The difference, FtS, is usually only about an hour-n-a-half for the trip up and back. But I've already gone about rallying my crew together at my place and I don't want to just ditch out. My crew are losers that love Smash, yet cannot go to a tourny that's a short drive away for some reason. It was hard enough to get a few of them to the tourny I hosted (and none came to me second one T.T). I think paying money to play is what throws them off, especally since they don't really care about winning, but just want to have fun playing.
If I ever find a place to host a future tournament, I might try running a free one just to see what kind of turnout it would get and how people would react to it. I know we'd probably lose PC, Rafa, and Chao, but who wants to give them money anyway? (lol, jk)
If I ever find a place to host a future tournament, I might try running a free one just to see what kind of turnout it would get and how people would react to it. I know we'd probably lose PC, Rafa, and Chao, but who wants to give them money anyway? (lol, jk)