Just got done with a tourney last week, and I plan to train up for a bigger tourney next week, so some critique would be appreciated:
'Fro(Samus) vs. NJzFinest(DK)
'Fro(Samus) vs. KSO (Fox/Falcon):
'Fro(Samus) vs. NJzFinest (Sheik):
Thanks in advance, fellas!
Video 1 VS DK
Why did you let him charge up? Put pressure on him while he's vulnerable!
Those Bairs you will never get through. Wait for him to get too close with his spacing and try to WD under them OR shield and then Up B out of it.
Try not to do the second part of the jab. It's not that great and itleaves you a smige open.
Watch out for that Uair juggle. I'm not sure what to tell you other than DIing far left or right instead of up or down. He'll get you if you stay orizontally the same.
DK's range is decepitvely large. Don't let him fool you. Space correctly and you can punish him ok, but be careful.
Don't be so afraid to shield him. Obviously don't get grabbed because it either leads to an upthrow follwed by Uairs or a Fthrow off the edge followed by Bair edgaurding, but shield none the less.
Nice call on the charge shot.
Ewww... cheap death with the grab off the edge.
Video 2 VS DK
When DK is in Bair mode, grabbing generally doesn't work since he's off the ground.
Well it looked like the last one, so I'm moving on.
Video VS Fox
If fox is going to take the time to shine the missile, then do this. Do a MC, follow it and then hit him out of the Shine lag from reflecting with a Dair. Even at 0% this sets up for a combo into a Dsmash or fsmash.
If he starst wrecking you with shines, start dropping bombs. It's difficult to get in on someone when there is a bomb there. If he runs in with an attack, just CC and punish, works every time on fox.
Be careful where you land out of an Up B. Had he Upsmashed you, you would have been dead for sure. Don't always go away eitehr, coming straight down can throw people off too.
Don't hesitate so much. You keep waiting for him to do something so you can punish, and that's good, but you are waiting far too long! You have to do something...
I think that Fox is very scared of your charge blast. I think you would be better off holding on to one and punishing him every time he tries to shine it. I think you would get more damage in that way than in the shot itself
Video VS Falcon
Despite popular belief, windmill of fury does not, in fact, win games.
Wow... that was a fast first stock.
Ow, he kneed your toe. Watch for that.
When he came out to finish you off and missed, you could have really caught him on his mistake instead of falling back.
No chargeshot left behid man. Shoot to kill with those, not to scare.
Don't over use the Up B against Falcon. It's good for what it's worth, but if you use it too much he will predict it and punsih you before you can do anything. Moderation is key.
Nice shot with his tech. That's how you do it.
Ew, way too high on that recovery. Had you been going for the sweetspot, you could have at least wall-teched it and recovered.
Keep cool. Don't start flurrying around if you miss a few hits. Ragining into unaimed dash attacks and jabs won't get you any closer to that hit you need. Back up, regroup, and go back in.
Nice utilt.
That's another reason why I like the Tilt BTW. You are less liekly to get grabbed by Falcon's Up B.
Was that an accidental Upsmash? I hate those >_> I hate that move <_<
Don't get caught up in missiles so much that you forget your spacing. If he's on the ground, he's as fast as sonic, so don't leave yourself open!
Time those tilts.
Video VS Sheik
Sheik's Bair > Samus. Shield it.
Watch out for Sheiks Needle triangle. Air needles are the hypotenues, ground needles are the base, and she is the... side... wall... thingy. Basicly, watch out for the firing angle she's at.
Work on that Battlefield grapple sweetspot. It's very small, no room for error. Either that, or don't be afraid to grapple under and either wall jump back of float back.
If Sheik starts being a jerk with the platform Bair wall, WD forward with your shield up and break it. She'll be forced to do something new or you can Up B her. Whatever you feel like. Just keep the pressure on.
Don't try to jump the needles either. Just shield them as you approach or you will get hit. It's all part of their plan to do that to you.
Watch that diagonal needle on recovery, that's her primary edgegaurd. If you can get around that, you can get back against her. Jsut know that nothing you have will break through it, not even the up B.
While the Dsmash is good against her, don't over do it. It's predicatable to spam it like that.
to edgegaurd a sheik: Grab the edge, wait for her to start the up B, roll get up. If she goes for the edge, she'll die from not being able to grab it. If she goes for the stage, free it to back off the stage. It may not be fun, but it works.
I would say don't even bother using the charge shot against sheik onthe stage. Almost everything she has will eat it up, even 1 single needle. Use it against her on her recovery while she's still far out. It will force her to FF or double jump to avoid it and ruin her options for reovery near the stage.
DO NOT TRY TO CC PUNISH SHEIK. It only ends in lots and lots of pain on YOU.
Uh... the ending? What happened?