FASTFALL YOUR UP-BS! (and other moves, for that matter).
For out-of-shield options: look at KLit/Barbie's post; for "correct" Falco shield pressure, up-b/roll are the safest options. vs lasers, stay in shield; if they seem to be following up lasers with attacks, shield the attack and then do something, but if they go for laser->grabs, try mixing in some spotdodges/up-bs.
General things:
You spotdodge in weird positions a lot. Spotdodges aren't as good vs Falco's dair because it lasts a long time; personally I prefer spotdodging vs Falco only if I'm predicting a grab. Also, don't try to spotdodge lasers o_O (happens around 1:00:00:18) In general, if you spotdodge this much, better players will just wait for your spotdodge and then punish.
When you miss techs, you tend to get-up attack a looooot.
Your movement is a bit slow/choppy--you get caught in things like run turnaround animation, fulljump slow-fall, etc a bunch. You also walk a loooot, which might not be necessarily bad, but it's slower/more predictable. Work on movement; try adding wavelands, longer wavedashes, etc to your game.
You do a lot of airdodges onto the stage--why? If they're close by but far from the ledge, it's probably safer to go for the ledge. Also, don't get hit by Falco's forward-b.
A bunch of times, you walk under Falco on a platform. I'm pretty sure that's just a strictly bad position for you, since nothing beats Falco's dair. Stay under a different platform and charge or wait or something.
Work on your missiling--see Barbie's post and You cancel a lot of your missiles, in the sense that you hit the ground and don't shoot the missile
You do a ton of dash attacks. They're not bad, but if shielded/whiffed, are very very easy to punish. In the neutral game, you should probably try to stay away from dash attack as much as possible.
Individual sets:
vs first falco:
The first Falco seemed to just laser pressure you for a bit to wear down your shield, and then approach and hope for a shieldpoke/mistake by you. He also got some pretty good dair techchases on you--try DIing away?
Vs a laser-heavy Falco, I'd suggest against going to Stadium/FD--they can just camp you from across the stage (less so on Stadium, but it's not fun to have a Falco just lasering you all day...)
Your up-b at 1:03:46 is inexplicable (how could it possibly hit him?), but then again I do that sort of crap too
Try wavedashing out instead.
vs second falco:
You got daired a bunch for recovering high and doing a airdodge/doublejump. Go for the ledge. Also, you don't seem to like airdodging before you grapple? It can help you aim.
around 1:14:45 you do some up-air -> missiles, but the missiles have no chance of hitting. :/
at 1:15:25ish you go for a really weird nair off the stage when the Falco has already returned... and then you up-b onto the stage right in front of Falco
vs marth: I don't really like FoD vs Marth... the platforms are really good for Marth. Work on your spacing and DI out of combos. Predict grabs and spotdodge them. Also, your one goal in this matchup is to never be above Marth; he didn't even juggle you much, but you got hit a lot :/ Ftilt more. HugS really likes wavedashing out of shield into shield vs Marth (basically shield with one of L/R and wavedash with the other.)
You could've recovered vs that last down-air if you grapple -> walljump -> upb'd
I'm pretty impressed by your "sweetspotting grapple without airdodging."
vs fox: upthrow vs fastfallers!!
You should be able to upb a fox dair. Also, your upbs that didn't land on platforms and didn't get fastfalled were punished every time.
You seem really impatient about throwing out moves (dash attack, fsmash, grab, etc) and just get punished for them. Spend a little time spacing yourself, see how he moves, etc.
Also, watch good Samuses (Plup, HugS, Duck, Darrell, etc) and watch what they do