Small update:
I couldn't make Ridley throw opponent up, so, now he slams opponent into the ground. He doesn't has enough time to attack opponent after that without having to punish rolls or improper get up attacks unfortunately. If DTilt would be a little bit faster, he would be able to do so, but it usually hits opponent while opponent is invincible. There is another issue with it. If used close to the ledge, opponent will be thrown down off-stage. Fortunately, knockback is fixed on it, so, it never KOes on its own and Ridley can't really reach opponent in such state without risking to fall down into the blast zone.
Right now im working on aerial version and its a bit harder to do. I am limited with what i can do and if i wouldn't be able to make Ridley launch opponent diagonally with normal knockback instead of fixed knockback, then it might not work well. Have this for now:
Yes, he will be able to carry opponent anywhere he wants during aerial version of the grab for 58 frames, but he will move slowly. Throw ends with him blasting opponent out of his grasp with charged stream of fire. Also, i decided to abandon all of those specs in favor of Smash 3 rimlighting because that also fixes Super Scope/Zelda DThrow bugs and probably stage lighting bugs too and it also lowers file size of the models. Desaturated textures will be more signifficant too. I liked gloss effect on his wings, tongue, spikes, etc., but its more stable this way.