I'd gladly take a Pokemon, Kid Icarus, Mario, Fire Emblem, or Pikmin rep over Metroid, LoZ, DK, or Kirby if they are more interesting and diverse to the roster instead of something we already have plenty of. I feel more outlandish characters are more important than throwing in someone, who may be lacking creativity, just for the sake of "this series deserves another rep."
Pikmin is more likely to gain a rep than people give it credit for. Pikmin 4 has been in development for quite some time and it's upcoming. There was also the handheld, the short movies, and the attention in Nintendo Land. The series is from Miyamoto and has gotten pretty solid attention from Nintendo.
Pokemon doesn't have to have cuts and if there is one, it's not the ones that most people speak of most. Only Mewtwo was the big cut for the series. Pichu was a late addition joke clone and Pokemon Trainer was a large workload gimmick character that wasn't well liked. Mewtwo came back and Charizard remained as likely the most popular part of Pokemon Trainer. And on Pokemon cuts if they do happen...
is a lot safer than people give him credit for. He won the crown of most popular Pokemon in Japan in an official poll in 2016. This is the same year that the new Smash apparently started development. Are you really telling me that they'd remove the recently crowned champion? I'm also going to be rather bitter to lose another main to be honest.
is also safer than people give him credit for. He probably was the biggest seller in terms of DLC and was the first one to be shown off. I kind of feel like the hype around his return actually stabilizes a spot for him to remain.
might actually be the weakest link in the Pokemon roster and the most likely to pack her bags. Being low priority and almost being cut on occasion makes her "original 12" argument look weaker while her stardom has definitely faded the most.
The problem with Fire Emblem isn't that it has lot of reps, it's that it has a lot of uninspiring reps. The series has swords, lances, mages, axes, mounts, bows, and laguz/animal people. What do we have? 4 swordsmen. A swordsman with mage spells. And a swordsman with animal people stuff. Cut some fat and give us some lances, axes, bows, or mounts. So while I still have the more common outlook that
making it in,
getting in as DLC, and
making a return wasn't a good choice, I'm not opposed to many characters from the series. The issue lies in who and how they were added.
was a good addition and more than likely going to remain. Retro and characters that represent systems tend to stick around even if they aren't the most popular.
is the one I use as well, which seems rather rare.
I think Ridley may not live up to expectation as a playable character in the normal light. I think a playable boss mode where 3-4 players fight another player playing as a boss could work better for him. Eggman, Titan Dweevil, Rayquaza, King Boo and the like could all become "playable" in a sense this way. It'd be a lot of work for a mode though, but I see it as the best position for Ridley. Not saying he is impossible as the other or that this type of mode is likely, but it's an idea for the middle ground.
I feel some character's support stems more from attraction than logic, causing more slandering.
I always felt the Krystal v Wolf wars pre-Brawl suffered from this as Wolf had more history to the series overall. And saying Krystal could be unique from a game she was barely playable in was always bit of s stretch, especially when she quickly adopted the regular space suit in future installments. They are also very defensive of Slippy in the current era of Smash speculation and are quick to downplay the character's role. The Daisy v Waluigi war also follows a similar suit, with Daisy fans usually being the quicker to insult Waluigi (fan base is only a meme) and defend Daisy's superiority with her one appearance in an old main game like that suddenly catapults her ahead of her competition.
This actually applies to some of the more popular picks as well though. I have seen people say that they prefer Pyra over Rex and would actually prefer Pyra alone. That seems rather odd as the characters are heavily connected to each other. To make matters stranger to me, is the people claiming Rex's design is very typical and nothing special compared to the beauty that is Pyra. While I think Rex's design is weird (those pants) and bland otherwise, I find Pyra to be extremely fan service and it detracts from her character quickly in visual department. She looks more like someone's OC in Middle School. They're two peas in the same weird pod to me.
Next up is Arms on that, since Spring Man gets some slack from some from the Min Min fans. The characters don't differ that greatly from each other from the research I gathered. Yes they have a couple quirk abilities, but the one that most people tend to fall to as the most unique and ground breaking is not that far from Spring Man in comparison to some others. Min Min has her air kick (guess what, Spring Man could get a air kick, punch, or stomp for Smash... nothing stopping anyone there) and the dragon arm. While he shouldn't have her full ability one, there is the Dragon Arm that can be used by anyone. So Spring Man could just end up switching one arm to the Dragon Arm for a special. So ugh, ya that can happen. But even if we ignore that, there are others that stand out more if that's the actual issue. Misango with his spirit masks? Helix with his pliable body? Byte & Barq's duo? Nope. People want the cute Asian girl while they pretend it's cause she is the most unique.
I have no issue with people wanting Min Min, even if it's cause they find her pretty and cute waifu material. But I find it annoying to see people tear down Spring Man's character in an attempt to justify her over him. Spring Man should be the first addition as the closest thing to a mascot the series has and being the baseline character of the series. If there is another (why not, we are scraping the barrel for many series already in Smash), then that could go to Min Min, Twintelle, Helix, Lola Pop, Master Mummy, or whoever. And I'd be cool with that.