I hope you don't mind that I'm doing this, Bagan, because it's going to be a pretty big undertaking; but I figured that I need to get my chops in BrawlBox
somehow...and I also figure that, being a Space Pirate, I should honor the Commander
Ladies and gentlemen (and Space Pirates), meet the
Project M Ridley - Retro Revamp!
View attachment 47616
As you can plainly tell, it's currently
very early in development; the only animation I have done so far is the first wait, and even then it's still a W.I.P, and it lacks any textures. But that's for later; currently, I need to focus on the actual animations.
I'm using the same animation set as Bagan's Ridley (since this is a
alternative version of it), but just modifying it so that it doesn't look horrifically deformed on the Brawl model. I may need to add more bones to the model to make it look better than it does right now, though (the tail, in particular, is really stiff at the moment).
But that's the fun of it; not only do I get to have the chance to improve my BrawlBox animating skills, I can also contribute to arguably one of my favourite Brawl mods of all time.