.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Nothing against you, just that you said you should be number 1.
I just thought otherwise. Sorry If I made it seem as though I hate you and that's why you shouldn't be or something.
It's just I think Ammon is better than you, and me, and all of WA. I mean, you don't disagree that he would've done everything we did at SCC, or OC3 do you? If not better I'd assume, at least in most cases. I don't KNOW this, but knowing Ammon, and how he beat everyone at FC, he could.

Another reason I'm saying to WA tourneys don't matter as much for that (You and Ammon) is because if a Marth knows how to fight a Luigi, and a Luigi knows how to fight a Marth, marth will win. Especially since you guys aren't far from each other skill wise. Luigi is much more limited and once you see through limited possibility range, it becomes a lot easier. So I'm just saying beating his Luigi like that isn't THAT much of a reason to go up.

Also, sure GC is all we have to base you and Ammon off of now (Sort of), but that doesn't make it count for that much more than It should, at all. I wouldn't be comfortable with anyone going above Ammon until going to a major tourney with him and doing considerably better.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
I'm pretty much only going to discuss this with Nate, seeing as how we do this all the time and we already know a lot about the situation, and everyone else doesn't really.



but Otto, in DJ Combo's first post on this page just resonates what I stated except with specific details and evidence: He's won the past 2 GCs and did the best at SCC in which ''it would be silly if he didn't move up at least one spot if not two'' >_>

If you say Nate understands serious ranking citeria, then so do I hahalol ;)


and maybe mod too



anyway srrsly though, lol, you three are indeed obviously very, very close in skill, and with that I don't think either one of you is actually better than the other: realistically, of course though, you can't really say your all equal......
Nate doing so well so recently is something that can't be missed. I honestly can't see why he shouldn't be moved at LEAST one spot. C'mon, he earned his two victories at Gc and his few triumphs at scc.

but wat do i know haha
Jun 27, 2005
the west


but Otto, in DJ Combo's first post on this page just resonates what I stated except with specific details and evidence: He's won the past 2 GCs and did the best at SCC in which ''it would be silly if he didn't move up at least one spot if not two'' >_>

If you say Nate understands serious ranking citeria, then so do I hahalol ;)


and maybe mod too



anyway srrsly though, lol, you three are indeed obviously very, very close in skill, and with that I don't think either one of you is actually better than the other: realistically, of course though, you can't really say your all equal......
Nate doing so well so recently is something that can't be missed. I honestly can't see why he shouldn't be moved at LEAST one spot. C'mon, he earned his two victories at Gc and his few triumphs at scc.

but wat do i know haha
when i said that, i meant SCC. seeng as how thats what the debate is primarily about since we were about even after those 2 GCs.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
well, I mean Nate said he should be moved to first and explained in detail why with specific citings from SCC which kinda backed up wat i said
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Yeah, Nate said that. Exactly why I was only talking to Nate, because he's the only one who could've have backed it up correctly. xD


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
but because Nate explained in detail why he thought he was better in detail, it doesn't change the fact that my statement was correct. Sure I didn't have any of the facts because i wasn't there, but I didn't need any back-up to make the same decision as Nate, whom knows all the serious ranking criteria, did.


I'm a natural born panelist lulz :cool:

haha Otto this isn't anything serious, I'm justkidding.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
Yea chip its all good, you did say what i was gonna say but i knew he wanted to hear from me is all. We decided to let the panel decide.

Edit: I'd also like to hear what Ammon has to say and that I hope there are no hard feelings from anything I said =).


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
If you thought I posted instead of Sagemoon, how did you say I wasnt there? Cause I was.. I watched all of you play in Singles.

I guess this is my last input for PR before I never check smashboards again:

I think if Nate can take finals from Ammon one more GC, he should take Ammon's spot. Because Ammon dominated for a year, 2 months shouldnt take that away. I liked how Nate did in Singles at SCC, minus the choking on Cort on that game 3 where he should of won. Had he won that, he would have had a chance at 4th place, like where Cort placed.

My only negative was really, i think Nate lost teams for him and Otto vs Tang and Silent Spectre. Don't take it as me being rude, but you F-Smashed him once and edge-hogged Otto. Not saying you arent good at teams, I just think Otto is better in teams.

Have fun with smash guys, see ya.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
from tournament results and what i have seen from non Washington tournaments.

i would have to say

Ka > silent wolf > DJ combo

but thats only judging from ka masters 1 out of state tournament and my knowledge of socal players and how silent wolf and DJ combo did against them at 0c3 and SCC.

and i also think its silly to give ka master luigi johns. he doesnt have to play a "limited character". so if his character is causing him to lose so dj combo's marth it should sitll be considered. but just because DJ combo has shown he can beat the number 1 player doesnt really mean hes better. because ka master would most likely beat many of the people DJ combo loses to. but i guess DJ combo deserves a little puch for actually traveling.

but yeah i <3 all you washington guys and i love to watch you play. i think you guys need to focus less on who is better than who and jus thave fun with things. i think your guys only problem is you become obsessed with being better than other people. its a game. and you all are very good at it so give props to each other.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
You are right ROFL about past performances, but I worked my game a LOT after the OC/FC trip and improved vastly... it is still impossible to tell who's better.

Edit: Oh and this game is my life, I want to be the best there is. You may not understand my thinking, but I don't understand yours either =).

And I just wish the list to be correct, truly. Though I don't think its possible to have it right on.

And when I say this game that includes brawl, so please don't say, melee is almost done its a waste of time ^^;.

Luigi Ka-master

Smash Lord
Sep 8, 2005
Laie, HI
Oi, I figured I'd eventually have to be brought into this.

My opinion is probably gonna be as useless in confirming anything as anyone elses, but w/e.

My opinion is...as dumb as it is to have someone say this again, it seems too difficult to really determine who should be at the top of the PR, and that waiting for the next tournament's results is the best option for getting the answer.

The major tourneys are kind of hard to factor into things, because I didn't go to SCC, and because Nate was like dead at FC. On the matter of GCs, ROFL was right. It's been my own choice to use Luigi, and Nate's definately taken the necessary actions to get an advantage on me, whether it was his intention or not *cough*making Luigi his secondary and being good with him *cough* so no johnzerman for me. Similarly for Otto, it's been his choice to sandbag against me at GCs/OR, so yeah..

Now, from what I've gathered from the SCC results, even though Nate placed higher than Otto, Nate's actual accomplishments and performance in 1v1 doesn't seem to be much greater than Otto's. (Regaurding who defeated who)

At least, not a greater enough performance to fully prove he should go above Otto, IMO. But it is obvious that Nate's gotten a lot better since FC/OC.

So uhh...Gameclucks...yaaah...>_<
Jun 27, 2005
the west
You saying you do after every GC probably.
"I don't like try in WA tourneys, but i still do"

Thats been a pretty big and irritating john that Ammon, myself, and I'm sure others are kind of irritated by.
I guess I just still do that good vs everyone without trying then huh?

I just don't like how I play the exact same players every time and once you've beaten them enough, and know you're better, you don't feel the need to prove yourself as much. I still like to keep up though.

EDIT - Can't wait till brawl makes it fun for us for another 6 years. :p


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I guess I just still do that good vs everyone without trying then huh?

I just don't like how I play the exact same players every time and once you've beaten them enough, and know you're better, you don't feel the need to prove yourself as much. I still like to keep up though.

EDIT - Can't wait till brawl makes it fun for us for another 6 years. :p
Well if you want to prove your better, you can't just go with the same ol' "If I tried, I'd pwn your pants off, but since I didn't try, owellz. Not like I need money or anything."

Pretty dumb of you to not try if you have this unfathomable mythical skill that you hold back while your in WA just because you don't like trying vs us, mainly because your losing out on money if thats the case.

EDIT: Also pretty aggravating, because then whenever me or Dan beat you you say you don't try or something equally far fetched. No johns. If anything, just stick with not playing well, because that doesn't sound ********.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
When it comes to WA tourneys, It's not only that I'm tired of WA competition (Aside from Ammon) it's that If I don't play Fox, I won't be high in the rankings, and I won't have a chance a OOS tourneys. If I say I'm better, I have no proof, unless I play Fox. Fox is so boring to the point where apparently none of you understand, and that's why I don't use that as a john. I don't have fun with the game anymore unless I'm playing Falcon. I won't win, so I don't play him in tourney. I won't get anywhere with him. I don't want to start over in the end, with a new character, so I'm waiting it out as best I can. Hard to believe Isai's been doing it for much longer. I'm not like him though, I'm not willing to go out across the country and play any old character. I don't really care about the money at GC at all really. I don't need it. All I would use to use it for is entering the next one, which was motivation enough because they were fun, but they're not. I'm going Falcon at GC. I continue playing Fox and going to major tourneys because I like to impress players with my technical skill, and have them know that I'm the most technical. That's all I have in life, may as well share it, since it's fun to spread the games limits and show off, or whatever. I wish I never started playing smash.

EDIT - I understand WA tourneys are just about all you have for smash, Ammon, but I have never sandbagged you.

Double Edit - Technical skill is my primary interest in the game. Not much left to that. Brawl had better deliver.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
When it comes to WA tourneys, It's not only that I'm tired of WA competition (Aside from Ammon) it's that If I don't play Fox, I won't be high in the rankings, and I won't have a chance a OOS tourneys. If I say I'm better, I have no proof, unless I play Fox. Fox is so boring to the point where apparently none of you understand, and that's why I don't use that as a john. I don't have fun with the game anymore unless I'm playing Falcon. I won't win, so I don't play him in tourney. I won't get anywhere with him. I don't want to start over in the end, with a new character, so I'm waiting it out as best I can. Hard to believe Isai's been doing it for much longer. I'm not like him though, I'm not willing to go out across the country and play any old character. I don't really care about the money at GC at all really. I don't need it. All I would use to use it for is entering the next one, which was motivation enough because they were fun, but they're not. I'm going Falcon at GC. I continue playing Fox and going to major tourneys because I like to impress players with my technical skill, and have them know that I'm the most technical. That's all I have in life, may as well share it, since it's fun to spread the games limits and show off, or whatever. I wish I never started playing smash.

EDIT - I understand WA tourneys are just about all you have for smash, Ammon, but I have never sandbagged you.

Double Edit - Technical skill is my primary interest in the game. Not much left to that. Brawl had better deliver.

umm, Otto?

*twittles thumbs*

I was really hoping if I could get to play you more at GC and gets some more practice against your Fox. I could only start to imagine how boring it must be for you playing the same characther over and over at the same tournament with the same people too, but there are players, like me, who want to exponentially increase their skill at this game still. My matches with you were just bad and I can't stand for it; I just need the practice -_;;;

It's bad here in EaWa, I can't play anyone anymore that is close to my skill level. I haven't played with Deva in like a month and it's just amazingly difficult to get practice. The only thing Deva and I have to look forward to, is every month for GC. We travel so far every month and it costs so much money every trip and back (no johns) just to compete and get better. I just really really want our trips to be worth something every time we go, and the only way to do that is if we get the practice we need every time we get there.

I don't know, sorry for butting my head in your guy's bussiness lately :p

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
I've always played and loved Luigi, and as soon as I got kind of good at him it did help me a ton vs. you... but its not the reason at all that I play him.

At this point our rankings are pointless. In the fact that they make us think thoughts like that(I have too about Shane picking up Marth.) And its too hard to tell anyway because theres always johns and there is always an "air" about us even in friendlies that makes us not try hard in fear of trying hard and losing. I'm just gonna play and have fun and try to win and be confident that I will win in tourny. And if I lose and stay in 3rd, whatever its never bugged me before until I won so I'll just take every tournament as an opportunity to get better and play hard in order to one day beat some of the best in the nation when there is no "style/character" johns.

Luigi Ka-master

Smash Lord
Sep 8, 2005
Laie, HI
What makes you think I was sandbagging Ammon?

if i really, really wanted to beat ammon again, i could if i just used the reasons why fox is top of the tier list. playing gay.

That would kind of be considered sandbagging. If you're purposefully holding back winning methods that you're capable of performing, regaurdless of what they are, then you're technically sandbagging. But I can also understand why you wouldn't consider it sandbagging, I think.

And I completely feel the same way about the Falcon situation lol. Actually, it's probably to a lesser degree, because I still find playing Luigi relatively fun at GCs. But yeah, Falcon's really really fun...to a point where by playing him I have the most fun possible with smash.

And @ Nate, I didn't mean you were conceited or anything for picking up Luigi as your secondary, lol. It's obvious you play him because you like him, because of how good you are with him. I was just saying that it is one of the ways you can gain more advantages on someone else, and quite an intelligent way too.


Smash Champion
May 4, 2007
Kirkland, Washington
Your guys' level is too **** close to seperate into 3 different rankings, especially when you get into points like character matchups, bad luck, and someone who doesn't go to out of state tournaments. Right now my major goal is to try to get into the power rankings before Brawl comes out. I know it's pretty impossible, you guys probably won't even change the rankings before then, but it gives me something high to shoot for.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2005
Des Moines/Renton, WA
lol. hey, its like before. only now in smashboards instead of Panelists' thread. and it doesnt involve me this time.

I guess I just gotta go win GC and **** everything up. =P
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