stuff was stolen yesterday, and it wasn't just one thing.
RJ has said that he isn't going to host anymore unless EVERYTHING gets returned. you know who you are, and what you've taken. this is insane. So much for respect for the community and the host. You lost your tournaments.
If you come forward to me via pm or something and talk with me, I will not tell anyone who it was and save you from the people you've stole stuff from.
If I find out or others if you don't come forward ... I'm taking drastic measures. Reporting you to the SWF boards making it so you're banned to any tourney that is posted on here, and I will call all the local places and give them a detailed description of what you look like, main, etc. Don't ruin your tourney life over something like this contact me.
You may think this is overboard, but it's not. I've done it before with halo, and it worked perfectly.
There was a chance that it was on accident, but when i opened my GC and saw the melee disk missing, I knew that we had a thief among us.
If you have any information on stuff being stolen, saw someone etc. Contact my personally and I will go from there.
We are serious about this. There is a list already of suspicious people that we've been watching. for the people that's on that list. prepare for some private chats with me or something else.
Things need to be returned to owners or the massive tourney will be called off too.
Dont ruin your chance to meet some of the best and top players in the nation. PM RED DOG NOW!
I will be copy and pasting this around every 5 posts, not as spam. but to make you guys know how serious this is. some of you screwed up way hardcore. FIX IT