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Utah Thread - Dead thread is dead

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
none of us did it.
(well at least no one that post's on SWF)
Which means ITS NOT THE SCENE.

Lol do it.
I love how you're the only one crying about this and taking it SUPER SERIOUS.
Will it really bring you that much pleasure to cancel the GEEX tourney for hundreds of people?

When? at your place? Text Kevin FOO!!!!!! <3
chris, ily and all, but your being really gay about this and it is serious, but ive given up on people giving anything back too, so expect tourneys again after this weekend.

Bwahahahahahahaha Mars laugh. We should try to put ourselves in the thief's situation. Keep in mind it could be anyone in the scene. Would you sell the stuff/enjoy it or would you risk getting in major trouble after all this pressing charges talk. Let's be realistic here. We can either wait forever for something that's not gonna happen or we can learn from this and take measures so this doesn't happen. Hopefully no one gets offended by this but I'm just being realistic.

Wow chris. stop being a **** and give a **** for once. All you care about is yourself and no one else. you say this is a family. well a family would have each others backs. like how people would steal computers to pawn then and get credit cards to help out the family.

You wouldn't do anything like that for us, so don't expect us to do anything for you.

You were also talking about how you made up with lanky... you were also telling me you were going to try and make him rage.

when he got upset at the tourney, you just sat there and laughed behind his back.

It's not about having it your way. it's about helping others. You're not going to get through life with the thought process you're currently using.

stealing topic

I could easy easy find the people who did it. I could tell RJ what people to investigate and i'm positive that we could find the person.

This is a shout out. if you think you can hide and not get found. you're wrong.

Utah Smash Scene was my 2nd family... not anymore. I could care less about half of you right now. and that's saying a lot coming from me. I'm tired of seeing people being mooched off of. picked on, and cocky players thinking they're all that, you know who you are. some joke about it, that's fine. but the people who belittle others. What's your problem. are you insecure about something? if so, go talk to someone about it and get it solved.

If that's how you get through life. you have a big awakening ahead of you.

this is directed towards everyone that it applies to.
i can afford a PI quite easily and they are far more thorough than the police

and mine

and rjs
exactly, If we start hosting again. no one is allowed on my comp either. if someone gets on. I shall get :mad:


im going to socal for GAMEFEST THIS WEEKEND!!! :D

wish me luck guys <3

r3d d09

Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Saratoga Springs, Not NY
Okay, this is how tourneys are going to be ran.

once you enter, you're required to sign a paper of an equipment list.

you will write down everything you brought, then when you leave. someone will check your bag making sure you have everything you came with and not taking anything extra.

if you don't want people looking through your crap. then don't bring a bag. bring a plastic sack with a set up and a controller for yourself. Mark everything.

My laptop is off limits. This includes everyone that will be looking at the bracket. Ask PC, he is the only person *other than myself* that is allowed to touch the laptop. Even if you won or lost. DONT TOUCH.

we are going to treat RJ's place like a venue now.

Rooms are off limits unless RJ says so.

good luck bro <4

Perfect Chaos

Smash Master
Aug 13, 2002
Salt Lake City, Utah
it seems like the only stuff that stolen was yours r3d
In addition to the extras that Sinz mentioned, I also had my WiiMote stolen back when the scene first started up again...
you will write down everything you brought, then when you leave. someone will check your bag making sure you have everything you came with and not taking anything extra.
Bleh...I bring a lot of stuff since my laptop bag is filled with stuff...so that's going to be a major pain... (And taking stuff out of it and putting it back in later before and after every tournament is going to be a pain as well... :ohwell:)MENDOKUSAI......
But that's how I supply certain people with updates of Brawl+... I guess I have to think of an alternative...


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
Okay, this is how tourneys are going to be ran.

once you enter, you're required to sign a paper of an equipment list.

you will write down everything you brought, then when you leave. someone will check your bag making sure you have everything you came with and not taking anything extra.

if you don't want people looking through your crap. then don't bring a bag. bring a plastic sack with a set up and a controller for yourself. Mark everything.

My laptop is off limits. This includes everyone that will be looking at the bracket. Ask PC, he is the only person *other than myself* that is allowed to touch the laptop. Even if you won or lost. DONT TOUCH.

we are going to treat RJ's place like a venue now.

Rooms are off limits unless RJ says so.

good luck bro <4
okay, if that's what it takes im fine with doing this. All i really bring anyway is my phone/ipod, controller, and wallet :psycho:

Death Arcana

Rum is for Drinking
Jan 3, 2009
nyuu? nyuu!!
LAN party friday at the GTI 2501 South State Street
not that anyone on here is going to show up

there's going to be computers with all kinds of games
brawl on 1 projector
and possible 360 on another projector


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
LAN party friday at the GTI 2501 South State Street
not that anyone on here is going to show up

there's going to be computers with all kinds of games
brawl on 1 projector
and possible 360 on another projector
what time is this at?

Death Arcana

Rum is for Drinking
Jan 3, 2009
nyuu? nyuu!!
oh my bad its from 5pm to 9:30pm
sinz since your so far away it might not be worth it, but you could maybe chill after at my house if its ok with my mom

minato for sure im ready to prove im the best young link anytime!
when did you move cause i have a feeling we met before

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
LAN party friday at the GTI 2501 South State Street
not that anyone on here is going to show up

there's going to be computers with all kinds of games
brawl on 1 projector
and possible 360 on another projector
The lan party is fun, but it's not even worth an hour drive. And most of the people are only playing halo 1 combat evolved on the computers, hardly worth $5.

Death Arcana

Rum is for Drinking
Jan 3, 2009
nyuu? nyuu!!
I moved last summer. Maybe I've seen you at one of the PnT tourneys or something.
i went to 3 of the ToF tournies the ones that went april-june

The lan party is fun, but it's not even worth an hour drive. And most of the people are only playing halo 1 combat evolved on the computers, hardly worth $5.
you act like you have a car


Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2008
Murray, Utah
Can i laugh at what david said xD
Yes, I know I did- but I think I laughed at your follow-up even more. :laugh:

FYI GEEX Organizers- we got another person to help out with things, so presuming we're not canceling please welcome him to the scene and get hyped and help get things organized!

Death Arcana

Rum is for Drinking
Jan 3, 2009
nyuu? nyuu!!
who's the new guy vazor

Oh and btw vazor I need more posters. I put some in the sugar house and century 16 areas
And I want put some in the Murray areas


Smash Rookie
Sep 28, 2008
Salt Lake City, UT
Hey Utah and Midwest/Mountain Area Peeps! I'm new to this forum, so forgive me if some of this is repeat. I'm Kirrus and I'm going to be one of the organizers at GEEX (www.geexshow.com) and help over see the Smash Bros. Tournament (july 16th -17th). We're planning to make this event the largest and best run Smash Tournament in the area. We're planning multiple set ups, cash prizes, and a big main stage for finals. 1v1 and 2v2 team tournaments. I would love feedback from the community on thoughts, tournament formats, potential sponsors, etc. The more input I get from you guys the better tournament we can have. I'll be posting more info and feedback on the forums as we finalize more stuff. Currently the tournament is not canceled, as I really want a Smash Tourney to happen, and was one of the people to heavily push for Smash Bros. amongst the games. As long as their is interest we can do this. So spread the word and get hype. It's Smashin' Time.

Death Arcana

Rum is for Drinking
Jan 3, 2009
nyuu? nyuu!!
Jeez you joined in 08 and have zero legit posts u sure your a smasher
Did I meet you at the meeting last Thursday?
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