Tounrney of Fate 8 results
Teams Bracket
1: Alpha Kenny Buddy (Kenny + Yaz)
2: Team **** McGee (X + Lada)
3: Biggie Smalls (Staz + Dark Ryu)
4: Bluff Check Bros (Rade + WaffleCan)
5: Team Sneaky (Lanky + Spudz)
5: Wisconsin Cheese Gang (Pwny + Meat)
7: Death by Aniki (Final + DS4)
7: Death Kings (Eric + Braedon)
Singles Bracket
1: X
2: Kenny
3: Yaz
4: Dark Ryu
5: Waff
5: Rade
7: Lada
7: Staz
9: wangston
9: Lanky Gunner
9: Spudz
9: Corrupt Fate
13: Pwny
13: DZLE
13: Ragel
13: Flying J
17: Meat
17: Braiden
17: Swa huh geekhead
17: Final
17: Nul
17: Jesus
17: Zeros
17: Green Monkey
Melee Bracket
1: PC
2: X
3: Yaz
4: Minato
5: Lada
5: Lanky
7: Eric
9: Final
9: Braiden
13: DS4
This went very nicely, had several old faces and a few new ones. I hope to see you guys some more.
However, someone jammed a penny in our equipment. Because of this I will not have anyone back behind the counter unless they either A) work there B) are one of the people that I have talked to about helping me run it. You are more then welcome to send me a PM if you wanta help out I will be needing a replacement for Wangston soon

. If you are back behind the counter and not for one of those reasons (other then a quick look at the bracket, and I am trying to find a good way to make it so the bracket is in a very visable place) I will ask you to get out of the box, if I need to ask twice I will do something else (Ie. remove you from the tourney or whatever) I dont want to do this, but I also dont want these to be stopped either.
Also a few people were complaining to me about how the bracket looked, and Kenny and myself seeded the whole thing so that it fit in with offical seeding, and made it so noone was playing close friends/family in the first round. Beloe is how a bracket should look, and we seeded to match that. If you would like to read up on this here is a good link that Dryu provided for me.
If you have any questions or concerns please PM me. And I still need at least one more person to replace wangston in helping me.
Thanks to all my helpers: Ken neth, Rade, Wangston (and a little handful of help from Dryu and Lanky) And Nul for fixing the penny problem.