Indeed i do. Message me back when youre ready for me to visit and drop it off.
Better aerials that can actually hit below him, better specials (Freeze is much easier to hit than Flash, both the fires are preference, lucas' better for zoning, ness' better for grab setups, Magnet is a kill move and stops any 'bait out the magnet and approach play', and thunder gimps and is a less gimpable recovery), has a tether grab, making for a more reliable recovery than thunder, a thunder that recovers past blastzones, ez bake kill setups from grab (dthrow to upair, and dthrow sends them into so much hitstun its almost impossible not to get the upair) that kill ~the same as ness' bthrow (depending on if the vertical blastzone is closer/more farther away from horizontal), dthrow combos in general (so much hitstun that you can combo at any %, unlike ness' which dthrow>fair combo stops working at mid %s), better zoning than Ness with zair and pkfire, actual spikes, etc.
Once you accept that hes not a Ness clone and stop playing him as such, hes actually p. gud.