Alright, festivities are done. Now to explain about X's banning.
Honestly, this probably should have happened a long time ago. X has repeatedly shown a lack of respect for the scene, or even just people for that matter. Anyone who has helped him, has not nor will ever truly get a return favor. To him, it's always been about him and his needs, and literally can not see why other people may be upset with him. I probably can say I've known him a long time compared to many here, and there's been a drastic change from when I knew him before my mission in 2008 to after my return in 2010.
Ignoring the many times I have given a ride and he's ******* about giving gas, ignoring the "coincidental" missing of items with him at fests or tourneys with things going missing, ignoring the completely cocky attitude he has about needing to cater to him above all else, let me describe the personal issues I've had as his point of character.
*His tournament back in fall of last year (can't remember the month) - Him, as the host, caused grand finals to be late for close to 1.5 hours, for him picking up pizza. Pizza. Should not have been that long. Then he wanted me, who was helping run the tournament, to not do the next game before he finished his. To my discredit, I did slam my fist against the wall of his house. Later he had the audacity to tell me that a "good host shouldn't do that" and to keep my cool. Yes, I know I have a minor temper. But God help me if the next fist slam wasn't in his face at that moment (it wasn't).
*His next one at his house proved worse. Basically, Vegas ran that tourney, who knows where he was.
*FanX, he showed up super late for the finals. We gave everything we could for him to just hold matches and such. Eventually had to give the win to Kevin (per agreement) in that division, and still let him compete in the next division.
*A Smasher's Tale - Heat of Battle proved difficult with him right off the bat. After showing up at noon, and me already starting about an hour late for Brawl Doubles waiting for people, he wanted me to add him and Steve in still. I told him no. He kept trying to convince me, even saying, "C'mon, not as a TO but as a friend." Two mistakes with that phrase. One - You have basically spit friendship in my face Chris. Mad? Not really. Sure as hell disappointed in you though. Two - I am TO first at these things. I run a business, one that is professional at heart. I told him he could either deal with it, or he could leave (to which he dealt with it).
*For SLCCon, he harassed one of the players. Nothing new (he's even made one player leave crying before). What made this more upsetting though is the fact that it was 1), a female player (not saying their inferior or more justifiable, but they are a minority), 2) part of a the special guests Utah3DS and I had out, and 3) was during the middle of her match (he wasn't even playing). Completely unacceptable. Again, God help me not talking to him about that (someone else did, to clarify).
*Again, he was super later. His excuse? He lives in Provo, which is an hour away, and security blah blah blah blah. Not a good excuse. Two times you've been late for a major tournament to Utah, which could have EASILY been solved if you left at, oh, 9 AM, got there at 10 (which would've actually been about 9:45 since driving), and gotten through the Special Guests line informed to go through by about 10:15 and ready at 10:30, when you were told to come by anyway as an extra measure.
Yes, super long post, but needs the background story examples. I'm tired of this bull****, and will not stand for it any longer. If you don't agree with me, so be it, you have your own opinion. But for a scene, I cannot allow this go any longer, especially given my position. Also given my position, it means a lot of the tournaments that happen he won't be allowed to even be on scene for. Any further disruptions, yes, I will get the authorities involved. Having him is exactly like having a parasite around, and I'm removing that for bigger growth that will happen.
If you feel you have any strong objections, please, message me. Do know though if you're newish to the scene, you've probably only seen the facade he puts on, which is a damn good one I might add. That's why con artists exist though. I would advise others to adopt the same standard of him being banned from tournaments and smash fests.
Chris, if by some chance you actually read this, grow up already. Don't spare your reasonings with me either, because you already know I'll have none of it. And no, there's no prizes for you from SLCCon.