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VSA Tampa, Florida resullts 2/28


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Melee singles (tournament was an 8 man pool)

1. Hungrybox :jigglypuff:
2. Redhalberd :shiek:
3. Action B@stard :falcon:

Brawl Doubles

1. HRNUT & Redhalberd (Consider the bills paid)
2. Hungrybox & Kyon (Lucky Penny)
3. Mampam & Dewdadash

Brawl Singles 28 entrants

1. HRNut :snake: :zerosuitsamus: (Split)
2. RedHalberd :snake: :metaknight: (Split)
3. GDX :diddy: (Lost to RedHalberd twice)
4. Mampam :diddy::snake: (Lost to HRNut and GDX)
5. Hungrybox :dedede: (Lost to GDX and Mampam)
5. Ed!!! :shiek: :zelda: (Lost to Ganja first round and wrecked thru losers then lost to GDX)
7. Kyon :peach: (Lost to Mampam and Ed!!!)
7. M@V :falco: (Lost to RedHalberd and HBOX)
9. D-Torr :zerosuitsamus: :yoshi2: :lucario: (Lost to HRNut and Ed!!!)
9. DewDaDash :dedede:
9. M!x :snake:
9. ???

Fill in the placings if you can. Thanks to everyone who came out and big ups to VSA for coming to Tampa.


Smash Champion
Oct 28, 2008
well i guess ill post shoutouts now then 2 bed

dtorr- yo man we need to play summore matches next time
tha naples crew - im pissed @ myself that i had all the time in the world for melee matches but didnt really play any of you guys :cry: i wont make that mistake twice i was siked as hell u guys came tho
ag4u2nv - thank you SOOOO much for training me the night before we gotta play more for sure
veggi - always a pleasure to have you over im glad you came with your friends tell them i gave them a shoutout as well and their welcome over my house any time they want
takao - YOU DONT SUCK MAN!!! you got a pretty good marth just keep workin on it ill try to come to your place more often
redhal - had fun playing you in tournament ill show ya thabriznuiz next time
scidadle - my brotha from anotha motha you pulled off some good **** in friendlies just gotta stop choking in tournament i know u can do it
ed - thank you SO MUCH for driving all of us to my place after the tourney and THEN taking mampam and redhal home and with the best music ever :crazy: god u da mannnnnnnn
hbox - had fun playin u in tournament sorry about your controller that really really sucks hope u fix that Z button
hum - good seeing you there your buu impersonation is truely too good
heromystic - good playing you today keep practicing that mario
sugarless - glad u came to tha tournament my smashfest is coming up soon within a month and we will have 5$ pools
todd - thanks a million for hosting this tournament sorry about all the drama @ the
action b - your NOT the worst falcon in florida, not by a mile
end about my TV and wii and stuff just got a bit worried :ohwell:
anyone i missed that felt they deserved a shoutout: sorry but my brain is literally fried right now from playing so much melee so thats my john

all in all a really fun tournament despite low melee attendance it was still a blast

just wait the time for tampa to rise is approaching faster than you think so watch out florida


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
1. HRNut (Split) good talking to you. That ain't Nick Riddle!

2. RedHalberd (Split) I was having a very close set vs this guy...until my shield broke. ;______;

3. GDX (Lost to RedHalberd twice) That 5 guys triple burger was HUGE.

4. Mampam (Lost to HRNut and GDX)

5. Hungrybox (Lost to GDX and Mampam) You know me too well since we play so much :(. I hate DDD's tech-chasing . Btw, vs diddy, go to stages that don't have large open flat areas. They are very very bad news.

5. Ed!!! (Lost to Ganja first round and wrecked thru losers then lost to GDX) Wtf, a good Zelda O_o?

7. Kyon (Lost to Mampam and Ed!!!)- We tied xD. Good stuff in doubles along with hbox.

7. M@V (Lost to RedHalberd and HBOX) Hey, you didn't lose your cool once during a tourney set. But still, GET BETTER SCRUB. And don't let you shield break either >.>

9. D-Torr (Lost to HRNut and Ed!!!) Good talking to you.

9. DewDaDash

9. M!x


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2009
2. RedHalberd (Split) I was having a very close set vs this guy...until my shield broke. ;______;
again lol, HE broke ur shield........... >_>

Ed!!! with the mad losers bracket ****.......... as zelda O_O


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Breaking my own shield....THE ULTIMATE MINDGAME. They would be so shocked, they would RPG me wouldn't know what to do.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
If Pikachu has his back to the edge he can fall off and grab the edge when his shield breaks. True story.

I don't know if some of you people are on the boards, but oh well.

L33T Metaknight-Pretty cool guy. I'm sorry I made our match so bizarre.

Pinoy-My new favorite Pit main.

D-Torr-I think you were ZSS I played, TV going out in our match was kind of funny.

Hbox-I'll getcha next time.

Kira7-You should have gone Kirby in the matches you played, stupid.

Beefy-Why do you have to live so far away? Fun times anyway.

Halberd-I want to play you again since we didn't get to play you at this tourney.

Polmex-Same as Halberd.

Ed-Fun games, dumb princess.

HeroMystic-Super Soaker makes DK angry.

Scidadle-Nice meeting you again.

Aglow-Glad to meet you outside the PM system, your IC are definitely nothing to be ashamed of. You're a lot better than I thought you would be.

M@V-Good Game.

Trump-Good Game.

Good Games to the other people I played to. I'll suck less next time. Watch out FL, Veggi's gonna get a new pair of shoes.


Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2008
Outer Haven

Yummy!: Nice to see you again bro, I wish we could of played a lil but next time for sure :) thanks for your help bro. I saw you play some melee matches, it was tight :)
Mampam: Damm man I like our set a lot, I really wanted to play you some more but we had to go >_< next time we meet for sure man, we gotta ditto and I wanna play your sick Diddy again! we gotta figure out the matchup!!! nd your mad cool bro.
Ed: alwayz a pleasure bro, I had fun in our sets for teams and friendlies. ****s always fun man. next time we should mm???
Heroe_Mystic: good to see u again, u didnt recognized me at first :laugh: next time we gotta play!
Hal: I wanted to play you but I've had a headache through the tournament so I barely played any friendlies, Next time we MM for realz, I left early too. had fun seen u play.
Hungry Caja: dang man you still got it -Snaps Fingers- LMAO, that time in winterfest should have been recoded for realzz too good man :laugh:
Kyon: loong time no see bro, your peach is still beast, next time I wanna play u for realz. and u gotta hook me up with some Tips XD
L33t_MK & Lucas kid: fun set, gg to both of you and if we meet again, friendlies would be cool!
Pol_MEX: I had fun in teams bro, we gotta friendlie for realz... uno a uno, que no!?!?!? and where the hell is MONK!?!?!?!?!? havent seen that guy in like forever :(

If I missed anyone, :ohwell: good Shxt!

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